That............ definitly come out from nowhere ... ya got me here lol.. didnt expected to see it here one day honestly .
alright.. time to answer some peoples
madacam... why do I remember that dev name from somewhere else...
yup.. me... been here for a moment

thats probably why..
Sounds good i'll add it to the play list!
thanks ! thats all i ask .. to give a shot and a feedback in return

co-co coc cock !
Ninja Chicken - get it right.
Fun fact: there are 293 renders in this game, and 56 of them including the title card have the chicken.
That's some statistically significant chicken renders right there, boi!
it didnt look, but that chicken ( rooster actually) will be more than a simple random stuff . but thats not say of course, it will be more clear later.
You had me at motherfucking Ninja Chicken!
Dl'ing right now.
Thanks for the upload.
thanks for trying

dont hesitate on the feedback !
The reindeer girl is ticking a lot of boxes for me... but the renders are shit... Fucking dilemmas, man
my pc is shit, all render are in 3delight and not iray ( super quality ), but its just my beginning, soo obviously, its not perfect, far away from that.
"Ninja Chicken" as a genre...hahaha! I like it!
DLing now...despite the fact that the elf chick smiling in the car picture is the stuff of nightmares!
heh, everybody their own taste

, thanks for giving it a try ! let a feedback please !
A fucking Chicken?
yup... well, i can proudly say : "at least, its not another dude already seeing tons of times in other games XD "
I don't like chikens.. and i particularly HATE roosters.. And thats not a chiken there.. thats a rooster. And i hate him already. This one seems bizarre to say the least. A walking talking skeleton.. in shirt and tie? The rooster must die
my game IS a weird game, thats the plan

. despite is wtf style, it have a deep background story. not alot on the prologue, but that will be more clear later .
What the fuck did I just play?!
Some weird shit right here... That chicken...
On a most serious note, several thoughts of mine :
I read that you would "take it all", so here it is.
Reindeer girl is nice on all renders (I got the feeling that's your favorite one). Elf girl is nice too, but quality varies a lot between scenes.
Some renders are nice, but I feel like the majority of them are poorly executed (I'm playing fullscreen 27" 1440p, so it's hard not to see the flaws). Try to play more with lighting/effects, I'm sure it could be very nice. A little more effort for poses would be nice too.
You seriously need some proofreading, mate. I saw that you're not english native, so it's understandable. Or maybe the "engrish" is on purpose, if it's not, no big deal, it certainly adds some more wtf moments to the playthrough.
I'm fully aware that's just a prologue, and that you are new to this, so I hope you'll take this critisism the good way (That's what I'm aiming for tbh).
I really like the lack of seriousness of the game, I'll keep an eye on it for future updates, to see how far you will push this.
Thanks for these 15 mins of akwardness!
thanks for your feedback, it welcome. and yes, i take it all
i agree that the beginning is bad, i will remake it better, but as its just not alots of render, i didnt thinking it was a priority.
the deergirl is my gf ( in game, me, chicken.. well ,you got it ), as like for the chicken, she is more important than she look. she is not a main character, but you'll see later... no spoil.
my english is bad, very bad, i know.. i try my best. i wanted to ask for a proofread but i was like " let's try like this, alone, and see how it goes.. maybe my english is not THAT bad" .... but well... i fail apparently

, i m more bad than i thinking. sorry for the grammar shit.
dont worry, i take all critics good. they are important for me

thanks you for give the game a try . its more appreciate than you can think .
Utter nonsense this one is but i must say the script scene was funny
thats the point of the game... a wtf, weird as possible story.
That Ninja Chicken must be Assassin Turkey's cousin.
hah ! wait to see what is coming about "turkey" ( or look at patreon for a small idea XD )
my game is supposedly to be wtf, weird as shit and all. thats the sens of the game. it still have a serious story/background, but i wanted to make it different, fresh and original from every game you can see around. and soo come that !
my english is shit, yup, sorry... (i m french btw).. dont worry, i will proofread next time. i just tryed by myself alone and see where it goes. but my english appear to be more bad than what i thinking. i m sorry if i hurted the feeling of some english grammar professional . it wasnt my intention.
i take all critics, dont hesitate, i love honest peoples. soo dont be afraid to tell me what you think about it. its always welcome and i will try to answer as best as i can.
my pc is very shit, sooo the game is in 3delight, and not in iray ( used by most popular and great renders games ).. let's honestly say that i try to make the best with what i have. its my first one, soo its not perfect. no doubt i will improve ( jeeez, i will hang myself to the floor and jump on the table if i go on the wrong way lol ).
i didnt expected my game to be here. not like this at least.. thats was surprising and make me a real shock :O . but hey ! i m glad that it is here. now i will have more feedback. and thats for me the more important .
well, thats a long wall ( in shitty english i bet). sorry for that

thanks you all, i m very happy that you give my game a try. good thing if you liked it. i m sorry if you wasted your time and didnt liked it. it is true that my game is different and not to take like the others games you generally see poping out here.
@bossapplesauce shit ! you make my day with that description XD