This adult Kinetic VN game has been on my watchlist for quite sometime and I finally played it for the first time today (
v0.42f ). It is relatively short considering it only took about 2 hours to complete all the public contents while letting the game play on "Auto" mode with long enough delay ( basically read all the dialogues and watched all the scenes ). Below are my initial feedbacks and/or reviews:
In a nutshell, the MC is
Nick Cage Marlowe, who is a private detective. The story is about
Nick working on various cases ( currently 2? ) which at some point in time will link or intertwine with each other. The universe in which this story takes place is ( politely speaking ) twistedly bizarre

. This VN has its own unique style of storytelling and experience which some will enjoy it, while others might take some time to adjust.
Pretty good Honey Select renders or visuals.
The women are hawt but sadly not much action yet.
The MC is neutral for me.
The story is okayish and neutral.
There are musics, although some musics do not fit well with the scene
( I am not an expert or audiophile, so you can safely ignore this for having no merit
I don't remember sound effects though because I play it while also listening to Spotify

The chapters and episodes selection are well-made. It would be nice if the game returns back to the selection screen instead of the Main Menu after completing an episode.
I am personally not a fan of the unique style of storyelling and experience, but perhaps it is because I'm lacking good taste or not artistic or cultured enough. Anyway, I am detailing what I dislike ( trying to be as objective as possible ) in the spoiler below:
Below are what I think makes this Kinetic VN less appealing to most ( especially who self-insert or self-project ):
IMO I think that the developer is much better at developing short stories, scenes and characters, but is facing difficulties when trying to tell an overarching coherent story by linking all these various short stories, scenes and characters. I hope
ShamanLab will not rush it but actually take and use as much time resources to pull it off.
All that being said, thank you for the share. All the best,
ShamanLab. Cheers.