Hello thread!
I wish I were coming back with a bigger update, but sadly I have not been having as much time for (ero)games lately, and of that time, haven't been focusing as heavily on this niche. That said, the main post has been updated with recommendations for two RPGs: Moral Sword of Asagi (originally brought up in the thread by somepassingguy), and Quarta Amethyst.
(Side note, apologies to fantasmic and nulnil for 'leaving you on read'; I'd somehow missed the notifications of your posts at the time, and this thread had otherwise been a bit out of mind for me).
I finally played Jumble Jokers! It... isn't worth consideration for this list. While it's kind of neat to play it and see how the dev further developed its ideas for the sequel, it's a lot closer to "standard h-game gameplay" than "dev actually put consideration into game design."
And since I'm here, I'd also like to disagree with this sentiment. Turn-based RPGs can certainly be difficult, it just requires the dev to put more effort into the game's design and tuning combat. Some methods could be:
- a lower soft level-cap
- a hard level-cap
- have levelups be less important than equipment and skills
- scale enemies to your level
- have a static, open world in which victory is most often determined through preparation
among other methods. The sticking point is that all these would require additional investment on the developer's part, which wouldn't necessarily be reflected in increased sales (unlike spending resources to include more scenes or wider range of kinks) since there are many players who seem to not want gameplay in their h-games.
Noted on Jumble Jokers, thanks for the update!
Regarding your thoughts on turn-based RPGs, just to be clear, I'm in completely agreement with everything you say there. I think any disconnect is probably in the use of terms like 'in general' and 'exceptions'; in my experience, most RPGs (at least talking within H-games) don't have the sort of tuning that you mention. Still, it probably would be more accurate for me to say that I feel like RPGs often *aren't* (consistently) difficult, rather than that they *can't* be.
From what I've seen, most of the appeal has to do with the Ryona kink.
Anyways, here's what I have from a rec list I'm working on:
- Alien Quest Eve: When you lose, you get fucked by the enemies and see a special game over screen where Eve (is that even her name?) gets fucked by tentacles.
- Edge Lords: Losing to a character shows a special CG unique to it. 12 defeat CGs across 4 characters.
- Rignetta's Adventure: Sort of stretching it, but the animations usually gain an extra loop if you're defeated from it.
- Various AzureZero games and also various Kagura games.
Thank you for the recommendations! (With apologies, again, for the sentiment coming months after the fact).
If you're still around to speak to them, I'd be interested in how strongly you stand by these hitting that difficulty sweet-spot. Of the three you list by name, I've only played Rignetta's Adventure, and I personally definitely didn't find that to really scratch that itch at all. (Clarifying, as I always feel that need to, that that doesn't mean I think it was a bad game; I quite enjoyed it for its own merits!)
If you disagree, and stand by those recs, then I'd be happy to include them in the main post. (Even including Rignetta's, despite my own personal disagreement; I'm considering adding a category for games that the thread is split on, given how subjective this sort of thing can be, and that would just be the first example).