Another problem i found : The first time you talk to Bob in Miro's Cafe he says that he will pay you 5$ by day; (cheap labor if you ask me

) then when you go to work and choose; on saturday and sunday to work till the end of the day; you get paid 10$

(weird math but still cheap labor

1."Optional Step (only for Bob to tell you the good salary number the first time you meet him)" Go to (resources\app\data\scenario\miro_01.ks) and then on line 102 change:
You should come here on Saturday and Sunday in the early afternoon. The pay is $5.[p]
You should come here on Saturday and Sunday in the early afternoon. The pay is $50.[p]
2."The most essential step" Go to (resources\app\data\scenario\miro_03.ks) and then on line 69 change:
[tb_eval exp="" name="money" cmd="+=" op="t" val="10" val_2="undefined" ]
[tb_eval exp="" name="money" cmd="+=" op="t" val="10" val_2="undefined" ]
So if you start working at 14h and by the law of the working day theory; the day end at 17h; you work 3 hours at a rate of 16.67$ per hour which is kind of good; for some nobody recommended by his mom
P.S: I'm pretty sure some of you will come to think "...but wait a minute... if i write
5000000000 ($) (or any amount) on line 69 of (resources\app\data\scenario\miro_03.ks) will that work?"
Well... yes

and congratulations, that's how all yotta-zetta-exa-peta-tera-giga-mega-"billionaires" got their
money from in the first place

Maybe next

, i will do a button ... to give
money to
Timmy and
Tiffany to get them out of