I guess I got too clever for myself. I was trying to avoid spoilers and "hide" the fact that the MC, well, as you said, can EVENTUALLY have sex with everyone. In other boards, people can get REAL nasty when I let that slip.Which character are you referring to? You can have sex with every girl in the game.
But if the Dev says it's ok... ok. I'm really sorry about that.
Maybe it's all in my head, but with Laura, MC's resistance was the highest, even above Mia. Doubling down the fact that I chose "Laura ended it NOT me between game 1 and 2." I thought the text would reflect that more, and I'd have more than just the Chap.10 fuck.
Can't say it enough times, I love the game. Still, I just wish most games didn't START with MC not wanting a LI in a VN (i.e. let the player Y/N that initial interation). Kinetic? Np. Then again, I'm not a world class dev like Inceton, so wtf do I know.
Apologies again for fucking up how I said it. Great game. Great dev. Sorry for being dumb about it.
(It's not all candies and roses though. I still double down on my "one sentence fixes all" thing, IRL and in games... heh. I'm still me.)