The renders and models are fine, if the animations at the beginning was a preview of what may come in the future it is a good sample, in terms of history it is very little content to comment on, but it fulfills its mission of presenting us the neighborhood and several of the characters involved in the story, (only 1 sex scene and it is not the Mc I think it is already the 3 or 4 new game that do that, it is a plot of the devs?

), for how I see it in this demo the best What you can do is put avoidable kinks or maybe put future tags in the notes, to avoid war in the forum

How old is the MC supposed to be? He was married but he has no children (or they haven't made their debut yet hahaha) so maybe 30-40? If so, I think some retouching on the face would be good, it seems too old (only from my point of view, others may think differently)
Good luck whit the game Dev