RPGM Complete [Translation Request] SEQUEL colony [Leaf Geometry]


New Member
Sep 12, 2021
¿Cómo le algo para darles el anillo alas chicas?¿How do you get something to give the girls the ring?


New Member
Jul 2, 2018
Sorry for the double post.
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so i understand this thread is ancient and the original author probably doesnt care anymore but hear is the deal with the story explaining what happened in Schisma and Alzhett (WARNING spoilers ahead, obviously): Essentially there was a person researching perpetual youth, this researcher successfully achieved perpetual youth and then began traveling the world in search of immortality. This researcher's name was Aeonhart Alzhett. Three humans came to him asking for perpetual youth for themselves. Aeonhart agreed and traded the three men perpetual youth for eternal cooperation. Aeonhart wanted 3 things; security, manpower, and resources. In order to supply all of these things the three men constructed the kingdom of Alzhett and became the 3 eternal kings. Aeon is somewhat of a mad researcher wanting to experiment with the best test subjects, he saw great potential in Auris but Olivia (her mother) refused to give her child to Aeon and attempted to hide her talent by never giving her an opportunity to display her talent. Olivia made a deal with Aeon in which they would experiment on Olivia's body and leave Auris alone. Fast forward a lot of unspecified time. Aeon decides to expand his project and attempts to colonize Schisma, he makes copies of Trau over and over, since as the group comes to find out perpetual youth is a lie and an ageless body is required. Aeon attempts to forcefully create an ageless body by using the Brand of Ronis (commonly called the pest queen's curse). Aeon comments on how the Schisma project was promising yet problematic knights lead to its failure. The following is my conjecture; The one armed guy is a nameless knight who fell in love with Trau and they attempted to elope together and spend their lives together forever by using the Brand of Ronis to give the nameless knight perpetual youth, this obviously failed and turned the majority of humans and faeries into pests. (This is not certain just my guess using the provided context, "In the end both Schisma's faeries and most of the humans who headed there turned into pests. Even though I told them not to use the Brand of Ronis"). There is much more lore but hopefully this wraps up any confusion for the main plot in SEQUEL colony.