Daz Problem with saving custom categories

Apr 7, 2020
I have installed a lot of resources and created my own category structure that allows me to find everything I want, fairly quickly. The problem is that I want to save this structure, in case something happens, so that I can re-import it tomorrow.
I followed a tutorial, which says to do this:

- right click on smart content
- content db manteinance
- put the flag on “export user data”
- accept

then I see a scroll bar (so something is happening) and in the folder \My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Support
I should find a file called


Only I can't find the file anywhere.
Can anyone help me? Thank you
Apr 7, 2020
You are right man! It's in C:/Users/****/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Support/ and it's called

UserData_1.dsx intead of UserData_PublicBuild_1.dsx

Many many Thanks
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