VN Ren'Py Welcome to Free Will [MrStrangelove] - Development Thread

3.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Creator of Free Will
Game Developer
May 5, 2021

Welcome to Free Will

After his mother goes missing, a young man and his older brother travel to the small town called Free Will, where she was last seen.
Things get complicated very quickly when he is pulled into the chain of events going on in the town and meets the person he thought he would never see again.
As his stay in town extends, he will question his previous decisions and begin to see the true value in life.

Almost a year of planning and preparation, creating the world, story, and characters, learning how to operate in Daz and Renpy, and the result is almost here. I'm really excited and can't wait to share the game with you.
The first episode is going to be big, and the future ones even bigger. Over 1300 renders and 50 animations in the first one. I'll give you the exact numbers when the episode is published.
I am not a fan of updating the game for 10-15 minutes of content. Each episode will be big and polished.

Main girls:






What's left to do? Currently beta testing, I will also be doing more animations. Renders are done, but I may add more or remove some.
I will post more details about the game structure later.
You can learn more on my Patreon page -

Release date - early/mid June

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
Best of luck with your project.

Any info regarding genre/fetishes and gamestyle?


Creator of Free Will
Game Developer
May 5, 2021
Thanks for the kind words!

Okay, so more details:

- Main Character - straight, white male, 24 years old.

- Theme - small town. I was always a fan of series like Twin Peaks (old but gold), True Detective, or games like Life is Strange. Creating my own story in a small town is something I always wanted to do and it's amazing that I can share it with you.

- Structure - a non-linear story with lots of choices. There will also be "sandbox" sections where you can interact with objects, talk to people, unlock renders, do side quests, etc. I want to point out that this is a story-first game and I want it to be realistic when it comes to relations with characters. There will be sex scenes in Episode 1 tho.

- Genre - I don't like to limit myself to one genre. This is an adult game mixed with romance, drama, comedy, mystery, and psychological thriller. Why limit yourself? I go where my mind takes me. I want to deliver an experience you will never forget.

- Music - for me, one of the most important aspects of the game. I highly recommend leaving the music on. Some scenes will be closely tied to the music. I spent many days searching for songs that would fit perfectly in a scene. I love the music in this game.

- Camera - first-person view and a view where we can see the main character. I did this to show emotions on the character's face and have more options in terms of animations and renders.

- Minigames - There will be minigames in the game. Although the first episode will only have one minigame in the future I want to introduce more. There will also be one collectible side mission that will stretch throughout season 1. I know some of the people hate minigames in VN, that's why it will be possible to skip minigames and the collectible side activity you can just ignore.

You will also have your phone and journal. On your phone you will be able to call, text, check objectives and stats, and play music. In future episodes, I'll introduce the store and apps (I'll let people decide what apps they want to see on the phone)
In the journal, you will be able to check out unlocked renders, view character bios, and your diary. Everything will be constantly updated throughout the game. The look of the diary will be pleasing to the eye with many drawings and photos.

Tomorrow I will give info on fetishes, brief descriptions of the characters, and show some of the side girls. Take care guys!

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Creator of Free Will
Game Developer
May 5, 2021
Two of the side girls:

Elyce works at the sheriff's department as a receptionist. She knows what it means to have a good time. You can quickly notice that there is a strange aura around her.

Flavia seems like a laid-back girl who makes friends easily, but she's hiding a secret that no one can know about.


Creator of Free Will
Game Developer
May 5, 2021

I've been working hard this week on finishing up the first episode. I added a few animations and threw out some that I was unhappy with. The game will have various lengths of animations from the simple 1-2 second ones, to the more complicated 6-10 second ones.
There will be even more animations in future episodes.
I also changed some scenes that did not fit into the overall situation.
I made the main menu which will display different characters from the game. There will also be a rewards sub-section where you can see unlocked scenes and renders. It looks pretty good and I'm happy with it.
What's left - final touches and beta testing to avoid releasing a buggy as my first game. The game is very big and a lot of things need to be taken care of.
The premiere will be next week.
As for the fetishes - in the first episode will be foot fetish, titjob, titfuck, blowjob, handjob, anal sex. This is just the first episode in future ones I plan to go definitely further.
On my patreon free wallpaper for everyone.
Take care!
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Aug 25, 2017
Danke für die freundlichen Worte!

Okay, also mehr Details:

- Hauptfigur - heterosexuell, weißer Mann, 24 Jahre alt.

- Thema - kleine Stadt. Ich war schon immer ein Fan von Serien wie Twin Peaks (alt, aber gold), True Detective oder Spielen wie Life is Strange. Meine eigene Geschichte in einer kleinen Stadt zu schreiben, ist etwas, was ich schon immer tun wollte und es ist erstaunlich, dass ich es mit dir teilen kann.

- Struktur - eine nicht-lineare Geschichte mit vielen Auswahlmöglichkeiten. Es wird auch "Sandbox" -Abschnitte geben, in denen Sie mit Objekten interagieren, mit Menschen sprechen, Renderings freischalten, Nebenquests ausführen usw. können. Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass dies ein Story-First-Spiel ist und ich möchte, dass es realistisch ist, wenn es um die Beziehungen zu Charakteren geht. Es wird Sexszenen in Episode 1 geben.

- Genre - Ich mag es nicht, mich auf ein Genre zu beschränken. Dies ist ein Spiel für Erwachsene, gemischt mit Romantik, Drama, Komödie, Mystery und Psychothriller. Warum sollten Sie sich einschränken? Ich gehe dorthin, wohin mich mein Verstand führt. Ich möchte eine Erfahrung liefern, die Sie nie vergessen werden.

- Musik - für mich einer der wichtigsten Aspekte des Spiels. Ich empfehle dringend, die Musik eingeschaltet zu lassen. Einige Szenen werden eng mit der Musik verbunden sein. Ich verbrachte viele Tage damit, nach Songs zu suchen, die perfekt in eine Szene passen würden. Ich liebe die Musik in diesem Spiel.

- Kamera - First-Person-Ansicht und eine Ansicht, in der wir die Hauptfigur sehen können. Ich habe dies getan, um Emotionen auf dem Gesicht des Charakters zu zeigen und mehr Optionen in Bezug auf Animationen und Renderings zu haben.

- Minispiele - Es wird Minispiele im Spiel geben. Obwohl die erste Episode in Zukunft nur ein Minispiel haben wird, möchte ich mehr vorstellen. Es wird auch eine Sammel-Nebenmission geben, die sich über Staffel 1 erstrecken wird. Ich weiß, dass einige der Leute Minispiele in VN hassen, deshalb wird es möglich sein, Minispiele und die sammelbaren Nebenaktivitäten zu überspringen, die Sie einfach ignorieren können.

Sie haben auch Ihr Telefon und Ihr Tagebuch. Auf Ihrem Telefon können Sie anrufen, SMS schreiben, Ziele und Statistiken überprüfen und Musik abspielen. In zukünftigen Episoden werde ich den Store und die Apps vorstellen (ich lasse die Leute entscheiden, welche Apps sie auf dem Telefon sehen möchten)
Im Tagebuch kannst du entsperrte Renderings auschecken, Charakter-Bios und dein Tagebuch anzeigen. Alles wird während des gesamten Spiels ständig aktualisiert. Das Aussehen des Tagebuchs wird dem Auge mit vielen Zeichnungen und Fotos gefallen.

Morgen werde ich Informationen über Fetische geben, kurze Beschreibungen der Charaktere und einige der SideGirls zeigen. Passt auf euch auf, Jungs!



Aug 25, 2017
hallo ich übersetze gerade dein spiel ins deutsche - oder es wird bald eibe übersetzung von dir geben
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Active Member
Apr 28, 2020
MrStrangelove I just started your game and I wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying it.
The intro scene with the two brothers in the car was absolutely fantastic with the imagery and atmosphere.
Keep up the excellent work mate!


Active Member
Mar 23, 2022
Is there a game thread for this game? I can't see one that has people discussing the game and giving feedback.
I finished the version I have back in september/october 2021 (ver 0.1.5), just trying to find out if there is a newer version and more gameplay in this game.
I've enjoyed it up to this point


Nov 15, 2018
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Lou Gojira

Jan 5, 2022
Is there an Art Assets thread for this game here at F95? I've ran a few searches and can't *find anything.

I'd love to know how Niki, Candice, and especially Rosaline were made. :love:

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New Member
May 7, 2019
View attachment 1206711

Welcome to Free Will

After his mother goes missing, a young man and his older brother travel to the small town called Free Will, where she was last seen.
Things get complicated very quickly when he is pulled into the chain of events going on in the town and meets the person he thought he would never see again.
As his stay in town extends, he will question his previous decisions and begin to see the true value in life.

Almost a year of planning and preparation, creating the world, story, and characters, learning how to operate in Daz and Renpy, and the result is almost here. I'm really excited and can't wait to share the game with you.
The first episode is going to be big, and the future ones even bigger. Over 1300 renders and 50 animations in the first one. I'll give you the exact numbers when the episode is published.
I am not a fan of updating the game for 10-15 minutes of content. Each episode will be big and polished.

Main girls:

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What's left to do? Currently beta testing, I will also be doing more animations. Renders are done, but I may add more or remove some.
I will post more details about the game structure later.
You can learn more on my Patreon page -

Release date - early/mid June

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cant exit the phone after replying to message
3.00 star(s) 2 Votes