Aug 30, 2021
Good day

We are not gods, just normal people working together on a project after the work.

It's challenging to create something which consume hours and hours of time to make and we receive tons of requests from people. That is why we will listen primarily to our patrons opinions, people who sacrificed few dollars to let us continue working on the game.

We have a vision to add new stuff piece by piece and we always struggle to decide what will be included next, we are on the same boat. It would be best to add everything at once, but also impossible to achieve in just 2 people working on the game at this moment.

We note every idea and let them compete for which one is the best, simple approach to choose next content. (Also more community people want something = more likely we will add it into the game.) Saves are working fine just never meant to be shared between the people, there are many shortcuts to unlock the sex scenes in the game and even playing it. Everyone is very welcome to talk with us and our community on our discord channel:

We are currently releasing a new game version The Ranch Update 0.15 free for everyone to enjoy.

I am trying to response also here (and other places too, just not that frequently)
Thank you for your understanding.
  • Like
Reactions: leetboy


Jun 28, 2022
Good day

We are not gods, just normal people working together on a project after the work.

It's challenging to create something which consume hours and hours of time to make and we receive tons of requests from people. That is why we will listen primarily to our patrons opinions, people who sacrificed few dollars to let us continue working on the game.

We have a vision to add new stuff piece by piece and we always struggle to decide what will be included next, we are on the same boat. It would be best to add everything at once, but also impossible to achieve in just 2 people working on the game at this moment.

We note every idea and let them compete for which one is the best, simple approach to choose next content. (Also more community people want something = more likely we will add it into the game.) Saves are working fine just never meant to be shared between the people, there are many shortcuts to unlock the sex scenes in the game and even playing it. Everyone is very welcome to talk with us and our community on our discord channel:

We are currently releasing a new game version The Ranch Update 0.15 free for everyone to enjoy.

I am trying to response also here (and other places too, just not that frequently)
Thank you for your understanding.
I get that, thr amount your able to do just in your free time is amazing so i applaud you for that. I really dont mind what you do with the game you know whats best better than anyone so as long as your enjoying doing it then its goo with me
Aug 30, 2021
NEW JUNE RELEASE v0.15 - The Ranch Update
It's done, finally, after so much work we hope you will enjoy this update called "The Ranch Update 0.15" Cheers!




What's new?
Many of you our supporters wanted in-game rewards for your patronage and we listened
+ New rewarding system (Discord rooms for each patreon follower with special thank you rewards)
+ New location (The Ranch)
+ New character (Lara)
+ 1-2 hours of gameplay added (Over 100 new conversations)
+ 2 New sex scenes (Lara, Natalie & Alexa)
+ New emotions character poses and horse rides.
+ Player avatar all in one skills progress menu
+ 3 New mini-games (Chicken, Farm, Pig)
+ 1 new puzzle riddle (Horses in stables)
+ New game features, music, sounds and 100+ various improvements
+ Tons of bugs, grammar errors you reported FIXED

How to unlock access to the farm?
Talk with Lola at the school and progress her main story to 4th story sequence option: "Invite her to the Ranch'' You will visit the Ranch together with Lola (she likes horses)

The download links will get updated also in other places, thank you very much @Crazygamer43 for updating them from here.All the best everyone, enjoy the new update. Game is free for everyone. If you like it, visit us on discord on patreon for future content, votes and stuff :)

More info in our public patreon post:
Have a wonderfull day. John.


Dec 10, 2017
NEW JUNE RELEASE v0.15 - The Ranch Update
It's done, finally, after so much work we hope you will enjoy this update called "The Ranch Update 0.15" Cheers!


Google Drive
Google Drive

What's new?
Many of you our supporters wanted in-game rewards for your patronage and we listened
+ New rewarding system (Discord rooms for each patreon follower with special thank you rewards)
+ New location (The Ranch)
+ New character (Lara)
+ 1-2 hours of gameplay added (Over 100 new conversations)
+ 2 New sex scenes (Lara, Natalie & Alexa)
+ New emotions character poses and horse rides.
+ Player avatar all in one skills progress menu
+ 3 New mini-games (Chicken, Farm, Pig)
+ 1 new puzzle riddle (Horses in stables)
+ New game features, music, sounds and 100+ various improvements
+ Tons of bugs, grammar errors you reported FIXED

How to unlock access to the farm?
Talk with Lola at the school and progress her main story to 4th story sequence option: "Invite her to the Ranch'' You will visit the Ranch together with Lola (she likes horses)

The download links will get updated also in other places, thank you very much @Crazygamer43 for updating them from here.All the best everyone, enjoy the new update. Game is free for everyone. If you like it, visit us on discord on patreon for future content, votes and stuff :)

More info in our public patreon post:
Have a wonderfull day. John.
I can't go to the kitchen?


Mar 30, 2018
Ugh... I can't stand mobile games. I hate giant popups that cannot be closed or turned off. Displaying the same popup with the same text every time I click a navigation button is not helpful. Barely 30 minutes in and already told to wait for next update. No thanks.
Aug 30, 2021
Good day to you all

RE: Miranda0
Can you be more specific please what do you mean about popups? Please provide screens if possible, it is not our intention to spam the player, just to inform about game features and about possibility to support us on the patreon. We are doing our best to keep the game free and references to patreon are necessary as they are our only source of income - completely optional for anyone who wish to sacrifice few dollars so we can add new content updates.

RE: ea3794
Regarding waiting for next update we are expanding the story, locations, characters, etc. so when you reached a limit somewhere within 30 minutes that is just one part of the story, we worked on this update for just 3-4 weeks and the content which was added is about 1-2 hours, if you read the story maybe more, but if you skip everything then yes it could be done even in 30 mins. We are not gods, just normal people working together on a project after the work.

Also we take all suggestions into consideration for future sex scenes, I think discussion in this area could be benefitial both ways, so we could create the content which everyone could enjoy.

We would be happy to talk, just visit our discord channel for more information and community would gladly help with any guidance too.


Jul 11, 2019
WorldOfSisters said:
Asking for feedback
Hello hello.

I've played through your game and these are my thoughts.

There's both high praise and harsh criticism incoming. Then there's a section for bug reports and nitpicking, and finally a suggestions list. Buckle up.

Let me start out with some praise:

Your highest level is extremely fucking high, but overall it's very inconsistent. I'm definitely feeling the potential, without a doubt. That should be obvious since I'm taking the time to type all this. Your visual style is so extremely polished it makes other huge titles seem amateurish by comparison.

You are innovators in many respects and I really like that! Here's some positives that really stood out to me:

+ The quest system. I really like what you did here, with visual indication for quests when you are lost. It's a genius move to have players be able to trade in-game currency for hints/guides.
+ Flairs and animations, pop-ups, screen effects. My f:ing god, you really show why Unity beats the snot out of Ren'Py if you know what you're doing with it. Overall, the coding skill on display here has my jaw hitting the floor.
+ Mom "slip" scene. Holy shit that just did it for me. The setup is a bit silly but the action sequences and the animations, coupled with the "dubious consent"-angle was just all around gloriously boner-inducing. If you can fill the game with scenes of this quality, you'll hit number 1 in no time! Just... wow.
+ Minigames! These are a bit hit-and-miss, but when they're good, they are really fucking good. The challenge level on the brain teaser minigames was set exactly right! I felt a real sense of accomplishment after solving the "circle and black shapes"-game. Damn that took forever but I didn't give up! Some of them are definitely too hard though. I'm stuck at the Pig and the Chess games.
+ I liked the humor and the witty tone at the start. But then it goes a bit overboard.

Now with the dicksucking out of the way, let's talk about where I feel you can improve.


Overall the writing felt very meh. You even seem to acknowledge this by making talking to people a grind of its own, with XP rewards for slogging through it. I think you need to stop what you are doing and reconsider.

You know how when someone who never shuts up just talks and talks, you just stop listening after a while?
This is what your writing did to me. In the end I just speed clicked through everything because it couldn't hold my interest.
You can not afford to blast people in the face with unnecessary text if you want to compete with the big boys, because people will zone out faster than you think.
The writing needs to be efficient and to-the-point. If people don't care about the story you are trying to tell, you just become "sex scene simulator" nr 512140. You could do so, so much better! If you want to force players to revisit characters for multiple days in a row to progress, just give them ONE talk-to option, not 5, and make sure what's being said is relevant to the story or really shows off the uniqueness of the character.

My recommendation for you is to actually remove a lot of the text. Keep only what is necessary to tell the story you are trying to tell. I dont give 1 shit about the intelligence of horses, and I've really had it with the dad jokes by now. Keep the dialogues and interactions which really showcases the characters personalities and traits, cut the rest. Don't use text as filler, find other ways to pad your game if that is what you feel you have to do.

Next, story. I'm talking about a larger, overarching story arc tying the game together. There really isn't one. MC is just faffing about around town.

Well maybe, possibly, there's a story about bigger things being hinted at by Shade. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I really feel like I'm missing some conflict though. There needs to be conflicts and problems to solve that aren't minigames. And there needs to be a villain. A good villain is definitely necessary for a good story. Someone who is vile, and everyone will hate and he/she will come fuck things up for MC.

Next, the protagonist. What makes a good MC?
There are many ways to go here but again there are a few thing which are universal among good stories.
- He is a man of action. If Frodo just said "fuck the ring" and went on with his life fapping to hentai then it wouldn't be much of a story to tell, now would it?
This means that for the story to make sense in a world that isn't completely open-ended, MC needs his own motivation to do something about the conflicts he is experiencing. And it's the storyteller's job to make sure everyone understands this. The audience needs to know about the protagonist's aspirations in life, his hopes and dreams, his interests.
- He has other motivations besides pussy. "I just wanna drink tea and bang hot bitches" isn't a strong enough motivation to make a captivating story. The banging of bitches happen along the way, it isn't the destination. He who makes pussy his only priority in life isn't interesting. He's just an addict, looking for his next fix.
MC needs to want something that matters more than momentary gratification.
It doesn't have to be grand, good stories have been told where the protagonist just wants to go home (Alice in Wonderland). But there's no mistaking that he really really wants something and is willing to sacrifice a lot to get it. His strong motivation towards the goal that matters to him is what makes him interesting and forces immediate action and a sense of urgency. This is the real key to captivating an audience. Things are never just muddling along aimlessly without anything at stake.

In a good story, there is no time to waste! The princess needs to be saved before the orcs run a train on her! Voldemort needs to be stopped or he will take over the world! To tell a good story is to make sure the audience always knows what's most important right now and what's at stake. Inaction is just never an option and the clearer we feel that, the better.
It's that feeling of "Will he make it in time?" that sparks curiosity and forces a reader to keep going.

Now it doesn't always have to be "Let's run in and save the princess right fucking now!", there will of course be subplots and other obstacles in the way. Harry Potter needs to learn about magic first to have a fighting chance against Voldemort in the final showdown. Maybe he even has time to go bang some bitches along the way. A good storyteller never lets the audience relax completely though. There's towering clouds on the horizon, the enemy is on the move, and things are getting worse every day. There's a feeling of impending doom and a need to act.

So, regarding the story and MC characterization, you have failed to deliver. We need to know more about what the MC really wants besides pussy. What drives him? What does he want out of life? What are the conflicts in his life/world? He needs passions and interests. Going blank-slate-MC only works if the world is very open-ended, like in Skyrim. We can't choose to not go to school and just lead a life of crime, so you need to explain why this is worthwhile/necessary.

Moving on, to: Show, don't tell and other storytelling devices.
Very early on in the game we get the following text exposition: "Our dad MATTHEW is a pilot and works too much. Mom JUDY is very kind yet moody. My sisters are pure opposites: KATY is very quiet girl, empatic and shy. JESS is rebel who love misfortune."
First of all, this isn't even halfway to proper English, but I'll save that critique for later.
What I really want to talk about are character introductions. This is what I call a "lore dump", where the narrator just tells us how things are. Lore dumps are necessary when you need to explain a complex backstory, like the opening crawl in Star Wars. If there's multiple factions, if the world is not Earth, if Santa is real. Stuff like that, that the audience kinda have to know about for the rest to make sense. It is not how you introduce 4 characters that are absolutely central to the story. Just cut that screen and jump straight into the game, is my recommendation. You have some excellent scenes showcasing both sisters right off the bat, so that first screen is just unnecessary.

Next: Foreshadowing, giving incomplete information, visual hints

My favorite example of this is the sign outside of a cottage showing a wolf with a red X on it, as if to say "no wolves allowed" in the game "What a legend". This really made me think. Does she believe wolves can read? What does she have against wolves? There's an oveall "Red Ridinghood" vibe about the place. What could that be about? It becomes clearer later, when it turns out that the inhabitant of the house is connected to a werewolf story. But the hint was there from the start.

Small details where people go "Hmmm, I wonder why she did that?" because you want them to are fucking fantastic! Use misdirections and foreshadowing. Give the players incomplete information or have characters just straight up lie to the player. Utilize the reader's imagination to fill in the blanks. If you can do this well, it'll really set you apart from your competitors.

When you have players thinking actively about what exactly was told in a scene, and what it meant, when players stop trusting their eyes, that's when you have them hooked forever. Add a sense of mystery and a feeling that there's more to a scene than what's explicitly being told. Make characters actively try to hide things from MC and give observant players a way to catch on to it and investigate.

Next, supporting characters.

As with the protagonist, the best support characters all have their own motivations, hopes and dreams. This goes beyond "she's introverted and shy", or "she's an arrogant bitch". It's not about just showing what kind of personality they have, they also need to want something. In some cases it's clear, like the bitch who is only after status. But this could be expanded upon for many characters in the game. Add strong motivations for the side characters. Maybe switch out some of the unnecessary dialogue bits to tell players about this.

And again, the story needs a good villain. And I'm not talking about the "Barney" character here. Someone actually out to really hurt MC and/or those around him. The more vile the better.

As a last comment on the side characters: There's too much punny humor. Almost every character makes dad jokes. That's fitting for the dad, but all the phone conversations and the exchanges with Luna and Raven for example just makes it much too much.

Next, the slut trope.
There's too many of them. A lot of people, me included, have an aversion to "used goods" and don't want someone who has been in a gangbang before, or who is so degenerate that they constantly walk around wearing a butt plug.
It's OK if I am the one who's doing the corrupting though, and I think many agree with me here. If you want to show off turbo sluts in your game, maybe have them start out as just overly horny and then let the player be the one to lead them down the "turbo slut"-path. I count at least half of the characters as being turbo-sluts from the start. That's just too much.
The dialogue options where you can make characters talk about their past sex experience is actively offputting and boner killing. I'd rather not have learned about her sexual past at all. When meeting women IRL i definitely don't go digging into their sexual past. I don't want know if she's been a slut with others I just want her to be my slut, that I get to (pretend) corrupt. Consider cutting these discussions out.

Continuing with lewds-per-hour
Lewds-per-hour is wayyyy too low. It feels weird, because the work put into coding, dialogue, environments, minigames et c is just fucking massive. It's just lacking the appropriate lewd rewards. If you continue with the proportion of lewd-to-playtime you have right now, you'll have trouble keeping people interested in the long run. The skeleton for the game is done. The dialogues are pretty much done. What's missing now is the sexy bits. This needs to be your nr 1 focus going forward. And I'm not talking about adding things at the end, things need to get going before players have invested 2 hours already. It doesn't have to be straight up banging, just simply sexy is enough. Girls in bikinis, spying on girls, sexy selfies, kissing, touching, that sort of thing.

Nitpicks/bug report:
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Suggestions for future content.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Anyway that's all I've got for now. Keep on trucking guys, you are on the right path. With more lewds in the game and possibly a compelling story you'll hit the big leagues in no time at all! I wish you the best of luck!

Last edited:
Aug 30, 2021
Hello hello.

I've played through your game and these are my thoughts.

There's both high praise and harsh criticism incoming. Then there's a section for bug reports and nitpicking, and finally a suggestions list. Buckle up.

Let me start out with some praise:

Your highest level is extremely fucking high, but overall it's very inconsistent. I'm definitely feeling the potential, without a doubt. That should be obvious since I'm taking the time to type all this. Your visual style is so extremely polished it makes other huge titles seem amateurish by comparison.

You are innovators in many respects and I really like that! Here's some positives that really stood out to me:

+ The quest system. I really like what you did here, with visual indication for quests when you are lost. It's a genius move to have players be able to trade in-game currency for hints/guides.
+ Flairs and animations, pop-ups, screen effects. My f:ing god, you really show why Unity beats the snot out of Ren'Py if you know what you're doing with it. Overall, the coding skill on display here has my jaw hitting the floor.
+ Mom "slip" scene. Holy shit that just did it for me. The setup is a bit silly but the action sequences and the animations, coupled with the "dubious consent"-angle was just all around gloriously boner-inducing. If you can fill the game with scenes of this quality, you'll hit number 1 in no time! Just... wow.
+ Minigames! These are a bit hit-and-miss, but when they're good, they are really fucking good. The challenge level on the brain teaser minigames was set exactly right! I felt a real sense of accomplishment after solving the "circle and black shapes"-game. Damn that took forever but I didn't give up! Some of them are definitely too hard though. I'm stuck at the Pig and the Chess games.
+ I liked the humor and the witty tone at the start. But then it goes a bit overboard.

Now with the dicksucking out of the way, let's talk about where I feel you can improve.


Overall the writing felt very meh. You even seem to acknowledge this by making talking to people a grind of its own, with XP rewards for slogging through it. I think you need to stop what you are doing and reconsider.

You know how when someone who never shuts up just talks and talks, you just stop listening after a while?
This is what your writing did to me. In the end I just speed clicked through everything because it couldn't hold my interest.
You can not afford to blast people in the face with unnecessary text if you want to compete with the big boys, because people will zone out faster than you think.
The writing needs to be efficient and to-the-point. If people don't care about the story you are trying to tell, you just become "sex scene simulator" nr 512140. You could do so, so much better! If you want to force players to revisit characters for multiple days in a row to progress, just give them ONE talk-to option, not 5, and make sure what's being said is relevant to the story or really shows off the uniqueness of the character.

My recommendation for you is to actually remove a lot of the text. Keep only what is necessary to tell the story you are trying to tell. I dont give 1 shit about the intelligence of horses, and I've really had it with the dad jokes by now. Keep the dialogues and interactions which really showcases the characters personalities and traits, cut the rest. Don't use text as filler, find other ways to pad your game if that is what you feel you have to do.

Next, story. I'm talking about a larger, overarching story arc tying the game together. There really isn't one. MC is just faffing about around town.

Well maybe, possibly, there's a story about bigger things being hinted at by Shade. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I really feel like I'm missing some conflict though. There needs to be conflicts and problems to solve that aren't minigames. And there needs to be a villain. A good villain is definitely necessary for a good story. Someone who is vile, and everyone will hate and he/she will come fuck things up for MC.

Next, the protagonist. What makes a good MC?
There are many ways to go here but again there are a few thing which are universal among good stories.
- He is a man of action. If Frodo just said "fuck the ring" and went on with his life fapping to hentai then it wouldn't be much of a story to tell, now would it?
This means that for the story to make sense in a world that isn't completely open-ended, MC needs his own motivation to do something about the conflicts he is experiencing. And it's the storyteller's job to make sure everyone understands this. The audience needs to know about the protagonist's aspirations in life, his hopes and dreams, his interests.
- He has other motivations besides pussy. "I just wanna drink tea and bang hot bitches" isn't a strong enough motivation to make a captivating story. The banging of bitches happen along the way, it isn't the destination. He who makes pussy his only priority in life isn't interesting. He's just an addict, looking for his next fix.
MC needs to want something that matters more than momentary gratification.
It doesn't have to be grand, good stories have been told where the protagonist just wants to go home (Alice in Wonderland). But there's no mistaking that he really really wants something and is willing to sacrifice a lot to get it. His strong motivation towards the goal that matters to him is what makes him interesting and forces immediate action and a sense of urgency. This is the real key to captivating an audience. Things are never just muddling along aimlessly without anything at stake.

In a good story, there is no time to waste! The princess needs to be saved before the orcs run a train on her! Voldemort needs to be stopped or he will take over the world! To tell a good story is to make sure the audience always knows what's most important right now and what's at stake. Inaction is just never an option and the clearer we feel that, the better.
It's that feeling of "Will he make it in time?" that sparks curiosity and forces a reader to keep going.

Now it doesn't always have to be "Let's run in and save the princess right fucking now!", there will of course be subplots and other obstacles in the way. Harry Potter needs to learn about magic first to have a fighting chance against Voldemort in the final showdown. Maybe he even has time to go bang some bitches along the way. A good storyteller never lets the audience relax completely though. There's towering clouds on the horizon, the enemy is on the move, and things are getting worse every day. There's a feeling of impending doom and a need to act.

So, regarding the story and MC characterization, you have failed to deliver. We need to know more about what the MC really wants besides pussy. What drives him? What does he want out of life? What are the conflicts in his life/world? He needs passions and interests. Going blank-slate-MC only works if the world is very open-ended, like in Skyrim. We can't choose to not go to school and just lead a life of crime, so you need to explain why this is worthwhile/necessary.

Moving on, to: Show, don't tell and other storytelling devices.
Very early on in the game we get the following text exposition: "Our dad MATTHEW is a pilot and works too much. Mom JUDY is very kind yet moody. My sisters are pure opposites: KATY is very quiet girl, empatic and shy. JESS is rebel who love misfortune."
First of all, this isn't even halfway to proper English, but I'll save that critique for later.
What I really want to talk about are character introductions. This is what I call a "lore dump", where the narrator just tells us how things are. Lore dumps are necessary when you need to explain a complex backstory, like the opening crawl in Star Wars. If there's multiple factions, if the world is not Earth, if Santa is real. Stuff like that, that the audience kinda have to know about for the rest to make sense. It is not how you introduce 4 characters that are absolutely central to the story. Just cut that screen and jump straight into the game, is my recommendation. You have some excellent scenes showcasing both sisters right off the bat, so that first screen is just unnecessary.

Next: Foreshadowing, giving incomplete information, visual hints

My favorite example of this is the sign outside of a cottage showing a wolf with a red X on it, as if to say "no wolves allowed" in the game "What a legend". This really made me think. Does she believe wolves can read? What does she have against wolves? There's an oveall "Red Ridinghood" vibe about the place. What could that be about? It becomes clearer later, when it turns out that the inhabitant of the house is connected to a werewolf story. But the hint was there from the start.

Small details where people go "Hmmm, I wonder why she did that?" because you want them to are fucking fantastic! Use misdirections and foreshadowing. Give the players incomplete information or have characters just straight up lie to the player. Utilize the reader's imagination to fill in the blanks. If you can do this well, it'll really set you apart from your competitors.

When you have players thinking actively about what exactly was told in a scene, and what it meant, when players stop trusting their eyes, that's when you have them hooked forever. Add a sense of mystery and a feeling that there's more to a scene than what's explicitly being told. Make characters actively try to hide things from MC and give observant players a way to catch on to it and investigate.

Next, supporting characters.

As with the protagonist, the best support characters all have their own motivations, hopes and dreams. This goes beyond "she's introverted and shy", or "she's an arrogant bitch". It's not about just showing what kind of personality they have, they also need to want something. In some cases it's clear, like the bitch who is only after status. But this could be expanded upon for many characters in the game. Add strong motivations for the side characters. Maybe switch out some of the unnecessary dialogue bits to tell players about this.

And again, the story needs a good villain. And I'm not talking about the "Barney" character here. Someone actually out to really hurt MC and/or those around him. The more vile the better.

As a last comment on the side characters: There's too much punny humor. Almost every character makes dad jokes. That's fitting for the dad, but all the phone conversations and the exchanges with Luna and Raven for example just makes it much too much.

Next, the slut trope.
There's too many of them. A lot of people, me included, have an aversion to "used goods" and don't want someone who has been in a gangbang before, or who is so degenerate that they constantly walk around wearing a butt plug.
It's OK if I am the one who's doing the corrupting though, and I think many agree with me here. If you want to show off turbo sluts in your game, maybe have them start out as just overly horny and then let the player be the one to lead them down the "turbo slut"-path. I count at least half of the characters as being turbo-sluts from the start. That's just too much.
The dialogue options where you can make characters talk about their past sex experience is actively offputting and boner killing. I'd rather not have learned about her sexual past at all. When meeting women IRL i definitely don't go digging into their sexual past. I don't want know if she's been a slut with others I just want her to be my slut, that I get to (pretend) corrupt. Consider cutting these discussions out.

Continuing with lewds-per-hour
Lewds-per-hour is wayyyy too low. It feels weird, because the work put into coding, dialogue, environments, minigames et c is just fucking massive. It's just lacking the appropriate lewd rewards. If you continue with the proportion of lewd-to-playtime you have right now, you'll have trouble keeping people interested in the long run. The skeleton for the game is done. The dialogues are pretty much done. What's missing now is the sexy bits. This needs to be your nr 1 focus going forward. And I'm not talking about adding things at the end, things need to get going before players have invested 2 hours already. It doesn't have to be straight up banging, just simply sexy is enough. Girls in bikinis, spying on girls, sexy selfies, kissing, touching, that sort of thing.

Nitpicks/bug report:
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Suggestions for future content.
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Anyway that's all I've got for now. Keep on trucking guys, you are on the right path. With more lewds in the game and possibly a compelling story you'll hit the big leagues in no time at all! I wish you the best of luck!

Our reacion on your review:
First of all thank you very much for such advanced detailed feedback I highly value the effort you put into it with all positives and even more about the negatives - huge opportunity for us to make game better. No offense taken.

With our team we have read your whole feedback. We will take every single suggestion into consideration and make changes that will be benefitial for the game. Honestly openly willing to talk about weak points and make action in form of improvements some of which I will describe below.

Work in progress:
Game is currently finished only from about 15% (it's an of early prototype to test whether people like it to make sense for us to work on it - We are just normal people working together on a project after the work. Give some some time please so we can prove to you and for everyone we are working on the weak points of the game and the story.

Main story lines are not currently present:
We are aware the major story points are not present in the game at this moment and we are unhappy about it too. Despite 15% state of project completion, only 3% of main story lines are present in the game. The reason behind this was for us to learn how to write talks better, listen to feedback such as yours, learn how to make graphical content better good before we jump to main story lines. In the following 1-2 months we will release for the first time since the first release a story arch for the family, and show where it is all heading.

More sex scenes:
It is a great shame we don't have enough sex scenes yet and also naughty eye candy, we will improve on that, I am giving you my word. (First animation took us 2 months, half year ago it was 4 weeks, now we are close to 1 week, so we are learning harsh lessons to make animations faster, more sophisticated and unique)

Game story and character development in time:
We have a plot which is not yet present in the game. I totally agree that game is only as good as good is the villain, I like the examples which you gave, it all make perfect sense.

These are some concepts which are hard to share in current state of the game, but even through it looks like we had nothing we actually have something and till now we didn't even knew if we would survive so I wanted to keep it more realistic and release something casual at first and later progress to advanced fetishes. But I would be honered to discuss this long term story topic with you about the game plot which we have in drafted for some time. There is a wisdom behind your words and I take your critical point of view very proactively as a space for us to listen and an huge opportunity to improve the story.

Supporting characters:
We haven't introduce the relationships between characters yet (we didn't have technical solution to allow tracking multiple ''questlines'' with one character in the tasklist till 0.16 - just one for main story till 0.15) But this will change in the upcoming update this month and we will keep on adding these. I want to make realistic relations between characters so each girl will have best friend who she enjoys to spend time with and also someone she hates. This is currently not present in the game I fully agree with all your points.

Slut strope:
I have to agree here too, the VIP girls are way too advanced at this moment, we will need to rearrange their talks to later points of the game and make first experience more realistic. I am not saying we will remove all over the edge references, but I would say we will keep on rearranging them more reasonable and show some later on due to each character progression and corruption over time.

The reason is following: We want to include some very advanced fetishes like public sex, public use, multiple public gloryholes, swaps and reverse gangbang (multiple girls taking turns with player) and this will be purely endgame based on your decisions through the game.

I will personally go through the whole game and mark the conversations crossing the edge too much which are located too early in the game and rearrange them + let people vote on each conversation (voluntarily) so we could have a long term plan to put boring conversations away (it will be time costly but benefitial to every player experience)

Lewds per hour:
This is a plain wish from me - give us some time. We will add many naked girls / eye-candy through the game, this is definitely our goal for following half year. We will polish the new content and push the story forward to explore new naughty lewds, what we have made was as you said a skeleton and we need to hang on as many ''glitters'' as possible to make good overall impression through the whole game. We did what we could with time we had and we don't want to stop there and settle, game needs this, no doubts about that.

I will gladly discuss with you any point of the game, either here or during a personal call, you have good sense for detail and style which could be benefitial in terms of ideas. I am writing them all down on our todo list. I want to hear more :) Feel free to join our discord or contact us on e-mail [email protected]

And some eye candy as the reward for the end for reading such long text:
Have a wonderfull day

John from wos team.
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Jul 11, 2019
Thanks for the reply!
I'm glad it was received well! If you want to, you can delete the spoiler section if you don't want it for all the world to see. Actually I think that would be best, to save some mystery for the casual players. I have it saved elswhere for future reference. I've joined your Discord and will give you a more detailed reply there.

Cheers, and take care!

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