I will take your suggestion into consideration when I create scenes between Angelina and other girls. At the moment (Or in the phase we're entering) MC wants Angelina to explore her sexuality. In that phase it will feel wrong to deny her orgasms when she's with other girls. However that may vary from situation to situation, so if I feel that it's natural to give the players that option then I will do that.
It's nice that the current phase is also optional ( if AJ=true). I just feel player involvement makes a game feel much better (otherwise ppl could just read a kinetic novel. Making decisions & seeing them take effect is what makes a choice-driven game better)
Denying orgasms doesn't necessary have to be wrong. She will still have fun. It'll just reinforce the Master mentally without interfering with her exploration - Being brought to the edge of orgasm should already give her a lot of answers. Just the final answer will be 'Master' if this control is implemented
And it will be a choice, not every player will choose to deny them. Having the players decide should fit your philosophy I think. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Anyway, it'll open up interesting possible interactions imo. Like after a date, she comes home horny or satisfied, will lead to a slightly different scene. Not cumming for a few days can have another possibile scene. Allowing her to phone for permission could lead to another interesting scene. Trying to fake orgasms, trying to explain why she can't orgasm right now, etc. As long as you can write these variations, giving the players choice between yes, no & phone me to ask will make it much better with more diverse & interesting scene variations
Anyway think about it. Putting it in the players hands should not feel wrong, especially if you can write the resulting scene variations well. Not being able to orgasm with J or M will not nullify the pleasure she felt with them, nor cancel out her understanding of her sexuality, it'll just strengthen her relationship with MC as more important.
We already have a player-choice variable about whether A gets to explore with J at all ( if AJ=True )
So don't worry about it & just let the players decide whether it's right or wrong. Just try writing the resulting variations & if it doesn't fit, if you can't write the scene variations to your satisfaction & it doesn't feel okay, they you can always go back to the single version scene. Quality content is the most important after all, even if I think this has potential, it's finally upto you.
Anyway, other than this, more options in training Angela & the other girls would be interesting. Maybe stop adding girls & give more variations in the current girls content? Being playing quite a few games & the lesson seems to be more player involvement usually makes for a better game
Anyway, stop bothering you now. Good luck in trying to come up with player choice variations, if it still feels wrong then do what feels right.

PS: Sorry if it feels like pressuing, not my intention