Seeking Recommend me good translated hentai RPGM


May 31, 2017
I finished Liz of the Tower and Nobleman's Retort and really liked them both was hoping if there are any more games like them. And I just really like the artwork


Active Member
May 28, 2017
There are actually a ton of these games that are translated unofficially. If you go to the ulmf forum you can find alot, and some guides on how to translate (Don't worry, it is very easy!)
I really like one you will find on page 2 called muchi muchi, about a very beautiful, but sexually oblivious girl who gets into situations where people take advantage of her.

These are all unofficial translations however, and some are poor and not completed.

For official stuff have a look at Most of those are visual novels, but I do know the rance games involve alot of rpg elements, but without being rpgm games though.