RPGM Translation Projects


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
Various projects the slowest 2d eroge translator (me) has finished or currently working on.

I'm creating this thread, first of all, for people and myself to keep track of my progress. Secondly, if I ever to disappear, to give people interested in one of the games a chance to start not from scratch, but from where I left off. And thirdly, to attention whore a bit.
Here's the list:

NameCircleRJH-Scenes/Lines TranslatedMaps TranslatedStatusLink
Anti-Demon Stormedge Sakuya 36/5968/101On Hold
Miko's Sexual Adventure 08/6503/39On Hold
+EXORCIST+ Chris and the Cursed Town 26/26189/189Active
Puppeteer's Dreaming & Awakening Active
Our Cumdump Teacher Active
Underground City of Lust Active
Reminiscence Active
A Witch and an Anxious Guildmaster -Active

A Tale of Two Swords
Captive Princess Marie
War Demon Kirsten
Cucking Trap
The Day My Mother... THE GAME
The Alcummy of Amelie
Vampire Fuck
Endless Summer
Elf of Hypnolust
Silly Girls Quest
Elena Quest ~Migrant Maiden~
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
Oh hey that's a pretty wide variety of genres from a bunch of different circles; cool to see! Thanks for making a thread to keep us updated! I'm seeing more and more people take the "multiple projects to avoid burnout" route and I'm glad it's working well for you!
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Jun 1, 2017
Oh wow, you've got a great taste! I bought Elena a while ago with the intention of translating it, but I forgot about it. I can't wait to play your translation!
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Oct 22, 2017
Thank you for translating those games, I cant wait to play tale of two swords with everything translated.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
Updated information in OP: added new links for Cucking Trap and Vampire Fuck.
Vampire Fuck: finished translating skills and names of most enemies. I forgot to mention it but a hefty chuck of the game is already translated, almost everything up to the second town. I will translate the rest of UI and the first few H-scenes next week.
Cucking Trap: translated game's huge intro with H-scenes and all content in 1 of the 8 rooms.
Update (05.10.20): added new links for Cucking Trap and Vampire Fuck (very minor update for this one), updated information in OP.
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
Updated information in OP: added new links for Cucking Trap and Vampire Fuck.
Vampire Fuck: finished translating skills and names of most enemies. I forgot to mention it but a hefty chuck of the game is already translated, almost everything up to the second town. I will translate the rest of UI and the first few H-scenes next week.
Cucking Trap: translated game's huge intro with H-scenes and all content in 1 of the 8 rooms.
Cool to see you expanding the list; thanks for the update!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
Added a new link for Cucking Trap, updated information in OP.
I haven't been talking about Elena's Quest at all since I created the thread. Going to rectify this now: the translation is nearing its completion.
There's like 10-15 H-scenes left and 5-6 clusters of areas with little to medium amount of untranslated text. I'm planning to finish both Cucking Trap and Elena's Quest late this month or early next one. That being said, with those projects being close to the finishing line, I will focus way less on other games listed in OP, sorry.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
Added a new link for Cucking Trap, updated information in OP.
I haven't been talking about Elena's Quest at all since I created the thread. Going to rectify this now: the translation is nearing its completion.
There's like 10-15 H-scenes left and 5-6 clusters of areas with little to medium amount of untranslated text. I'm planning to finish both Cucking Trap and Elena's Quest late this month or early next one. That being said, with those projects being close to the finishing line, I will focus way less on other games listed in OP, sorry.
Very cool! Thanks for the update!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
Sorry for going MIA and obviously sorry for not fulfilling a promise I made in my previous post. As always, I underestimated the amount of work it would require to finish two projects, one is which is really massive.
With that out of the way, here's how things stand in regards to some of my projects:
1. Elena - completely translated, since I missed the deadline I set for myself anyway I decided to take extra time to polish the translation, will release it some day before Christmas;
2. Cucking Trap - only 2 rooms and endings left, might release the translation before the end of the month, but can't promise anything;
3. Vampire Fuck - translated all maps, only just started with H-scenes and snippets of text in battles.

To reflect the current status of these translations, updated information in OP. Didn't update links. Seems like nobody downloads them seeing how I don't receive any feedback, so posting partials instead of fully translated games seems pointless to me.

Arima Bery

Dec 16, 2017
I wanna try vampire fucks, are u by any chance hv the game file ? Really hard finding the working game link with good speed
Sorry if im looks like begging tho gonna delete it x.x


New Member
Sep 11, 2017
Hey! Thank you for finding the time to continue with the translations and don't worry about the deadline! I think people prefer to wait for the finished projects instead of playing the partials (myself included), so once they're completed I'll try to find any imperfections and report them to you!