Okay, last time I'm doing this post so for the next few, they can just be forwarded to this.
Imma summarize it as neatly as I can.
Error in saves issue:
This affects all devices in general:
Patched Version
Chapter 21-23 was re-coded, and you will be forced to play back from chapter 20. Only option.
Broken saves in general
The UI was changed along with a couple of Ren-py platform issues so there will be a lot of busted-up saves.
Either you find a save you have that is working, start over, or use the saves that I posted that follow the walkthrough:
Use the name changer feature if you need to.
This affects Android users only
Book 1 and Book 2 Save file system has been recoded to ease the transition between books and enable uninstallation of MTWY without the saves getting nuked. This was done in preparation for Book 3. So because of that, all old Android ports are obsolete.
You are given two choices on how to proceed.
A. Start over from
Book 1.
B. Transfer ur save file manually using thse steps
Step-by-Step Process:
-Take your save file from here: Android>data>com.adroid.mtwy>files>saves
-Put it anywhere else, then uninstall MTWY.
-Install the new version of MTWY.
-Run MTWY and allow permissions for the app
-Transfer your save file to My file>internal storage>documents>RenPy_Saves
Word from our sponsors.
1. We do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused but the broken saves would have continued to happen in every succeeding chapter if it wasn't addressed.
2. This is a game that's in development, and the dev team has been extremely considerate and has been taking an active role in this forum with their game. Errors will happen as time goes on.
3. We have resolved the issue, but the night is darkest before dawn, so we'll just have to power through this ordeal together. We're confident that this will happen less—not super confident, maybe mildly confident.
4. No there are no workarounds/fix other than what I just posted above.