There's no jeapordy or real consequences. Like what is the purpose of the relationship points if they are not going to be used?
Do you think all relationships should be the same, as you are assuming they should be????

relationship points are not related to the amount of men and girls Anne or me are fucking with or without each other consent.
relational points are related only at the health of our relationship...but they can change abruptly if you make the wrong choices also 10 points in a single wrong/good move!
I have posted tons of time to you that you are going against the MC plan described in the plot of this game
I'm the MC and Anne is my wife! We love each other in away that (maybe) you will never be able to understand
My wife Anne and me, we are a young couple wth a long story relationship we are together since college years and right after college we decided to get married and moi we were faithful to our promise of fidelity until the l day this story begins because we realized that our marriage would end because of the sex that was becoming boring. this would end our relationship. My wife and I decided it was time to try having sex with others to see if this also rekindled the desire to have sex with each other...and it worked out great because from the very first attempts we made at the mall with the scape store clerk or in the dressing rooms of the dress store we came home with an extreme desire to have sex!
”... so we have no intention of separating and in fact we want to continue doing now what no one can do when you become thirty or forty years old (and anyway you won't be the same doing it in middle age)... maybe one day we will change our minds but that will happen years from now... (so we'll have lots of memories to tell each other) certainly not now that we're having fun experiencing a lifestyle that allows us to have sex with young girls and for Anne to experience things she was probably already doing before she got engaged to me!
Anne and I, we don't care about consequences other than those decided by ourselves in the plan.... WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE!
Ours is a journey, an adventure that my wife and I have mutually decided to go through together all the way.
but the MC is me!
here my post about the consequences and the relationship point
As I said I do not follow the "classic cuckold" path but of course you are free to be the cuckold in this game... bc the player is the MC and there are a lot of path and choices in this game.
about my way to be ALPHA there are at least 2 different type of cuckold: (or better the Alpha is not a real cuckold!)
1) there is the passive cuckold that I call "loser cuckold" that jerk with a small dick watching his wife fucking other men.
2) there is the alpha (or dominant) cuckold? that is not a cuckold bc this is NETORASE.. I'm the one who asks and wants his wife to be free and happy and in the meantime I want fuck other girls too
I am for sure the second type of "not-cuckold" I love Anne a lot and I'm not jealous if she has sex pleasure with others bc also I want the same for me and I don't want to spy on my wife through a door as a loser .... but I like to participate when Anne fucks with others because I am not shy and I have a big cock to be able to satisfy her sexually even by myself.... but she has many holes to be stuffed in, and two cocks at the same time make her enjoy twice as much
We love each other to the fullest and no one will be able to separate us!
It's just sex... Love is not being the owner of your partner's body.... love is respect and taking pleasure in making one's partner happy...
if you do not want follow my suggestion.. at least read well the developer advise for the season2
Iìm not sure but I think the season2 will not be the last season of this EPIC ADVENTURE...
this is from Mircom3D
Hello everyone. Here you have Season 2 Part 1b. I can't emphasize enough the importance of playing multiple playthroughs to really get the most of this game! Hope you all enjoy and I would love to hear what your favorite scene or path is so far. I love hearing from your guys and look forward to what your thoughts are on Part 1b
Have fun with this masterpiece made by Mircom3D (one of the best story writer in the adult game world)