Thanks for the game
LoQual and good luck with this project!
Is it gonna be a "slice of life" VN with the MC going to school and meetings girls along the way or is there gonna be a main storyline behind the school life? Maybe something related to the fact the MC was homeschooled?
The last scene got me curious:
I guess I'll have to play the next update to understand what the fuck is going on!
Just a few things that came to mind while playing the game:
- Line 147 --> Give a real name to the previous math teacher like Johnson, Smith or whatever, anything but "Mr Xxx"! This kind of stuff would break the immersion if it wasn't the beginning of the game...^^
- Just a personal preference but maybe tone it down a notch with the "brother" each time the MC is talking to a male character.
- After the last pic, a screen to warn the player the game is over so he has time to save his playthrough might be a good idea.
- The writing is always understandable but there are mistakes here and there so some proofreading would definitely help (for example, line 1310: "guest" would sound better than "visitor"). When there are too many mistakes, the player's focus can shift from the game.
- The game is going to need more meaningful dialogues so you can make us fall in love with the LI. At the moment, they mostly exchange platitudes so they lack in depth and personality. Obviously this is only the introduction so this isn't a big deal yet but the LI should be more than archetypes and pretty faces in order to appeal.
And as a few stated earlier, it would probably be a wise idea to be upfront about your planned fetishes otherwise this topic might turn into another clusterfuck...^^ Since there are bullies roaming around in this game I can definitely imagine some NTR situations happening in later updates (that or they are only here to make you shine, this is usually one of these two tropes in adult games!

) if you do not make the right choices asserting your dominance (looks like there is an attribute for that against the bullies). And if there is no way around it despite this attribute, I sure would like to know before getting invested in your game cause this is usually not my cup of tea.