Completed all events, but still maxing out the characters, therefore as follows a few thoughts which probably have been mentioned before.
I am struggling a bit to see the scrollbar or better: the moveable part of the scrollbar, because this object has often the same color as the background or frame where the scrollbar is included in (e.g. at ACTIONS during the sex scence or while choosing clothings for the girls) and I cannot see if I am already on the top of the scrollbar or at the bottom. If any chance to have a different (third) color that would be really helpful to avoid scrolling in the wrong direction.
Any chance to have the number of an active page of the load/save screen shown with a different color (or by showing the name "page 3", "page 4" and so on)? While I think it is probably not planned to have a in-game gallery for replaying special events (?) I normally use a lot of save slots for these events and it would be easier to navigate through the different pages when it can be directly seen on what page I am.
When using the HumHum-App on the mobile phone is it possible to "swipe" between the girls without going back to the main screen of the app? Like two arrows, one for the left direction, one for the right.
In the scenes with Rogue Null is holding hands with her quite often as part of the scene (e.g. while studying). Still, the gesture of Rogue is not changing always (e.g. reaching out her hand (which of course does not always fit)) and she often also is still wearing her gloves. At least to see that she is touching the hands of Null with her bare hand would be a nice detail.
If e.g. Laura is asking you to enter her room after a date the cinematic bars are partially blocking her body at the doggy position. If I just ask her to hook up itdoes not happen.
When the girls are giving a BJ and Null is coming in their mouth the scene ends with the face of the girls with their mouth closed. Do you have planned to add a few frames where they e.g. open their mouth, closing it again, swallow and open it again? Maybe while Zero is saying something like "Show me." and depending on the girls character their answer can be slightly different, like Rogue is happy when she is praised for being a good girl for swallowing.
During the sex scenes with Laura (here: so far without penetration) and Null is having his orgasm she is sometimes just taking the blow in her mouth/on her face without asking (which fits with her character), but Null has still the line to ask/tell her to go on her knees. Would be a nice details when instead of the sentence of Null only a description is shown like "Laura is pushing you on your back and..." and so on.
As far as I understand (please correct me if I am wrong) the dev team is quite willing to update already existing and completed parts of the game like Runey is doing it with his Harem Hotel (and I mostly love him for doing this). Therefore just a few thoughts about probably allready completed parts but as it was said it is still pre-alpha and therefore maybe of interest.
Null is asking Kurt about BAMF taxi, but I guess the first time he is using it for transporting Null is during the comic book store event. If I remember correctly before this event is the scence where Null has to organize something for Jean in the mall quickly. Maybe it is an idea that (after Null is running out of her room, checking the time still available, realizing that it will not work out) Null is asking Kurt to BAMF taxi him to the mall and back?
Regarding BAMF taxi: In 0.2 Null was scared with "GAH!" when Kurt has BAMFed around him. In 0.3 it partially goes to "GAAH!", so in 0.4 it clearly has to be going on with "GAAAH!" and so on (And yes, I remember that Null has mentioned during the update that he is familiarising with the BAMF, but still).
So far I have not tried to have a reaction of the girls when Null was not showering for several days. Still, maybe (if not already included) Laura can say something more that she likes to smell Null even more?
At the end of all available events Laura and Rogue are friends, but Rogue is calling Laura still X-23. Maybe an idea for a small scence where they explain to Null that Laura has allowed Rogue to call her Laura as well?
Still very happy with this game, thank you.