About those 2 oh so bad bad scenes...well I can't say to much without being snarky
and making the delicate flowers who whine about them cry but:
The creator of this VN tells a story. A story with a beginning and an ending.
To make a coherent way from the beginnig to the ending certain waypoints
have to be passed. Also a story has a build up and a climax and in order
to increase the dramatic art for the climax, dramatic things have to happen, duh!
If you want a fairytale world without anything bad happening,
consume media meant for pre and elementary school kids.
Of course you could also whine about it on some anonymous interet board
but honestly, that's the wimp thing to do.
We got a good VN here, with the right quality, the right amount of content,
actual sex happening and not in dream sequences or flash backs (

), a good story
and decent english so effing enjoy it! The next cheap cashgrab is just around the corner.