I feel like this was probs said at some point before but I am here to say it again LOL. Been looking though the crew options, since I am doing a Male playthough and well
Futa- 8
(Kiro and Azra kinda bend the rules cause there race kinda just have dicks weather your male or female but I am just gonna count them, Syri wasn't BORN a futa but she is one when we meet her )
Male- 2
Female- 9
Female but can be turned into futa- 4
Bess and Ben: cause you have to chose either a male or female, so they could go either or.
Cel/Nova(Gray Goo) Cel yes she is female but she can grow dicks if you want, Nova is here as well, though they do appear female they can take any appearance they wish, and don't really have one, so I am just put the slime and possible slime in the same boat.
Varmint-Its a space dog pretty much and the gender is just ????? lol
Siegwulfe- Is Female and can also turned into be a futa, but at the end of the day just a combat drone so putting them here.
Tika- Yes made female but still just a drone like Siewulfe.
Like I am looking at this and, like fuck how can anyone say this game doesn't have futa in it! like AT ALL XD
But jokes aside this is kinda one sided as shit and it lowkey kinda pisses me off, like I am not gay but COME ON, we could have more then just 2 GUYS?!
If you put everything together you Get with all possible options:
13 Futas (8 normal with 5 Optional)
18 Girls (5 optional and including the 2 slimes and the 2 female drone)
and only 3 FUCKING guys (2 and 1 if you chose ben)
and 1 mystery
Like fuck me, yes the girls win in the end but if you cut out the optional bits the futa and girls are tied!
is it a bad thing to want some Varity with Crew mates?
Also side note which crew members can and can not use turrets during space battles is FUCKIGN hilarious.
Ah yes the lady who as older then me by a bit, and been a scientist for a while can't use a console and or what ever the use for the space turrets can't, BUT THE BIBMO goblin can.
I lowkey LOVE IT
(edit Spelling/grammer)