RPGM - Succum Brewery [v0.3.9a] [LimeJuiceGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A couple hours into ver. and the main narrative has been interesting so far. The bartending mini-game has some good bones to potentially be a pretty fun mechanic if further fleshed out. Definitely need to save often though as I keep encountering various bugs that prevent the dialogue boxes or menus to display properly so I get stuck and have to restart the client.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A hidden gem. While we've all seen countless corruption games with the same old plots and scenes, this feels like a breath of fresh air. The characters are unique and interesting. While not initially my style I have grown to love the art style of this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the only game where Im looking forward to every single update. This is a corruption/hypnosis driven game and for this genre to work, the writing has to be good. Thankfully, its very good.

    When I see other reviewers complain about pacing, remember that this game is in development. It makes zero sense for the developer to spend much energy on stuff like game balance or pacing when you dont even have all the moving pieces in the game.

    If you are a fan of the aforementioned genres, then you really should consider supporting this creator.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but interesting visual style. Compelling corruption story that is rather slow-burn initially but seems to accelerate later on (compared to other games of this kind). I'm enjoying the game immensely and I have high hopes for this in the future
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.2.9.3b

    Temporary messy review due to the game not being finished.

    This game has massive potential and uses the RPGM engine in a creative way for the "battling" and the upgrade menu for instance which is nice in the pool of classic boring RPGM games.

    The corruption pacing is nice although when getting later in the game it feels like it's a bit too long to obtain more corruption leading to having to use the cheat chicken to skip some repetitive days of tending the bar.
    From what I understand the dev intends to fill in some blanks on top of adding more side and end content which sounds amazing so far.

    The LEWD part of the game so far does not have any actual sex scenes, I'm not sure if these are planned but the lewdest content atm are "toys" and blowjobs so I hope we can go a bit deeper in lewdness in future updates.

    Some voice acting is being added throughout the updates so that's pretty nice tho I wonder how much of the game will be voiced as it seems so far only the training sessions are intended to be voiced.

    The art is pretty nice tho I do wish there was more consistency on our heroine's boobas, especially with the nipples looking a little too flat/small at time. Otherwise the art is nice and the environment looks pretty good too.

    I'll give this a 8/10 for now, definitely has the potential to go to a 10/10 and will wait for more updates before coming back to it!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played v0.2.8a, but forgot to review it at that time

    Fun little rpg maker game. Good art. Interesting premise. Well executed. A little lacking in content the last time i checked, but I'm keeping an eye on the project.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Seductive corruption at it's finest **chef's kiss**

    1. Writing is the show stealer!!! It's so witty at times and it moves the plot so well.
    2. Art is beautiful and H scenes are hot (mostly static).
    3. Has a decent amount of material (v. android with 10+ hours gameplay without cheat)
    4. Music is decent along with sound effects. Voice acting is hot and I need more!!
    5. Chuds are my fav!
    6. Simple game mechanics!! Not too much grind
    7. Builtin gallery, cheats, unlocker etc.
    1. Some kind of guide would be good. Like sometimes I was confused about how to trigger next event.
    2. Working bar can get repetitive so more fun games and more building exploration and character quests would be great.
    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick it up! I'm a proud hanholding, pat giving, hug seeking fucko that tries to avoid corruption and hypnosis genres cuz they come off way forced and make me question my morals. This game does it so well that it doesn't even feel like corruption or heavy theme rather it comes off very naturally.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game probably has the best depiction of corruption and hypnosis that i've ever witnessed, perhaps tied with 1 other game. The way Catherine naturally slips slowly, further and further into her training got me addicted to keep going and see how far I can push her. It's a pleasure watching her sink into doing more depraved acts for the chuds. The art is also really good, I especially like the uses of pink and purple colors to show lust, very well done. Even the minigame used to advance time, in this case running a bar, is actually kind of enjoyable. Whereas most games where this part is boring and takes you out of the experience, the bar minigame is pretty inoffensive and most importantly of all continues showing catherine's corruption and training take effect with chuds eventually groping her or kissing or etc, as well as Catherine making progressively more provocative faces during the whole minigame (special shoutouts to whoever added this small detail). I'm highly anticipating more from this game and the developer.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game matches up perfectly with all of my kinks, hypnosis, domination, exhibitionism etc. The characters are well written and the gameplay loop is engaging. The one issue I have with the game is that it takes a little too long for new content to show up so you end up having to repeat certain scenes over and over before the story progresses.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the perfect game! I will be waitind to continue, or even part 2 sometimes. Author really has a good skill, ad i hope that we will see more h-scenes with chuds and mutants in future. I love studying and hope that it will be a regular function of it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's almost perfect. Almost. The only thing I would like improved is more arts and lengthier scenes. I've spent an enitre evening playing this game, which felt great, since I don't remember the last time that happened. The slow (?) corruption was great, and so was the fact that the MC wasn't an absolute prude from the get-go. Side characters are... weird and the development takes weird turns at time (I though the game was gonna have different types of chums based on the first dialogues, but they all just mostly blended together soon enough. oh well.), but the game cycle is fun enough, at least if you adjust the corruption manually to hurry things along. The game is in development (and, in all fairness, may very well stay there forever, much like a lot of other projects), so the corruption cheat is a life saver.

    So yeah, more arts, more scenes, more dialogues. Some people argue that gameplay is boring and repetitive, but, just to rephrase what some character says in the game, "It's best not to ruin a good thing." There are multiple project that tried to spice things up and that backfired in the worst ways. So maybe keep gameplay the same with minor changes.

    Overall ATM: 8.5/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried it in beta and it was too good, innovative story and mechanics, support the work of this holy man!

    I tried it in beta and it was too good, innovative story and mechanics, support the work of this holy man!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Desperately overrated game.

    It's well written and it eggs you on to keep playing but sadly the entire experience is ruined by it's shitty minigame.

    In order to get to the good stuff you have to play through literally the worst minigame I've ever played and it's unskippable. In the beginning it's not so bad but after your 10th time it really starts to become truly hateful. It's also the only way to actually progress the game as well which makes for a really grindy and braindead gameplay loop.

    I read it took someone 8 hours to complete the game... I guarantee you, 6 of those were spent in the minigame.

    There's a cheat menu, though it's completely useless because, as you can imagine, you're still forced to play the fucking minigame.

    The art is AI-generated and a bit disappointing too.

    If you enjoy manual labour you're going to love this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I really appreciate the writing of this game, more than anything else. I think Catherine is written in a really sexy way. She's resistant to change, but she's never miserable or conflicted to the point where what she's going through feels too dark or twisted.

    The art is very good, and the gameplay is fine (getting better with each release). When I played early on, there wasn't much to do in the bartending section of the game, and it played out exactly the same each time if you knew what you were doing.

    I think the closest comparison is the bar minigame in Karryn's, and while it's not quite that fleshed out yet, I can see it getting to that point.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's awesome, story and dialogue are the highlights and the CGs are quite good. Shaping up to be a great game all round with quite a bit to do. Took me just under 8 hours for all the content so far and there's plenty more to come.

    The music is definitely high quality too, hopefully we'll also be getting more of that :)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR; S tier writing with a game that almost makes you not care that it's RPGM.

    The dev is clearly not only a native English speaker, but an excellent story teller, two things you are lucky to get one of on the site. I know this is a super tired sentiment but I would gladly play this or any of this dev's work in the form of a VN.

    That being said, I totally respect the dev's effort to make this experience into an interactive game. They use the clunky RPGM engine in refreshingly creative ways. They're clearly willing to experiment, and have already made adjustments to the game's balance and loop based on player feedback. Incredibly promising to see.

    Biggest criticism I could give would be centered around the balance of the game, mainly the bottleneck in progressing the story that is the protag's "corruption level". There are a number of conspicuously invisible stats and variables, such as the corruption and arousal, that can make the player feel "stuck". Luckily these seem to be acknowledged by the dev, in that they provide a supported cheat ability to skip the grind until the game is appropriately paced and balanced.

    Keep it up LimeJuice! I'll be following you closely from now on :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev has clearly played tons of hypno games, taken the best aspects of them, and fused them into a witty and captivating masterpiece.

    The story is coherent and amusing. The characters are plausible. The gameplay loop is challenging enough that I got stuck a bit, not not so challenging that I grew frustrated and quit.

    It feels very well balanced (before you get toward end of content, its still in development), keeping that next level ero scene just beyond your grasp for just long enough. Edging at its finest.

    The game was so fun, I basically stopped fapping many times to actually just *play the game*. But it was still hot af.

    This game has a professional feel to it, I cannot wait for it to be completed!

    Other S tier attributes:
    * Extremely high quality art
    * Female narration
    * Excellent music (beyond standard RPGM)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like this one - some controls are wonky with the upgrades, but other than that, great game. I usually prefer games that focus on more than one girl, but this one has personality and has caught herself in an interesting predicament.

    The bar "battle" is a very welcome alteration from the usual RPGM battles.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but solid gameplay is elevated by by wonderful art coupled with writing and story telling which is far beyond average for this type of game. Already enough content to last several hours in version 0.2.8. To be strongly recommended!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The early version of this game is truly amazing, featuring excellent pacing and some sizzling scenes that perfectly complement the chosen graphic style. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next versions. Keep up the fantastic work!