- Jul 19, 2017
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- 4,056
After having gone through a bunch of different games, a lot of similarities between titles become evident. So I thought it would be fun to try to quantify some of these tropes and talk about why they work, and why they don't...Here are a few that I have come up with, feel free to comment on them, expand on them, or add your own...
The Creeper
No one is more of a creeper than Max
The creeper is generally the main character of his own game. He's not particularly attractive, has no real skills, and no driving force other than creeping on every lady, or occasional futa he meets. The Creeper will do anything to get laid, he will lie, cheat, steal, blackmail, or drug his conquests into submission. He has next to no conscience, and when he does
show the slightest of pangs, it will be gone by the next scene. Most often he is a teen, though there are exceptions. Bonus points if he's on bad terms with his father. His penis size is calculated by the length of his thumb to his pinky multiplied by the number of family members he wants to fuck. Once he's past middle age the creeper becomes the "No Life
Examples of games with creepers: Big Brother (Max), Summertime Saga, My New Life, The Artifact, Dreams of Desire, Incest Story, Lab Rats, Glassix
The No Life Dad:
No Life Dads have to pee a lot
When creepers grow up, they are miserable. They have a boring job, a decent modern apartment, and no real relationships. This is true even if they are married, as their wife will pretty much be an Ice Queen. No Life Dad's are really bad at dating, so they decided that it's just easier to go after their family, most often a daughter, and all of her hot friends.
The No Life Dad has lost his personality. Yeah, he can spout platitudes, or get fake angry, but he has no real hobbies, doesn't leave the house for any reason other than work or creeping, and is always the most boring person at the party. His moral compass is even more warped than that of the Creeper, as now he has massive power dynamics to abuse. Thankfully, years of creeping has given him a sexual aura that makes any woman want to bang him. Sadly for the No Life Dad, this only works if he follows a very specific set of steps.
It should also be noted that while most No Life Dads are actual fathers, this is not necessary, one can also simply be a creepy father figure to an innocent girl No Life Dad's also rarely have faces for some reason...Examples of games with No Life Dads: Dating My Daughter, Babysitter, Teacher's Pets, Daughter Saga, My Sweet Neighbors..
Be a gentleman
Staring at her ass is the gentlemanly thing to do.
Hey, a sweet naive virgin has come into your life. You're rich. You're good looking. You have a cock that would make Mr. Ed jealous. You really, really want to plow that hymen into next Sunday. Slow down there sport, making overt advances will just get you shut down. So what do you do? Be a Gentleman. Now being a gentleman is harder than it looks. Some may tell you being a gentleman is being kind, honest and treating the girl like a human being. Those people are all liars and/or simps.
In truth, being a gentleman is all about sexual assault in innocuous ways.
This includes:
Peeping: but only for like a turn or two. Three turns is right out
Flashing: Your dick is your only good feature, accentuate it by wearing tight underwear and "accidentally leaving the shower door open"
Groping: In theory you can grope at anytime. However a true gentleman only gropes when his lady love is asleep and defenseless.
Cheating: Now while it is true that your daughter/niece/student is the love of your life, it's taking WAY too long to get into her pants. Therefore it is totally OK to bang her Slutty Friend and the Sexy Coworker in the interim. Hey, a man has needs
Lying: "No honey, me massaging your tits is in no way sexual. It's also not an affront to man and god and illegal in all 50 states and most of Europe. BTW, Daddy could use a massage down below if you get my meaning..."
Pimping: Sometimes being a gentleman can take a long time, so why not speed things along by pimping your girl out. Yeah, there's a chance that she'll be raped by her boss because "All Bosses Suck", but there's also a good chance that you can
save her from her fate, and she'll want you all the more. And if you fail, watching her lose her innocence to a scumbag is really kinda hot.
So go out, and be classy. Also, never forget the gentleman's creed: "It's only assault if she wakes up, and it's only illegal if you get caught."
Examples of games where you can Be a Gentleman: Teacher's Pets, Dating my Daughter (trope named after the game over screens), My Sweet Neighbors, Parental Love, Babysitter
The Slutty Friend
Elena, the prototypical Slutty Friend
Every naive innocent girl is required by law to have a slutty friend. In fact they are paired up their first year in high school and will be friends forever, or at least until jealousy over the MCs cock tears them apart. The slutty friend wants to fuck everyone, and probably has. But she especially wants to fuck her best friend. But she especially especially wants to fuck her best friends' Dad/Uncle/Brother/Creeper. The Slutty friend mainly exists so that the MC can get some jail-baity action before de-virginizing the main girl, but even she will have several hoops you need to jump through to get laid. Not to be confused with the "Slut in Training"
Examples of the Slutty Friend: Milena (Sol Valley High), Olivia (Big Brother), Jessica (Babysitter), Shasha (My New Life), Elena (Dating my Daughter), Nicole (Incest Story)
The Stairway to Heaven:
Look it's been 6 months, can you at least touch it a little?
No one ever has sex on the first date. Especially not horny teenagers or consenting adults. Sex isn't spontaneous it's actually a very specific set of steps that must be fulfilled, in a specific order. Not only that, but you can only move forward one step per date at a maximum. Anything else would be uncivilized. Often considered a form of "Blue Balling" by
The Universal Steps are:
1. Kissing
2. Light Petting
3. Heavy Petting
4. Handjob/Pussy Rub
5. Fingering
6. Tit job
7. Blow Job/Cunnilingus
8. Vaginal
9. Anal
Some girls have longer stairways than others, if so the following steps can be added around numbers 6 and 7: Thigh Fucking, Butt cheek fucking, Footjob, Sensual Massage.
That's all for now, more to come soon including: Dad's a Dick, The Best Bud, All Bosses Suck, The Weinstein, The Magical Cock, Mind Control's Not Rape, Rape isn't Rape, Older Sisters are sluts, Younger sisters are virgins, and Mom needs Dick
The Creeper

No one is more of a creeper than Max
The creeper is generally the main character of his own game. He's not particularly attractive, has no real skills, and no driving force other than creeping on every lady, or occasional futa he meets. The Creeper will do anything to get laid, he will lie, cheat, steal, blackmail, or drug his conquests into submission. He has next to no conscience, and when he does
show the slightest of pangs, it will be gone by the next scene. Most often he is a teen, though there are exceptions. Bonus points if he's on bad terms with his father. His penis size is calculated by the length of his thumb to his pinky multiplied by the number of family members he wants to fuck. Once he's past middle age the creeper becomes the "No Life
Examples of games with creepers: Big Brother (Max), Summertime Saga, My New Life, The Artifact, Dreams of Desire, Incest Story, Lab Rats, Glassix
The No Life Dad:

No Life Dads have to pee a lot
When creepers grow up, they are miserable. They have a boring job, a decent modern apartment, and no real relationships. This is true even if they are married, as their wife will pretty much be an Ice Queen. No Life Dad's are really bad at dating, so they decided that it's just easier to go after their family, most often a daughter, and all of her hot friends.
The No Life Dad has lost his personality. Yeah, he can spout platitudes, or get fake angry, but he has no real hobbies, doesn't leave the house for any reason other than work or creeping, and is always the most boring person at the party. His moral compass is even more warped than that of the Creeper, as now he has massive power dynamics to abuse. Thankfully, years of creeping has given him a sexual aura that makes any woman want to bang him. Sadly for the No Life Dad, this only works if he follows a very specific set of steps.
It should also be noted that while most No Life Dads are actual fathers, this is not necessary, one can also simply be a creepy father figure to an innocent girl No Life Dad's also rarely have faces for some reason...Examples of games with No Life Dads: Dating My Daughter, Babysitter, Teacher's Pets, Daughter Saga, My Sweet Neighbors..
Be a gentleman

Staring at her ass is the gentlemanly thing to do.
Hey, a sweet naive virgin has come into your life. You're rich. You're good looking. You have a cock that would make Mr. Ed jealous. You really, really want to plow that hymen into next Sunday. Slow down there sport, making overt advances will just get you shut down. So what do you do? Be a Gentleman. Now being a gentleman is harder than it looks. Some may tell you being a gentleman is being kind, honest and treating the girl like a human being. Those people are all liars and/or simps.
In truth, being a gentleman is all about sexual assault in innocuous ways.
This includes:
Peeping: but only for like a turn or two. Three turns is right out
Flashing: Your dick is your only good feature, accentuate it by wearing tight underwear and "accidentally leaving the shower door open"
Groping: In theory you can grope at anytime. However a true gentleman only gropes when his lady love is asleep and defenseless.
Cheating: Now while it is true that your daughter/niece/student is the love of your life, it's taking WAY too long to get into her pants. Therefore it is totally OK to bang her Slutty Friend and the Sexy Coworker in the interim. Hey, a man has needs
Lying: "No honey, me massaging your tits is in no way sexual. It's also not an affront to man and god and illegal in all 50 states and most of Europe. BTW, Daddy could use a massage down below if you get my meaning..."
Pimping: Sometimes being a gentleman can take a long time, so why not speed things along by pimping your girl out. Yeah, there's a chance that she'll be raped by her boss because "All Bosses Suck", but there's also a good chance that you can
save her from her fate, and she'll want you all the more. And if you fail, watching her lose her innocence to a scumbag is really kinda hot.
So go out, and be classy. Also, never forget the gentleman's creed: "It's only assault if she wakes up, and it's only illegal if you get caught."
Examples of games where you can Be a Gentleman: Teacher's Pets, Dating my Daughter (trope named after the game over screens), My Sweet Neighbors, Parental Love, Babysitter
The Slutty Friend

Elena, the prototypical Slutty Friend
Every naive innocent girl is required by law to have a slutty friend. In fact they are paired up their first year in high school and will be friends forever, or at least until jealousy over the MCs cock tears them apart. The slutty friend wants to fuck everyone, and probably has. But she especially wants to fuck her best friend. But she especially especially wants to fuck her best friends' Dad/Uncle/Brother/Creeper. The Slutty friend mainly exists so that the MC can get some jail-baity action before de-virginizing the main girl, but even she will have several hoops you need to jump through to get laid. Not to be confused with the "Slut in Training"
Examples of the Slutty Friend: Milena (Sol Valley High), Olivia (Big Brother), Jessica (Babysitter), Shasha (My New Life), Elena (Dating my Daughter), Nicole (Incest Story)
The Stairway to Heaven:

Look it's been 6 months, can you at least touch it a little?
No one ever has sex on the first date. Especially not horny teenagers or consenting adults. Sex isn't spontaneous it's actually a very specific set of steps that must be fulfilled, in a specific order. Not only that, but you can only move forward one step per date at a maximum. Anything else would be uncivilized. Often considered a form of "Blue Balling" by
The Universal Steps are:
1. Kissing
2. Light Petting
3. Heavy Petting
4. Handjob/Pussy Rub
5. Fingering
6. Tit job
7. Blow Job/Cunnilingus
8. Vaginal
9. Anal
Some girls have longer stairways than others, if so the following steps can be added around numbers 6 and 7: Thigh Fucking, Butt cheek fucking, Footjob, Sensual Massage.
That's all for now, more to come soon including: Dad's a Dick, The Best Bud, All Bosses Suck, The Weinstein, The Magical Cock, Mind Control's Not Rape, Rape isn't Rape, Older Sisters are sluts, Younger sisters are virgins, and Mom needs Dick
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