Damn, this new Audrey is just getting more and more creepier
If she wanna dye her hair black I'll be more than ok but getting herself dolled up like a... Man I'm speechless just like the mc.
Then... on this episode she tattooed herself and
watch the mc sleep, I mean I'm okay if my SO staring at me sleeping but in this case she is just creepy. I agree with what Goldy said, this is stupid.
I really really hope this is just her insecurities like
CookieMonster666 said and I hope we can get her real self back even if it means I have to run a faithful path with her, she is one of my favorites in this game, more than the main girl Jenna (she is not even in the top 3 on my list)
Then again I won't be surprised if this was what the dev intended and how he/she/they envision women looks and behavior,
including the random girl in the gym, theater,
Tonya and the tattoo artist. Full lips, big tits (while Goldy's might not be big, they're not small) and ass, it SCREAMS BIMBO through and through. Yes even 'normal' Audrey looks like that to me but maybe because I rarely see a girl looks like that since I live in South East Asia?. I don't know... do women commonly look like that in the EU and US?
It is so unusual how I like more reserved girls in a porn game. While what Vanessa, Goldy and Lauren (I especially like her getup, fits her style imo) wear is far to be considered prudish, I prefer them than the skimpy secretary outfit Audrey wore. And don't even mention what Jenna wore in the date. Really, what they wear... too much for me. Again I understand in the case of Audrey if it was insecurities. But Jenna? The first time you see her in the game you can see her panty but she's insecure about her body?
"All girls in my school dress like this". Lame excuse but okay...
*sigh* why I am so worked up about a porn game lol, especially in one with ridiculous place naming, Kamasutra Resort? Vulva Bay? etc,. I need sleep