- Jul 16, 2020
- 26
- 29
EDIT: Updated to version 1.08. Now it shows favorites, and as requested, it can install SymLinks to external files. Read the spoiler on SymLinks for details. Read at the bottom for details on the changes and fixes. If you have problems downloading leave a message
IMPORTANT: Vambropy does NOT modify any files other than Custom/PluginData/sfishere/Autoinstall.txt. It does NOT modify your sub-directories structures. When you command it to install/uninstall, it moves files with their paths between AllPackages and AddonPackages dirs, so all paths are kept intact; same with installing by copying from another directory. You can configure your external drives/ directory trees with your own structures and the way it copies into VaM, to do it your own way. Vambropy is independent of VaM.exe, it does not need VaM to be running, and changes made with it are not automatically reflected in VaM. if you are running VaM and Vambropy together, after making changes on one of them you will need to refresh the other.
About the code:
Vambropy is python-coded, open source; code is fully commented on what it does and is easily moddable if you know some programming basics. If there are python programmers in here and want to mod it/fix things/enhance functionality go ahead! If you want to make it bigger or part of another project just mention me as original creator/collaborator on this stuff.
The program will not manage downloads. I just have tested the recent Boss963's Sharp VaM Tools, is already featuring that and much more, and it does it awesomely. Not much more is planned at the moment. I'm after some way of managing morphs so they can be dynamically moved in and out of VaM catalog, to help with performance, That is the reason all morphs are hashed and listed in the db (hidden at the moment but filterable) Feedback and suggestions welcome
Some details on its workflow:
Finally there are 3 simple buttons for loading VaM in its 3 main modes.
That is all... I hope you enjoy using it.
UPDATE v1.08
UPDATE V1.05b:
Vambropy is an open source tool for managing your .var collection and enhancing the use of sfishere's VarBrowser plugin. It keeps up to date your currently used packages in VaM as well as packages in external directories/drives. Packages' metadata information and tags are imported to a database, giving you flexible ways of offline browsing your packages, by sorting, grouping, filtering. And copy/move/toggle/unpack functions provide ways for fast integration with VarBrowser's directory structure, helping to enhance VaM's performance and responsiveness by dynamically adding and removing your custom lists of packages (a feature VarBrowser lacks). Its main purpose is to use it as offline VaM/VarBrowser configuring/information tool.
- A fast sqlite database, even faster in v1.07, updated with a single click, and before each package process
- It uses VarBrowser's concept of available/installed packages. (move paths between AllPackages and AddonPackages folders)
- Integrates VarBrowser's Autoinstall system (toggle on/off "packages always installed no matter what")
- Helps with installing bunchs of dependencies VarBrowser sometimes left uninstalled.(Subdependencies). Couple of clicks and all installed.
- Easy package installation from external directories/drives (copy with full path). No removal of packages, so no package can be accidentally lost.
- Unpacking option for clothing and hair. Local clothing and hair -specially clothing, since we don't use too many hairs to clog the VaM's pipes- works faster than vars, it makes person atom load faster, increasing performance)*.
- VaM and repos directories check, making sure no duplicate packages are within VaM (you manually choose), and bad packages information is displayed when you have packages with bad format.
- Multiple multi-word filters allow you to group, view specific content by creator, info, morphs, etc, and analyze dynamically changing dependencies related to your currently filtered packages, which packages are using some dependency, etc.
- Color-coded information on package and dependency availability.
- View all package's thumbnails in a thumbnail; tags, information and instructions (useful for plugins). i.e. Cannot remember that camera plugin name...? Just type 'camera' in var_info filter and all related packages will show.
- Custom lists (profiles) allows to add/remove your created lists of packages. You can easily uninstall all (like you do from VarBrowser) but at the same time enable a list with hundreds of packages, and then another one and so on.
- A button to view all the dependencies from your saved scenes, so you to get a list of dependencies that can be installed back,i.e. to easily recover your saved scenes' functionality if you previously uninstalled all vars.
- Context menus with all the functions and hotkeys, in the main packages and dependencies views.
- Can generate lists of missing dependencies, to export or copy/paste to the great Boss963's Sharp VaM Tools
- VarBrowser's Favorites are shown in the list with different background color (configurable).
- Can install Sym-Links from external NTFS partition/disks (only when it runs with administrator privileges)
IMPORTANT: Vambropy does NOT modify any files other than Custom/PluginData/sfishere/Autoinstall.txt. It does NOT modify your sub-directories structures. When you command it to install/uninstall, it moves files with their paths between AllPackages and AddonPackages dirs, so all paths are kept intact; same with installing by copying from another directory. You can configure your external drives/ directory trees with your own structures and the way it copies into VaM, to do it your own way. Vambropy is independent of VaM.exe, it does not need VaM to be running, and changes made with it are not automatically reflected in VaM. if you are running VaM and Vambropy together, after making changes on one of them you will need to refresh the other.
About the code:
Vambropy is python-coded, open source; code is fully commented on what it does and is easily moddable if you know some programming basics. If there are python programmers in here and want to mod it/fix things/enhance functionality go ahead! If you want to make it bigger or part of another project just mention me as original creator/collaborator on this stuff.
The program will not manage downloads. I just have tested the recent Boss963's Sharp VaM Tools, is already featuring that and much more, and it does it awesomely. Not much more is planned at the moment. I'm after some way of managing morphs so they can be dynamically moved in and out of VaM catalog, to help with performance, That is the reason all morphs are hashed and listed in the db (hidden at the moment but filterable) Feedback and suggestions welcome
Some details on its workflow:
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Finally there are 3 simple buttons for loading VaM in its 3 main modes.
That is all... I hope you enjoy using it.
UPDATE v1.08
- Fixed bug when copying vars that matched a name with longer name, because name was not including version delimiter'.'.
- Fixed bug when copying vars after another process. It required to press Refresh button before copyiing. Now it is not needed.
- Some code files reorganized
- Added Dependency usage filter from packages section also (menu and hotkey)
- Added Varbrowser's Favorites (view only, not scene-specific, just package); and background color configuration for it in config.ini.
- Changed infor view on Dependencies window (double-click): Now it clears all filters, filter to the package name and you can click to see info from it. (To work as I intended, part of the code would have to be rewritten. I can not do it now).
- Added install symlink option on external packages, by pressing key L or by using menu. (App needs to be run as admin)
- Multithreading on the heavier packages functions implemented. Initial db build and thumbnail creation is 2-3 times faster now.
- Fixed dependency install buttons, again (the new message logic was skipping the process in most cases)
- Fixed and reworked install copy/move methods, now faster and not freezing (so much) the app
- Single button dependency install (available+external), using filters, no more need to separate copy /move files
- Binary file optimization. EXE file now is almost half the size! Now you can download the full package from the attachment.
- Added resource_path, for compiling optimization (icon now is bundled in the vambropy.exe).
- Changed dependencies_from_selected, worked with the first of a selection, now works with all selected.
- Added context menu for packages window and dependencies window. Removed help on Shortcuts in the status bar, since menu entries already show the shortcut.
- Added package information also for known dependencies.
- Readme.txt includes instructions for first configuration and using/compiling it from sources.
UPDATE V1.05b:
- Changes to the packages.db tags, and morphs fields. Previous version must be deleted. (Except thumbnails. Thumbnails directory from previous version can be moved to avoid scanning all images again)
- Fixed unpacking functions bugs and simplified code for "dummy" vars, now optional.
- Fixed missing packages not turning red in main packages view.
- Fixed proper warning/error messages, more strict but easy about config.ini settings.
- Fixed some default settings not present in config.ini.
- Fixed "install all (related) dependencies" buttons, and all their functions completed.
- Fixed availability level for External, it was called "Archived" yet.
- Fixed New List from installed packages, now it does not include auto-installed & dummy vars.
- Added confirmation to install deps buttons, since a massive number of external dependencies could be installed by mistake.
- Added confirmation to "uninstall all packages" button.
- Added configure up to 5 external directories (repos).
- Added progress (%) indicator on status bar for tasks that may take long time (var scanning/thumbnails creation, saved scenes deps).
- Added filter by morph names, and column with number of morphs.
- Added "Edit config.ini" button for easy access.
- Added custom colors in config.ini for package availability, and some basic theme support, for background color change if needed.
- Removed "Refresh external" checkbox (now it checks external paths only before copying and on manual Refresh ).
- Added "Reveal missing" checkbox, useful sometimes, to know if something was manually deleted from all your collection.
- Added "Autoinstall->List" button, and now the 2 buttons allow to import and export VarBrowser's auto-install settings.
- Fixed 'common.dir' in config.ini was not properly changed in sources. Fixed.
V1.08 vambropy.exe, sources included. (see attachment)
NOT VIRUS: if unsure, compile from sources (readme.txt on how to)
V1.08 vambropy.exe, sources included. (see attachment)
NOT VIRUS: if unsure, compile from sources (readme.txt on how to)
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