Daz Blender Please HELP - Merging Geografts in Blender


Dec 21, 2020
Hi, im using diffeo to import this character, and idk how to merge the geografts properly. I've got Brestacular and Golden Palace though the issue seems to be with Brestacular always.
I've tried both methods, SubD Displacement and Geomentry Nodes(experimental), and i've found problems with both:

When i use SubD Displacement, i get a mismatch in skin colour, like if they materials had changed. The positive with this method is that it lets me edit the breast geometry after the merge, the wireframe behaves properly.

Captura de pantalla (195).png Captura de pantalla (196).png

When i use Geometry Nodes(expermiental), the skin color mismatch disappears and looks great. The negative side of this method is that it does not let me edit the breast geometry, the wireframes intersect.

Captura de pantalla (197).png Captura de pantalla (198).png Captura de pantalla (199).png

Can someone provide me a solution that fixes both the skin colour mismatch and the geometry edit problem. I've been searching so much about how to get this to work and found almost anything, and this is as far as i could get by myself. Thank you in advance!


Aug 7, 2020
You are not using the latest version.
You do not have to check either of the top options.
If you do not want to update. I think its an UV issue. Select the Graft. Go to UV editing. In the UV editor (left side) select everything and move it one tile to the right. (press G then X then 1). Then merge it.


Dec 21, 2020
Thanks for the reply! I solved it by deleting the veins geo shells i had added in Daz. What i still haven't been able to fix is this green contour that comes from the body surface in Daz. Any ideas?

1721421488755.png 1721421502631.png 1721421520828.png 1721421530978.png 1721421541647.png


May 15, 2018
What i still haven't been able to fix is this green contour that comes from the body surface in Daz. Any ideas?
The green contour occurs at the edge between two volume based shaders. It's a bug , some versions of Blender are affected more than others.

I don't have a solution other than switching to a principled shader setup with SSS.


Dec 21, 2020
The green contour occurs at the edge between two volume based shaders. It's a bug , some versions of Blender are affected more than others.

I don't have a solution other than switching to a principled shader setup with SSS.
Oh damn, do you know if it happens in Blender 4.2?

Thanks for the reply!


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
have you tried assigning the chest/torso material to breastacular?

Another thing I noticed is that when merging geografts their uv's end up in different islands, an easy fix for this is (I usually do this after assigning breastacular to the default torso + arms materials. So your steps might vary slightly from mine if you didnt):

1.-In the uv editor select all vertices, and count how many islands are your geograft uv's offset

2.-alt+a to deselect everything

3.-in the material panel click on the material assigned to breastacular an press the select button

4.- in the uv editor select all the vertices you need to move

5.- in the uv editor you can move vertices by exactly one island by pressing g+axis+number of islands. so to move one island to the right you would press g+x+1, if you want to move to the left you press minus before the axis g+x+(-)+1
6.- repeat for the other skin materials