[R>Programmer] Paid Seeking Renpy coder for basic choice/conditional coding...


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
Hi all,

My information is below, but very basically I am creating a Renpy visual novel and unfortunately I am very new and basic at coding and would like a little help when I am ready to finalize everything. I started working on this on February 18th (I am keeping a daily log of work for my own sanity and encouragement haha!) and feel there is some light down the road to finish a first version/demo/0.1. The game is a femdom based world/situation for the MC, but he will have the ability to overcome this and choose a more dominant path if the submissive route is not to their liking. I am hoping for meaningful player choice causing different narratives.

- My working title is The Karlsson Gambit although I haven't thought hard about this yet.
- As of this writing, I have completed since February 18th about 7,000 words and 150 pictures. I believe a rough goal I have is maybe 15,000 words and 300 pictures or so to feel like I have a decent amount to release. I assume I will need until the end of the month to finish rough drafts of narrative/pictures and then spend some time at the end editing and checking everything. It is during this process I think I would want the help I am requesting. I know I will have some problems with my art (primarily because my GPU is only 6GB) with quality textures and surfaces not looking great being sacrificed to fit characters/scenes but there isn't much I can do about this quite yet. (maybe later I ask for artist help but not yet) I'd like the coding look first.

I haven't done a Patreon yet, although I guess I will soon. I am doing this more out of enjoyment and make a pretty good living with a fun job right now (and feel very lucky about it!), but of course if this is more fun down the road, I am open to what the future holds. I probably have about 4-5 future committed Patrons ready right now with about 100-150 dollars or so a month to start (been asking me to do this a while!) as higher tier people for at least six months so I figure this will be my asset buying and maybe seed money at first to get a coder, etc.

Looking for:
- Renpy coder -- more specifically, to check over all my existing code and look for improvements, changes, and then adding choice based conversation additions based on past choices made prior. I think I understand the basics of how to do this, but would like a pro looking at how to put this together in the cleanest way possible so I can learn from someone good as this element of referencing back to prior choices in conversation (not choices themselves as I do get that pretty well) constantly is something I may use a lot.

Employment Type:
- I am open to paying a flat fee on this for a one-time thing, but I would like to first at least discuss it with the right person, etc.

Work commitment:
One off for now, but open to something later if it works out and the game/relationship works really well. I don't want to commit or promise anything more than necessary to be fair to anyone.

Preferred method of contact:

For now, just this site and my email is [email protected] as I don't have anything else set up quite yet. That may change later obviously.

Job Description:
As above, Renpy coder to look over my draft of code and then work with me on adding more choice based narrative callbacks based on prior decisions to add flavor to narrative.

Additional comments:
I'll look at everyone fairly, but prefer someone that would at least enjoy femdom based narrative with some variations.

Some samples of artwork as I learn, please be gentle haha! (oh the male weird face on the "meat" male side character is narrative based, he is kind of lobotomized in a sense hee hee) prop10.png ship2.png punish2.png hallway10b.png 2meeting5.png ship23.png ship14.png prop17.png


Game Developer
Nov 11, 2019
I can do the RenPy programing for you. I am not a RenPy pro by any means. So, I will work without any payments and if you like what I do then we can continue collaboration. Please DM me if you like to do so.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
Hey Tess, I can help you with coding, no payment needed. I'm sure you'll learn the stuff in no time. ;)

Feel free to PM me TessSadist
Kthulian, still proud to be your Patreon so I appreciate the offer from someone already making one of my favorite games on this whole site! :) (especially because you have actual divergent narrative choices which I love personally)


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
If you still need help I can toss in some menus and variables if you explain what you want where. (free)
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New Member
Jun 7, 2019
the game look as another game with daz no offense,i still don't understand why people keep using renpy when there are known tools which are easier specially for one man projects like tyranobuilder which is free,and visual novel maker they aren't that expensive and are easy to use no need to learn coding and even if you need something unique can be achieved on those engines.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
the game look as another game with daz no offense,i still don't understand why people keep using renpy when there are known tools which are easier specially for one man projects like tyranobuilder which is free,and visual novel maker they aren't that expensive and are easy to use no need to learn coding and even if you need something unique can be achieved on those engines.
Thanks for the suggestion and to be honest, I looked at Tyrano (also RPGMaker). I saw it was $15 on Steam and Renpy is free, and I also asked two people I trust and both said it was terrible, but of course they could be wrong as to my specific situation. But, I don't know any better so I trusted their judgment.

For me, I picked Renpy because 1) my favorite four games I have ever played are all under this program and I could read their code carefully and learn that way (this is especially true with one specific dev who uses Renpy and has a VERY popular game on this site and has been nice enough to give me some basic advice when I reached out to him on his own code in his game with his limited free time, highly highly successful dev well over six figures and so amazing of a game!) 2) I felt their help materials and support for creating a game were really good and in depth and with a wide amount of devs using it, I thought I could always get good help from someone, and 3) I literally love love love using Daz Studio, as someone that can't draw but with a very good visual imagination, (my main business is interior design) this allows me to "draw" in a way I could never imagine! (although I will never be able to match what I see in my mind) :(

I tried Honey Select too, but I didn't like the models as much for whatever reason. As a complete newbie, I actually want to learn to code a little! I'm interested in learning! I've learned foreign languages, but this I guess is the hardest language of all in some ways. I think it's cool to grow as a person, and never did I think I would ever try and code, so it's kind of exciting to be honest! The day I stop having fun doing this, I'll probably stop even if it's commercially successful, as I do ok enough in life now. I'm trying this because it's a lot of fun for me right now!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
If you still need help I can toss in some menus and variables if you explain what you want where. (free)
Thanks for the offer! The game you have in your profile pic (I think it's GGGB) is my literal inspiration, a female dev that made a fun game filled with real choice! No way I make anything that good, but it's inspirational to me all the same and I don't know if I would have tried this at all without a female example in a male dominated dev world it seems! :)


New Member
Jun 7, 2019
Thanks for the suggestion and to be honest, I looked at Tyrano (also RPGMaker). I saw it was $15 on Steam and Renpy is free, and I also asked two people I trust and both said it was terrible, but of course they could be wrong as to my specific situation. But, I don't know any better so I trusted their judgment.
is free check the japanese site is there for free also is better then renpy can be ported with ease to linux and mac unlike renpy,also rpg maker is another different engine, they use java for coding which is more secure and reason stupid people confuse them but as i said is better for one man project which is what you need.
also most 6 figures developer are just good scammers that WILL NEVER FINISH A GAME no offense but every renpy developer that has a patreon or similar will never finish their games and main reason they claim tyranobuilder is bad,is the worse,there are no guides,you can't do this,you can't do that but i ask can you make a visual novel on one day on renpy the less time someone has made a visual novel on renpy is one week for a 15 minutes visual novel the record on tyrano builder is one day a one hour visual novel so judge which is better (yankees live on unenplyment checks of a thousand dollars so paying 15 dollars for a pro licence ain't that big a deal)


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
is free check the japanese site is there for free also is better then renpy can be ported with ease to linux and mac unlike renpy,also rpg maker is another different engine, they use java for coding which is more secure and reason stupid people confuse them but as i said is better for one man project which is what you need.
also most 6 figures developer are just good scammers that WILL NEVER FINISH A GAME no offense but every renpy developer that has a patreon or similar will never finish their games and main reason they claim tyranobuilder is bad,is the worse,there are no guides,you can't do this,you can't do that but i ask can you make a visual novel on one day on renpy the less time someone has made a visual novel on renpy is one week for a 15 minutes visual novel the record on tyrano builder is one day a one hour visual novel so judge which is better (yankees live on unenplyment checks of a thousand dollars so paying 15 dollars for a pro licence ain't that big a deal)
If this is a troll bait post, well done, you've got me. If not...Wow, so much haphazard misinformation.
  • "[it] can be ported with ease to linux and mac unlike renpy" - Yes, because Ren'Py is notoriously unable to automatically export your game for Linux/OSX with a single button, while it also asks you when you build your game.
  • "also most 6 figures developer are just good scammers that WILL NEVER FINISH A GAME" - Regardless of the tinfoil-hattery in this, this has absolutely nothing to do with Ren'Py itself.
  • "no offense but...main reason they claim tyranobuilder is bad" - The main reason they claim Tyrano is bad is because it actually is. Good luck creating a free-roam map on it, or even have an option for text speed or transition skipping. Frankly, it's only decent feature is Live2D.
  • "also rpg maker is another different engine, they use java for coding" - MV uses JavaScript, not Java. Older versions used Ruby. Teeny tiny bit of difference that makes your "secure" argument invalid. Also, what does "more secure" even mean in this context, apart from you just reading on the internet that Java is secure?
TL;DR: What a load of bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
is free check the japanese site is there for free also is better then renpy can be ported with ease to linux and mac unlike renpy,also rpg maker is another different engine, they use java for coding which is more secure and reason stupid people confuse them but as i said is better for one man project which is what you need.
also most 6 figures developer are just good scammers that WILL NEVER FINISH A GAME no offense but every renpy developer that has a patreon or similar will never finish their games and main reason they claim tyranobuilder is bad,is the worse,there are no guides,you can't do this,you can't do that but i ask can you make a visual novel on one day on renpy the less time someone has made a visual novel on renpy is one week for a 15 minutes visual novel the record on tyrano builder is one day a one hour visual novel so judge which is better (yankees live on unenplyment checks of a thousand dollars so paying 15 dollars for a pro licence ain't that big a deal)
Umm, thanks for the additional input. This specific six figure dev is already on their second? (at least two for sure I know of) game so for this case it's not true as one was already finished. But what does that have to do with my enjoyment of how I am making this right now with a different program? The $15 wasn't the main reason that made me avoid another program, it was the opinion of two people that I consider very smart about visual novel software. I have literally zero coding or really even tech experience and I was literally lost trying to figure things out so it was a big help to me. I can barely figure out Patreon, haha!

Again, I would trust two specific people I actually know that are MUCH smarter than me about this kind of thing - especially since I know nothing! - than a random poster on this site I don't know personally. No offense even though I know some posters on here are great and have been super helpful! I also donated to this site only because of the nice posters/community on here too, not the games!


Game Developer
Apr 27, 2018
If this is a troll bait post, well done, you've got me. If not...Wow, so much haphazard misinformation.
  • "[it] can be ported with ease to linux and mac unlike renpy" - Yes, because Ren'Py is notoriously unable to automatically export your game for Linux/OSX with a single button, while it also asks you when you build your game.
  • "also most 6 figures developer are just good scammers that WILL NEVER FINISH A GAME" - Regardless of the tinfoil-hattery in this, this has absolutely nothing to do with Ren'Py itself.
  • "no offense but...main reason they claim tyranobuilder is bad" - The main reason they claim Tyrano is bad is because it actually is. Good luck creating a free-roam map on it, or even have an option for text speed or transition skipping. Frankly, it's only decent feature is Live2D.
  • "also rpg maker is another different engine, they use java for coding" - MV uses JavaScript, not Java. Older versions used Ruby. Teeny tiny bit of difference that makes your "secure" argument invalid. Also, what does "more secure" even mean in this context, apart from you just reading on the internet that Java is secure?
TL;DR: What a load of bullshit.
Absolutely correct. And I'm almost sure it's a troll claiming all that Renpy "lack of possibilities" nonsense, in fact...
Why doesn't he show us a "good" example of a tyrano made thing?
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New Member
Jun 7, 2019
Absolutely correct. And I'm almost sure it's a troll claiming all that Renpy "lack of possibilities" nonsense, in fact...
Why doesn't he show us a "good" example of a tyrano made thing?
buy the games on dlsite (why should i give you games i have bought) also either people is lazy or just stupid
as you can see is free and pro license is sold on dlsite and steam besides i asked show me one finished project that is finished on renpy and doesnt use daz or honeyselect and there is none (winds disciple was rushed up and claimed finished but is lacking and akabur games are known for being unfinished) so who is trolling the ones that use renpy or he hundreds of finished games made on tyranobuilder