RPGM Completed Sexy Quest: The Dark Queen's Wrath [v1.0.2] [Siren's Domain]

3.50 star(s) 22 Votes

Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
There is a tournament going on at Siren's discord to determine the fan favorite character. The men's tournament is going on right now.

House Chores MC vs Sexy Quest MC.


Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
From Sirens Patreon.

Beta 0.2 Soon.png

Sexy Quest - Beta 0.2 || First Look!

Hey everyone!

Here are some of the early details of the next sexy quest update, Beta 0.2!

== End of Act 1 ==

Unlike my other games, Sexy Quest already has much more of the core story/progression mapped out. But I've decided that Sexy Quest's story will be in a 3 act structure (with a bonus Epilogue).

Beta 0.2 should be the end of Act 1. I say should because there is still a decent chunk of story and content that I want to get done so worst case, the end of the act might get split into two updates.

Both Act 2 & Act 3 should be 2 or 3 updates each so as you may notice, it shouldn't take terribly long for SQ to be fully complete!

== Update Contents ==

The new update will include the introduction of a couple new characters as well as a few different new locations. You'll also be getting a 4th party member!

With this update being the conclusion of Act 1, you should be able to expect some of the main plotline to start slowly unravelling as well as some new villainous faces appearing. I can't go into too much detail yet though, don't want to spoil the fun ;P

NSFW content, I'm going to try and start squeezing in 2 scenes per update on average. I can't guarantee this just yet but as more characters are complete, more time can be spent focusing on NSFW scenes. Echo scenes will be returning soon as a way to add more content while keeping the development time reasonable especially for side quest content!


That's everything for this update! It's still a bit too soon to give an accurate release date/window but I'll try my best to have that news out to you all as soon as possible!

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all soon with more updates & teasers! =D

Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
The men's tournament is over it is time to pick the best girl.

Talia (Zombie Retreat 1) Vs Farona (Sexy Quest)

Ares (Town of Passion) Vs Annabelle (Sexy Quest)


Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
Here is the next match.

Bunny Girl (Blue) (Town of Passion) Vs Juliette (Sexy Quest)


Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
From Siren's Patreon.

Progress Report + 2022 Plans || ToP Sequel?

Hey everyone! I wanted to break the silence with another progress report detailing how the update is going along as well as upcoming plans for next year!

== Update Progress ==

The next update to SQ is still in it's early stages but I should have more to share soon including a sneak peek NSFW teaser later this month for $3+ Patrons!

A few new characters should be getting revealed in this update! Those teasers should also start very soon for $1+ Patrons. It's been a busy holiday season so I haven't had quite as much time to do my usual screenshot sneak peeks.

The lead artist for Sexy Quest, Chronnellian, is actually moving countries this month so be sure to wish Chronne a safe and head-ache free moving process! This shouldn't really affect the development time of SQ but once Chronne is settled in we'll be hitting the ground running with some extra NSFW content on top of just the main story!

== 2022 Plans ==

In a recent update, I mentioned that Sexy Quest is actually planned to be mostly completed by the end of 2022. Ideally, I'd love to be able to put a bow on the game and finalize it by the end of next year. No guarantees that'll happen but it does have me wondering what comes next.

I want to start tackling some smaller scale games. Sexy Quest, being a JRPG, added a lot more work to my plate than I intended. So much so that 2021 became quite an overwhelming year. I'm settling into the new work load now but I'd like to reduce it a bit moving forward.

Town of Passion: I've been really fixated on this story/world and want to make some side story games or something after SQ is complete. Maybe the MC and some friends take a visit to neighboring regions? Or maybe a short visual novel explores the old Valencian Prince & Queen? I don't know yet. But I'd love to potentially return to the world that started it all and build upon that. (This would only be after SQ is finished!)


That's everything for this update! I should have a sneak peak post up by then but I hope everyone has a happy holiday season!

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all very soon with some NSFW teasers and character reveals!
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Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
Here is the next match.

Sera (Town of Passion) Vs Juliette (Sexy Quest)


Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
Here is the next match.

Caroline (Zombie Retreat 1) Vs Juliette (Sexy Quest)



Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
I just checked this one out, and I really love it! The core game is actually an extremely solid old school RPG by itself, with good writing and the right amount of fun, but then it also includes sexy content. Can't go wrong.

I absolutely LOVE the way that the women in the game are drawn/rendered. Full figured and nearly spilling out of their costumes, plus cute as Hell.
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Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
I have made a gallery mod for Sexy Quest. In the west side of Littlewood there is a chest that has three items. The Bust Room Pass, the Recollection Room Pass and Pixel Room Pass. You can use these at any time (except for in battle) to enter their respective rooms. When you leave you will be put back to the same spot you were at.

Scenes will begin to populate as you unlock them in game.

To install the mod all you need to do is extract the files and place them in the games data folder. Make sure to overwrite existing files when prompted.

*Edit 2*

For those who have a save that they carried over they found that the passes had been changed. You should now be able to reopen the chest. There is a fix in place to adjust your inventory to match your current progress in the game. If you have not received the fairy warp in game then it will be removed when you open the chest. If you unlocked it before the fix then it will stay in your inventory. It acts the same as the menu option so you will just have an additional option to use warp.


Gallery mod has been updated. I have added a new room, the Pixel room. It has been added to the same chest. If you have already opened it by using the previous version of the mod, then you only need to go to the Recollection Room and you will automatically be given the pass.

Please let me know if you have or find any problems.
Last edited:

Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
From Siren's Patreon.


Progress Report - Release Date, Art Resuming, More!

Hey everyone!

I wanted to kick off the new year with a general progress report on Beta 0.2 of Sexy Quest as well as future updates.

== Release Date ==

The release of Beta 0.2 is planned for later this month! The date is not 100% set just yet, however, so stay tuned for a more concrete release window/date as the month goes on!

== Art Resuming ==

If you missed my earlier posts, during the month of December, the lead artist was busy moving so there was a brief pause on new art getting worked on.

Fortunately, Chronne's safely moved and ready to resume Sexy Quest content! Beta 0.2's content was planned before the move so this update hasn't been impacted or delayed by the art pause.

== 2 Scenes & Deeper Sidequests ==

After Beta 0.2, I want to start trying to get back to the ToP era by adding 2 scenes per update.

Beta 0.2 will only have 1 new scene but future updates should start having more. Possibly 3 in some updates if echo scenes resume (same pose, different character).

I want to balance scenes between character development and story progress so over the next few updates I'm going to re-visit characters like Annabelle and see if she's better suited for a more proper sidequest line instead of just 1 scene after completing the chapter. That was a critique I heard a couple times and to an extent, I agree that it would be nice to give characters like her a bit more love... literally.

== Difficulty ==

This is something I'm also going to spend a lot of time thinking about in 2022. When starting SQ, I really wanted to create a meaningful JRPG that includes NSFW content. But I think the reality is, there's a lot of people who just want something simple so they can experience the fan service too.

In Beta 0.1, I added an Easy mode that I'll probably put more time & attention into. I also plan to add an item or option that completely disables overworld encounters.

Lastly, I'm still thinking about the possibility of a 'cinematic' mode. This would likely be a way to completely avoid battles entirely. Still not sure if I'll actually do this but it's something I'm considering. Would love feedback on these ideas on Discord. I don't plan on abandoning the Normal mode difficulty so for players who do enjoy the strategy & team building, it's going to stay and will always be the intended way to play!


That's everything for this update! Stay tuned for some more sneak peeks & teasers.

Thank you all for your support and I will see you all soon!


Feb 12, 2020
wow I didn't notice this was different gameplay than ToS. Definitely way more intrigued to play it now and adequate difficulty is appreciated. Like all good games, waiting for this one to hit atleast 0.5

Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
From Siren's Patreon.


Progress Report - Release Date! - QoL & More!

Hey everyone!

Today I wanted to talk about the release date of Beta 0.2 as well as some new content and things to expect!

== Release Date ==

I'm aiming to get this build out to $5+ Patrons around Thursday, January 27th! The release may be slightly early or late by a day or two. The public release will be out 3 days after!

== Encounter Rate + QoL ==

To make Sexy Quest more accessible and enjoyable for everyone, I was able to find a plugin that allows you to control the encounter rate (normal, half, none). Whether you're over leveled, just trying to explore, or maybe attempting a challenge run, this feature should come in handy!

With the ability to stop enemy encounters, I'm still considering the idea of a 'cinematic mode' which would skip boss fights. This may be a nice for players who want a purely story-focused experience similar to Town of Passion. There are some obstacles I need to work out first with this idea so stay tuned for developments on this.

Speaking of QoL, I'm testing some 'Metal Slime-like' encounters finally! These would be rare/elusive monsters that can be tricky to KO but provide a ton of EXP. I'm a big fan of this mechanic as it helps reduce the need for grinding and can even help you over-level a bit if you prefer a more dominant approach to boss fights.

I'm hoping to have this feature added in Beta 0.2!

== Update Contents ==

Beta 0.2 introduces the location of Valencia as well as a little bit more story contents and a new teammate joins in on the fun! Of course, sexy quests are sure to be had too ;P

I wanted to mention that Valencia is intended to be like a smaller version of Valencia in Town of Passion. Starting off, there won't be much to do there but I plan to have an update or two that focus solely on Valencia sidequests/content.

Beta 0.3 will likely focus almost entirely on Valencia and adding some more life into it so I just ask that you don't judge the Kingdom too harshly on it's initial debut ;P

== Android Version ==

I will be testing the port of this update next week just before the release.

Throwing this warning out now- there are a few plugins and general issues that make me worry the Android version might not be functionable. I can NOT promise an Android build until I have tested and confirmed it works.

Fingers crossed that works! If it doesn't, I'll probably make a post just before. I don't want anyone pledging $5+ assuming the Android version is guaranteed yet.


That's everything for this update! Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon with the $5+ release of Beta 0.2!

Tensa Zangetsu1000

Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2018
From Siren's patreon.

Release on Friday!

Hey everyone!

Quick update today but I just wanted to announce that Beta 0.2 of Sexy Quest will release on Friday, Jan 28th for $5+ SQ Patrons. That means the public release will be on that Monday, Jan 31st.

The update is mostly complete but I want to use this last day to focus a little more on balancing the classes, movesets, xp rates, etc.

Additionally, I'll be testing the Android port tomorrow. I'm confident it will work but for Android players, wait on pledging $5 until the update is actually released just in case some last minute complications arise with the port!

That's all! I'm excited to share this update with you all! Dahlia is a fun addition to the team and someone who I look forward to a lot in later updates as well. Hope you all enjoy her too! See you all soon =D
3.50 star(s) 22 Votes