Others [Translation Request] Charming Mate ~女王サキュバス育成日誌~ (RJ262114)


Jan 18, 2018
Language & Audio: Japanese
Untranslated version can be found here .

It's like One Room:Runaway Girl but has less interactive touching and is with a cute succubus instead of a school girl.


Sep 22, 2018
Is there a guide for this somewhere? Very enjoyable so far, but without a translation or knowing what unlocks what, I'm still missing a few options.


New Member
Nov 30, 2017
OK, so this is going to be BEYOND tedious as hell if you want to know literally everything that's being said but it should be good at least until the english version of this comes out.....IF it comes out.....>_>; It's not perfect by any means, but it's nothing a little use of context clues can fix.

This site can extract text from images, and you can then download the text files to get the japanese text, then you can go translate using google translate (I know, I know...), whichever.

Using this, I learned there are 5 classes to choose for Mare (The Succubus we're raising). along with how to get them.
Little: this is our starting class.
Queen: Finish all special achievments, the right tab when looking at the achievments. doing this, you're able to do 2 choices: Wake up, or live in the dream. If you want to keep seeing her, choose live in the dream (bottom option). Sadly, she isn't able to use the scenes of the other classes as well as hers like you would think a Queen would be capable of. However, this is a special class if you want to beat the game. Rest of the classes don't present a choice. The quest should be easy to do, the 4 with 70, are to get each of the stats above 70, and the final one was to unlock all the scenes you could without changing classes. For me, levels didn't matter. (Thank god.)
Innocent: High affection while keeping her virginity.
Perfume: this should have something to do with smell like Pheremones and stuff. I honestly have no idea how to get it.
Milky: I imagine this class name speaks for itself. You should be able to get this by giving her huge breasts and doing breast feeding handjobs.
Lilim: Gives Mare a brutish personality and it's for Masochists I learned that through recognizing a the name in japanese text and translating it on google translate for shits and giggles. You can get this class by having high sexual skills with low affection below 50.

(Realized it'd help a lot more if I included stats. I don't understand japanese but this is what I got from google translate.) From top to bottom, her stats are "Intelligence, Sexual technique, Lewdness (Actually, this one was "Nympho" or "Nasty" but an alternate interpretation was lewdness so it made more sense to call it that), and Affection" the 5th one with the white bar is hunger.

Gifting, talking, and educating increases affection, I know blowjobs should increase sexual skills and lewdness without increasing affection. (Head is talking, hand is touching, book is educating, and present is gifting.)

Tips I've learned while playing blindly:

Save your damn gold. Achievement system is your income. So don't go blowing all your gold on stuff. Save it for important shit.

If your charm meter (Pink heart thing) ends up being completely full. It's only game over if you snooze for the next day. So is if her hunger meter is empty.

Oh, and on the first few nights if you get a pink text choice and a white text choice. choose white. Choose pink and it's game over. There should be another choice later on in a later part of the game with 2 choices, choose the bottom one.

That's basically all I got. Hope it at least helps for those who are just now finding this game.

EDIT: OH, last thing. If you want to use items, go for the clipboard button and the top-right. Hit the pencil tab on the lower right. and you should be able to use items. hover your mouse over them to see if they restore LP, AP, or decrease the charm.

Edit 2: Disregard the last "Last thing" this is the true "last thing". Whatever you do, don't blindly do a class change when you get the sheet of paper with the charm symbol on it. If you use that paper, you cannot change back. No exceptions. I don't know if you can do multiple classes, in my experience you can only do just the one. I could be wrong tho.

Edit 3: So.....you know how I said last thing? Yeah, I am not to be trusted when I say last thing. Tried doing more googling and found this guide. It was in chinese tho, machine translation was.....somewhat helpful? I mean, Lilim was translated fairly straightforward. Can't win em all. I'll leave the machine translation and the actual link to the guide in the hopes someone can translate it.

Machine translation:

little: initial state
perfume: very easy to achieve, so the trigger condition is unknown (it will be played out normally)
milky: More European play (referring to H scene should not be related to touch)
innocent: place + high favor
lilim: high sex skills + low affection (below 50)
queen: Complete special missions, pay attention to the passively triggered memories must be unlocked to complete
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