Nope, I was not mistaken... I also was surprised at first to see curly braces instead of square brackets in the code when my replacement didn't work.
They DO work as variables though, but their effect is that the value they derive to is also formatted differently from the rest of the dialogue.
In this case, every time certain characters are mentioned in a dialogue line, the name is shown in the color assigned to that character's name.
They are what renpy calls
In this game it's used like the below snippet.
def cc_tag2(tag, argument):
char = renpy.eval_who(tag)
col = char.who_args['color']
if persistent.name_colors:
return [(renpy.TEXT_TAG, u"color={}".format(col)), (renpy.TEXT_TEXT, u"{}".format(char)), (renpy.TEXT_TAG, u"/color".format(col)),]
return [(renpy.TEXT_TAG, u"color={}".format(persistent.set_txt_color)), (renpy.TEXT_TEXT, u"{}".format(char)), (renpy.TEXT_TAG, u"/color".format(persistent.set_txt_color)),]
config.self_closing_custom_text_tags["ro"] = cc_tag2
If you check out the game, you'll see that whenever certain characters are referenced in dialogue, it's always done with curly braces, and not with square brackets.
See below extract.
You're also mistaken in what I wanted. I do NOT want to REPLACE the result of the variable. I want to SEE the actual variable itself in the list of 'Renaming' entries.
NOT what they evaluate to, so like in the below mockup.
View attachment 3054680
The same would apply if a variable is used with square brackets. After all, if you revisit the same game months later, you will not remember if or which displayed entries have variables in either the original or the replacement entry.
PS. My apologies for the usage of all-caps words, I feel they better convey emphasis than just bold. They are not meant as shouting.