VN Others The Neverending Complex: A Warlock's Obsession [Development Thread]


Jun 27, 2024
WELCOME TO MY FIRST EVER GAME...development thread!

My name is Keen or KeenKareemArt, and I am a NSFW Artist! I have wanted to make a game for the longest and have bounced between many different stories and ideas but never could seem to settle down on one specific idea. I've sat upon many many trello boards for projects ranging from 2D to 3D Visual Novels that will likely never see the light of day. Im happy to say I have finally gotten off my backside and put the pedal to the metal on the creation of a game, and I'm excited to share it all with you!!

What's The Setting?

Funny enough, the game is based off a DeviantArt roleplaying club a few friends and I made called !
The concept is a modern day fantasy set in the city of York. All of these characters have come to find their new home in the first ever APARTMENT COMPLEX OF HOLDING, this is a magically experimental housing situation where infinite rooms that house their own pocket dimensions can be created at the drop of a hat. This leads to a large array of interesting characters moving in and meeting...

What's The Story?

This game is set in an alternate version of the roleplay club where you play as one of the residents named
Lucas Rodriguez is a local warlock, this is someone who has sold their soul to gain magical powers.
After a night drinking with his older brother Emil Remington and Emil's wife Brayle Remington, the drunken brothers find themselves in conversation about the wildest nights of their lives. Emil states to his brother that one night, he found himself having sex with TEN people. Lucas, unable to believe such a nerd of a brother as his own would be able to do such a thing, challenges him to a bet.

Living in such a vast complex filled with many different people, Lucas challenges his brother that he will sleep with TWENTY-FIVE people by the end of the night. Emil, who was absolutely lying about sleeping with ten people, accepts his brothers challenge and offers him a cash prize should he succeed.

The game starts right after the quest has been accepted, and you will play as Lucas as he goes door to door attempting to seduce his neighbors and collect a special keepsake from them to prove to his brother the following day. But not everything is all fun and games...

The demonic Landlord who runs the complex named VIVIAN or VI for short, cannot help but pester Lucas on his journey, occasionally teleporting onto whatever floor Lucas is on in an attempt to catch him and take him for herself.

You must hide yourself when Vi with your magic, because if she catches Lucas, he will have one attempt to get free from her or it is game over...

What's The Game Include or plans to include?

Currently the game has FIFTY planned characters for you to interact with as Lucas, as well as a final boss fight featuring multiple scenes with Vivian and a special extra hidden interaction with the terrifying ghost that lives trapped in the complex basement

We're currently testing multiple systems to implement for the interaction with the neighbors!
We've tested QuickTime Events, Dice Rolls, and so forth as we determine if we will be using either Ren'Py or Unity for the final end game option.

After the release of the Demo, each following update shall add FIVE new characters, as each floor will host TEN characters each.
The final game consisting of FIVE floors, as well as the extra basement level!

As of right now, the roster of characters genders/gender identities are:


These characters range from a wide variety of races including
Orcs, Humans, Centaurs, Satyrs, Mermaids, Zombies, Elves, Gnomes, Vampires, Devils, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Pixies, Dwarves, Skeletons, & More

What's The Demo Including?

Currently the demo will consist of SIX of the Ten residents making up FLOOR ONE!
We will also implement Vi showing up as well and the ability to hide from her!
We're planning on releasing a total of NINE updates following the demo's release that will slowly add more and more of the cast!
Once all of the residents are finally implemented, the final game shall include the final boss battle with Vi and her multiple scenes, as well as access to the special level in the basement where you square off with LADY AYAKO, the vengeance ghost trapped below...

Who Makes Up the Cast?

Boy do I!
Lets start with pictures of the cast and small bio's on who they are!


luneutral.png luseduction.png

Local warlock nuisance who believes he's a bit more charismatic than he actually is.
He has history with a majority of the residents in the complex, so have fun learning about how he likely annoyed and or wronged his neighbors he's attempting to seduce in one way or another


emhappy.png brayleyhappy.png

Emil is Lucas's older half brother, and the typical instigator to make Lucas do bad things. After a night drinking with his brother and wife, Emil decides to convince Lucas to do the impossible by attempting to bed half the complex he currently resides in.



Owner and landlord of THE NEVERENDING COMPLEX, Vi cant help herself when she hears rumors that Lucas is attempting to sleep his way around the apartment. Instead of allowing him to pester her other tenants, she decides to reer her head every now and then to disrupt Lucas and his quest...just for the laughs

Lady Ayako


Yes, maybe the complex was built on top of another complex where a woman was murdered in a violent rage and her spirit still haunts the ground. Yes, maybe her spirit then manifested in the new complex and began attacking and killing tenants in a violent vengeful rage. Yes, she seems to be unkillable or unbanishable.
But its fine! Vi has Lucas and another resident make a charm and trap her in the complex basement where she can no longer hurt anyone!
But, what if Lucas decided to break that charm and go down to give her a visit?



The demo will consist of 6 characters!
  • Natalia Karloff: Natalia is the daughter of local mobster Ivar Karloff, but she has decided to make her own path in life by going to law school to pursue a career as a lawyer. She also is a large nerd that mainly does the maintenance for the local robots in the complex
  • Papa Ulrik: The local Zombie and voodoo man, as well as a lover of heavy metal. Ulrik will happily sell you some made up concoction to better your health, read your palm (be he telling the truth or not), extract whatever demon you think if haunting you, or simply play you some tasty licks on his guitar.
  • Ronnie 'Summer' Williams: Ronnie is a dancer at the local strip joint, as well as an online adult performer. After being harassed in her chat in the past by Lucas on multiple occasions, she's going to be quite the tough cookie for him to convince to sleep with him, but if she's can bet she's down for anything...for the content, of course.
  • Ulysses the Orc: Ulysses is a man of many talents, and a lot of them tend to be on the more unsavory side of things. But seeing as he use to be a pimp, it really shouldnt be that surprising. Ulysses isnt DANGEROUS per say, but he is good at convincing one to do questionable things with soft intimidation...
  • Charliez the Wood Elf: Ex-Boyfriend / Dealer of Lucas...Charliez might be a bit more easier to sway into activities. Typically in a high stupor, he's a bit more receptive to ideas that Lucas throws on him, but on the flip side, he also has the ability to convince Lucas to participate in dumb activities with him.
  • Tixy the Gnome: Tixy is one of the nicer residents in the complex. One of the first Gnomes to be brought on as a ballerina at her dance school, the more ditzy and happy little lady tries her best to bring joy to many looking for it. Also she comes right up to Lucas's crotch in height, so Lucas REALLY enjoys standing next to her


As the main artist of the game, I plan on having an animation scene for every resident!
As well as the final boss fight and bonus levels consisting of multiple scenes as well!
Here's some Works In Progress currently of the animations for the demo


We even have some in-game animations for Vi and Lucas done as well!!
LucasIdleColored.gif ViIdleColored.gif
ViFloatColored.gif LucasWalkRIGHTColored.gif

All That To Say...

I simply want to say this is one of the biggest projects I have ever undertaken, and Im excited to see it through!
My partner is helping me with the coding, so as they learn that I have no exact release date for the Demo, but I promise to keep posting updates as we go along as I am very excited to share this project with you all!

If you want to keep up with me, feel free to give me a follow on Twitter where I'm posting updates as well

I cant wait to give you guys updates and if you have any suggestions or questions please feel free to leave a comment and I promise to reply back as soon as I can to you!

Thank you again

Last edited:


Jun 27, 2024
Hello hello!!

I come with some awesome ASSET updates!

So currently I am ZOOMING through the animations now that I have a better and stricter guideline of how I'm going to approach everything! What took two days to finish coloring an animation, is now currently down to half a day depending on the complexity of the scene!

Because I like to give myself a little dopamine hit checking my NEED-TO's on Trello, I also decided to make myself a visual sheet I can update and keep myself excited to mark something done!


I come bearing some animations and images of what I was able to complete in the last few days!
(Most has to be converted to GIFs, so pardon the crunchiness)

First I'm proud to sa the Tixy and Lucas animation is completed!
It was the first one I colored of the six and I'm proud of how it turned out!

Each animation scene will be followed by a Climax scene!
Maybe in the next go around for my next game I can actually animate the climax scene in...

But for now they'll simply be stills!

I'm currently working on coloring the Summer & Lucas scene, which is one of the more longer ones of the six...
But I've learned a lot that has really sped up the process as a whole!

For everyone interested, thank you so much for sticking around and showing support!
The coding so far seems to be going well using Unity, so it seems like that is going to be the engine we will be going with!

I can't wait to show off more fun assets I'll be working on, as well as test footage from testing and figuring out the game mechanics once we get into that phase!

Thank you guys again for the support!



Mar 26, 2019
Ooo... this game has such a colorful cast of characters. And associated with paranormal/mythological setting? Sign me up. Good luck with your project~:D
  • Heart
Reactions: KeenKareemArt


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
Incredible or insane, or both?! :)
Looking forward for the first version and play soon, can't deny that, however I wish you happily finish your game to your highest satisfaction, as well as that of many others :)
  • Heart
Reactions: KeenKareemArt


Jun 27, 2024
Incredible or insane, or both?! :)
Looking forward for the first version and play soon, can't deny that, however I wish you happily finish your game to your highest satisfaction, as well as that of many others :)
I feel the concept started incredible in my mind... and the more I add to it the more insane it turns

Thank you so much for your kind kind words!
I can't wait to share this monster of a project with you all!!
  • Heart
Reactions: pilgrim2003


Jun 27, 2024
I come with another...


I am happy to say all 'planned' animations for the demo are COMPLETED!!
In the course of a week I was able to animate SIX different animations, something I never in a million years would think I would have the artistic capability to do


We now get into the fun phase of the creation of the UI, the set pieces for Unity, reworking the logo, and sandboxing around the mechanics!

I have some other static CG's that will show up during the game that I plan on drawing up, so I will be sure to add some screenshots of those once they're completed as well!

I also come bearing GIFTS & GIFs (literally gifs of the animations so pardon the crispiness lol)

After failing to properly hide from Vi, she teleports our protagonist Lucas to an unknown dimension to have her way with him!
Failure to past this final check can lead to a GAME OVER!
So be sure to save frequently and hide when Vi appears in the hallways looking for you!

One of the many ending climax images after successfully completing the minigame...
This one featuring the resident zombie Papa Ulrik

The animation for Ulysses and Lucas was maybe one of the second ones I lined when I started this project?
It's fun to go back to older work and see all the things I've learned going forward with the future animations!

Another climax scene, this one featuring the vamperic Cam Model 'Summer'

Thank you to everyone supporting and following the project!
I take a screenshot of every nice comment it receives and keep it in a folder on my desktop that I go back and look at on the days where this game seems far too much of a hassle to keep myself going!

I can't wait to come back with more static CG's and screenshots and videos of our sandbox testing in engine!
I may even have some Character Busts done for future residents you'll meet in future updates

Hope to see you all there!
