What happened to the Killing Antidote thread?

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Apr 21, 2020
What happened to the Killing Antidote thread?
It suddenly became locked and doesn't show up in search results.

Official game patreon:

Mods from the steam workshop maintained by Momyfuta : (mods are saved in folders named as Steam ID number for mods, this ID number can be seen in the URL for a specific mod on Steam)

Mods from the steam workshop maintained by Maximumsily : (mods are saved in folders named as Steam ID number for mods, this ID number can be seen in the URL for a specific mod on Steam)

Torrent for TKA v0.5.2.3 (Build 17470885): post in this thread

Torrent for TKA : post in this thread

Link for TKA post in this thread

Goldberg crack (steam emulation, I think): post in this thread

Another steam emulation (same?): post in this thread

Please buy the game to support the developer! It seems to be one of the better projects out there.

(I am only maintaining this post out of my goodwill and when I have the time)
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May 10, 2017
Lucky my phone had the non refreshed page before it went to locked.

Here is a mega download link.

I would virus scan the file incase that's the reason it went down. .. download at own risk


anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Well, couldn't the topic just be moved to general discussions or something? why nuke the thread that had a lot of people following it :FacePalm:
Because the thread shouldn't have been there in first place. As the site description say, F95Zone is an "adult community where you can find tons of great adult games and comics". Emphasis is mine.

What Ever

Sep 9, 2018
Still no idea TBH. Do we not consider a fetish crossdressing a fetish (or the local clothes choice is considered "normal", "lore-friendly" or something unless the action takes place is the Tromaville Research Facility ;) - though you can't spell Tromaville without 'H' anyway...)? Also a lot of highly suggestive ryona scenes, somewhat soft but with the persistent damage you don't really see in the most ryona games (sadly), and some occasional bondage... Sounds like fetish bashing to me.
Also with this, things feel pretty grim. Say, a lot of great guro projects have zero actual intercourse, so technically may be banned. Same for the pure-bondage Cinderella's Escape etc, which even have no nudity, but one can't argue feature the best bondage practices ever seen in a game.
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Active Member
Jan 19, 2023
Why can stuff like this exist as a mod collection but the killing antidote thread has to be nuked? Darkest Dungeon vanilla isn't inherently sexual
now put emotions aside and consider things rationally.

the clarification on nsc was posted merely a month ago (as a result of a staff member uploading a requested popular sfw game). the goal is to stop the increasing amount of sfw/mainstream games getting requested due to similar games being already here, and approved because even some staff members were starting getting confused about what to reject.

it's been stated in the announcement that no sexual content-tagged games are going to be reviewed against the stated criteria, and those also apply in other spaces (such as new game requests or a game being reported for having no sexual content, or when the game is brought up to staff's attention for some other reason, like an update request). just pressing a nuke button on all nsc threads was an option that was thankfully not used (as many still meet criteria other than explicit intercourse or are mistagged because nsc tag appears to be a very effective repellent for those who bother to report wrong tags).

one thing that you can't immediately tell from the announcement thread itself is that it's pretty much one person who's actively playing through and evaluating the old already-having-a-thread titles, the rest seems to be taking a more passive "remove it when i happen to see it" approach.

the modpack you link to - from your tone i assume it's a full game packed with mods as a standalone and not just the mods - doesn't appear to be a very active thread, lacks the no sexual content tag, wasn't posted after the clarification thread happened, and isn't even in the games section, which makes it easy to go forgotten and unnoticed. still, once it's noticed, it may be reviewed and removed like the rest, or the creator may separate the base game from the mod files, or it may be ruled to be one of exceptions (with its nature of being an exception still stopping it from being used to request more of such content).

tl;dr - the rule on removing nsc stuff is new, retroactive, and the latter is still in progress of being enforced.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: anne O'nymous

What Ever

Sep 9, 2018
to be reviewed against the stated criteria
But... (right from the named criteria list)
  • Suggestive content that implies sexual activity without explicit depiction
  • Content involving power dynamics, bondage, or submission themes
CHECK: the Grim Reaper uses forced-strip-spell for no practical reason, the whole plot in stalking the MC in the shower is, well, clearly made for something - not even mentioning that every single grab animation looks too much like an attempted rape (watch any zombie movie to see how it could work - there is not a single reason to restrain a female character for an extended timeframe before biting one, which is especially obvious for the faster enemies who tend to drop her on the floor, although clearly their speed and strength allows for a much faster bite... whyever could one be needed in first place though ;) ).
  • Graphic artwork or visual media containing nudity or sexual scenes
CHECK: some posters and magazine artworks
  • Content combining violence with sexual themes
CHECK: as above, as well as the whole BDSM research subjects' ( ;) ) gallery in the final room
  • Media focused on sexualized character features or fan service
CHECK: I'd say the whole game is a fanservice itself, with some gameplay elements that were only noticed because of being polished well enough...

So looks like the consequence of a too short validation time to me, as, truly, none of the listed features appear in a relatively long time, with the first few minutes looking exactly like your very normal RE clone.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2023
But... (right from the named criteria list)
if you think the base game is lewd enough, you should open a ticket and explain it there (i suggest attaching some visual evidence - be it your own or found online - to make the process quicker).

ryahn might or might not pop in again here; tickets give a wider reach.
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New Member
Mar 9, 2021
I was about to save the puzzle codes when the thread was deleted. I know the heart code was 1314. Anyone remember the code for the clock and poster puzzle?
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Why can stuff like this exist as a mod collection but the killing antidote thread has to be nuked? Darkest Dungeon vanilla isn't inherently sexual
Because there's more than 226,000 threads, against only two handful of moderators, who are all volunteers; rumors also pretend that they are human being and have a life, but I'm not sure if it's true.

Applying the decision regarding the absence of sexual content isn't as simple as nuking all threads with the "no sexual content" tag. The games have to be weighted according to the criteria, what mean that some needs to be played.
And this is without counting the fact that tags are sometimes missing, or applied when they shouldn't. It's rare, but it happen.

What Ever

Sep 9, 2018
I, aka The Lazy Ass, will just quote some Steam because lazy :p Though yes, I indeed first checked if they come from a vanilla installation but for just one single specific image I marked that used a nude mod (as there is no TES here, although my TES IV install makes like half of the games here as SFW as ever :p), will probably ignore the tattoo, eye color, nail polish and makeup mods as they are hard to identify and change nothing that matters here anyway. Another rule, of course - no staged scenes! That is, no pose-picking via ragdolling, no lewding of an existing animation by timing it when close to some specific objects etc - every scene must be intentionally scripted by the game's developer. And, a final word on this lengthy intro, lingerie tops here should automatically count towards the fanservice rule, as they are either hidden or non-equippable in any case when you would not see them (in the other words, they are here to be only equipped uncovered, e.g. either solely or along with a revealing upper clothing item, like an open jacket or a vest - so walking around in only the underwear is also an intended playstyle). Anyway:

Media focused on sexualized character features or fan service

(aka - from desc - "The protagonist, Jodi, is a brave journalist who goes on her way to find the legendary antidote and is in danger." the Tromaville Stripper R'n'D Facility)

The recurring bath event:

Gah, I'm tired clicking, you could just pick any random image as on Steam they are mostly unmodded... Anyway, let's move on!

Content involving power dynamics, bondage, or submission themes
Content combining violence with sexual themes

(and partially Suggestive content that implies sexual activity without explicit depiction)

A part of the aforementioned bath-stalking plot finale (the whole scene is very nice btw):

Trampling fetish:

(and yes, as follow the context: it takes a few heavy assault rifle rounds to shoot a head off here, and the character proved to be strong enough to just snap the enemy's neck unless she'd rely on a melee weapon - and yes, you can use many firearms here for melee just as well, so the selection is wide - but no, she stomps them like depicted here, which is clearly done just for the scene alone, as otherwise it is unrealistic, inefficient and unsafe!).

Techy S&M device about to malfunction:

What you see is not what it is ;) :

(Nude mod used on this one, but without it would be the same and some skimpy bra, which doesn't really make the scene any worse):

The beginning of the aforementioned clothes destruction scene (couldn't find the later stage, which is the same angle but with the MC stripped and strangled(?) to death:

Finisher anim:

Not much to hunt Steam for, you can find much more on YouTube etc.

Graphic artwork or visual media containing nudity or sexual scenes

Not many screenshots I've found, so this one, maybe?
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I, aka The Lazy Ass, will just quote some Steam because lazy :p
And the point you try to make is?

Because there isn't a single screenshot among those you listed, that say "yes, the game should be shared on F95Zone".

Not that games should all be hardcore porn, but here it's pure softcore porn for 15yo virgin who haven't yet discovered that internet is full of porn. It's not even eroticism, just girls in skimpy clothes, camera pointing on the round shapes, and a bit of free nudity.
Games like, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age Origin or The Witcher series, have content more lewd, and therefore more legitimacy to be shared here, than this game.

What Ever

Sep 9, 2018
pure softcore porn
Isn't it what the NSC tag is all about? ;) I'm actually kinda worried, as, like I said, say, guro frequently has ZERO porn, not even the softcore one (and furthermore, should you be not into guro and didn't know that, it is not even something where you tend to trigger every single scene as they get unlocked after the ending anyway - it is the understanding of the consequences of your failure that you are made aware about that makes them fun). For TKA I kinda care, because I'm personally much more interested in forced, even softcore (though the graphics quality here make the excuse for this to me), over willing (even straight hardcore): that's one of those things you can't practice (some light SM does not count ofc, also one's prone to failures which leave you and your sub/dom laughing for days) nor really find IRL (and even pretty rarely on the web), and even games are once too careful on the topic (which is very silly with the current-day's amount and levels of the on-screen violence in general). From the recent I'd only mention Guilty Hell, Syahata's Bad Day, The Punisher (not the mainstream one ofc) and a couple more - definitely not enough to drop a promising project with ease ;)


Active Member
Jun 19, 2018
And the point you try to make is?

Because there isn't a single screenshot among those you listed, that say "yes, the game should be shared on F95Zone".

Not that games should all be hardcore porn, but here it's pure softcore porn for 15yo virgin who haven't yet discovered that internet is full of porn. It's not even eroticism, just girls in skimpy clothes, camera pointing on the round shapes, and a bit of free nudity.
Games like, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age Origin or The Witcher series, have content more lewd, and therefore more legitimacy to be shared here, than this game.
Yeah, not gonna lie. As much as I like this game, the sexual content reminds of when I first got internet and I kept playing random obscure tease games in the hopes that perhaps it'll unlock some actual sexually explicit content later.
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