Hi all,
My information is below, but very basically I am creating a Renpy visual novel and unfortunately I am very new and basic at coding and would like a little help when I am ready to finalize everything. I started working on this on February 18th (I am keeping a daily log of work for my own sanity and encouragement haha!) and feel there is some light down the road to finish a first version/demo/0.1. The game is a femdom based world/situation for the MC, but he will have the ability to overcome this and choose a more dominant path if the submissive route is not to their liking. I am hoping for meaningful player choice causing different narratives.
- My working title is The Karlsson Gambit although I haven't thought hard about this yet.
- As of this writing, I have completed since February 18th about 7,000 words and 150 pictures. I believe a rough goal I have is maybe 15,000 words and 300 pictures or so to feel like I have a decent amount to release. I assume I will need until the end of the month to finish rough drafts of narrative/pictures and then spend some time at the end editing and checking everything. It is during this process I think I would want the help I am requesting. I know I will have some problems with my art (primarily because my GPU is only 6GB) with quality textures and surfaces not looking great being sacrificed to fit characters/scenes but there isn't much I can do about this quite yet. (maybe later I ask for artist help but not yet) I'd like the coding look first.
I haven't done a Patreon yet, although I guess I will soon. I am doing this more out of enjoyment and make a pretty good living with a fun job right now (and feel very lucky about it!), but of course if this is more fun down the road, I am open to what the future holds. I probably have about 4-5 future committed Patrons ready right now with about 100-150 dollars or so a month to start (been asking me to do this a while!) as higher tier people for at least six months so I figure this will be my asset buying and maybe seed money at first to get a coder, etc.
Looking for:
- Renpy coder -- more specifically, to check over all my existing code and look for improvements, changes, and then adding choice based conversation additions based on past choices made prior. I think I understand the basics of how to do this, but would like a pro looking at how to put this together in the cleanest way possible so I can learn from someone good as this element of referencing back to prior choices in conversation (not choices themselves as I do get that pretty well) constantly is something I may use a lot.
Employment Type:
- I am open to paying a flat fee on this for a one-time thing, but I would like to first at least discuss it with the right person, etc.
Work commitment:
One off for now, but open to something later if it works out and the game/relationship works really well. I don't want to commit or promise anything more than necessary to be fair to anyone.
Preferred method of contact:
For now, just this site and my email is [email protected] as I don't have anything else set up quite yet. That may change later obviously.
Job Description:
As above, Renpy coder to look over my draft of code and then work with me on adding more choice based narrative callbacks based on prior decisions to add flavor to narrative.
Additional comments:
I'll look at everyone fairly, but prefer someone that would at least enjoy femdom based narrative with some variations.
Some samples of artwork as I learn, please be gentle haha! (oh the male weird face on the "meat" male side character is narrative based, he is kind of lobotomized in a sense hee hee)
My information is below, but very basically I am creating a Renpy visual novel and unfortunately I am very new and basic at coding and would like a little help when I am ready to finalize everything. I started working on this on February 18th (I am keeping a daily log of work for my own sanity and encouragement haha!) and feel there is some light down the road to finish a first version/demo/0.1. The game is a femdom based world/situation for the MC, but he will have the ability to overcome this and choose a more dominant path if the submissive route is not to their liking. I am hoping for meaningful player choice causing different narratives.
- My working title is The Karlsson Gambit although I haven't thought hard about this yet.
- As of this writing, I have completed since February 18th about 7,000 words and 150 pictures. I believe a rough goal I have is maybe 15,000 words and 300 pictures or so to feel like I have a decent amount to release. I assume I will need until the end of the month to finish rough drafts of narrative/pictures and then spend some time at the end editing and checking everything. It is during this process I think I would want the help I am requesting. I know I will have some problems with my art (primarily because my GPU is only 6GB) with quality textures and surfaces not looking great being sacrificed to fit characters/scenes but there isn't much I can do about this quite yet. (maybe later I ask for artist help but not yet) I'd like the coding look first.
I haven't done a Patreon yet, although I guess I will soon. I am doing this more out of enjoyment and make a pretty good living with a fun job right now (and feel very lucky about it!), but of course if this is more fun down the road, I am open to what the future holds. I probably have about 4-5 future committed Patrons ready right now with about 100-150 dollars or so a month to start (been asking me to do this a while!) as higher tier people for at least six months so I figure this will be my asset buying and maybe seed money at first to get a coder, etc.
Looking for:
- Renpy coder -- more specifically, to check over all my existing code and look for improvements, changes, and then adding choice based conversation additions based on past choices made prior. I think I understand the basics of how to do this, but would like a pro looking at how to put this together in the cleanest way possible so I can learn from someone good as this element of referencing back to prior choices in conversation (not choices themselves as I do get that pretty well) constantly is something I may use a lot.
Employment Type:
- I am open to paying a flat fee on this for a one-time thing, but I would like to first at least discuss it with the right person, etc.
Work commitment:
One off for now, but open to something later if it works out and the game/relationship works really well. I don't want to commit or promise anything more than necessary to be fair to anyone.
Preferred method of contact:
For now, just this site and my email is [email protected] as I don't have anything else set up quite yet. That may change later obviously.
Job Description:
As above, Renpy coder to look over my draft of code and then work with me on adding more choice based narrative callbacks based on prior decisions to add flavor to narrative.
Additional comments:
I'll look at everyone fairly, but prefer someone that would at least enjoy femdom based narrative with some variations.
Some samples of artwork as I learn, please be gentle haha! (oh the male weird face on the "meat" male side character is narrative based, he is kind of lobotomized in a sense hee hee)