Ren'Py [0.1.3 is out] Bindr: Kink dating / hook-up app simulation | Fully voiced | PBR


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Correct, I prefer to flesh it out a bit before sharing it with more people. Think of it as more early access and everyone interested should follow along here. Once it's ready for the Latest Updates page, it should have sufficient content for people.
Just a quick warning: i've seen a case of a "game compressor" taking a demo/alpha version of a game from this subforum and posting it in the latest release thread together with promotions for their own Patreon. Eventually the dev was able to get ownership of the releases thread back but not before missing out on the initial boost of publicity.

Because of this, if I was you I'd be very careful about with whom you share pre-releases, and definitely not the general public unless you have baked-in watermarks on all images and clear "ALPHA VERSION NOT FOR RELEASE" stamps in the startup page/main menu etc.

BTW gorgeous renders and looking very kinky! Keeping an eye on this one
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
BTW gorgeous renders and looking very kinky! Keeping an eye on this one
Thank you! Yeah, there's all kinds of security concerns but I this is just the beginning so I'm not worried about it that much at this point. Around 10% of what I already have prepared in some way or another.

Bindr 0.1.1 release


PC 0.1.1 Proof of Concept download

macOS 0.1.1 Proof of Concept download

Looks like I missed the Monday release window by about 37 minutes. Six hours and 37 minutes past my estimate. I guess it's Monday somewhere still. The update took quite a while. Rendering, voices, setup, material messing, morph editing, posing.

Some stats, not including the animated version I'm preparing for patrons (0.1.1A): With over 60 renders, it took ~12-13 hours to render them all. In terms of power expedited, that's around 4.2 kWh of GPU juice on final renders alone. And I'm not even using volumetrics or caustic effects yet, or any of the more advanced things like playing with animated clothes. So it's going to be interesting going forward.

What's new?


Leftover render which didn't pass my requirements.

I've finally gotten into game-y stuff like offering choices whether to go submissive or dominant (try both), as well as giving you options in each one how to engage with Jessica. If you choose the sub path, make sure to try out both obedient and disobedient variants. I am setting up variables for all the stuff you're doing and will be tracking that across various stages of encounters. Given the amount of rendering time and because I'm working on an animated version, I am slating Rebecca adventures for 0.1.1a going out to the patrons in a day or two, but she will make a return in the regular 0.1.2 with the next character. I'll reveal more about that later.

  • You might want to save before branching the hook-up with Jessica so you can experience both paths. Later I'll provide some sort of gallery.
  • Rebecca is still available, you just have to do Jessica first. This is an early flow control thingie, so I can end the "demo" well.

For the next few days, I'll be focusing mostly on the patrons, uploading all the leftovers and bonus renders from 0.1.1, as well as rendering all animated sequences. Mostly a GPU constraint at this point. Have fun.


Leftover render which didn't pass my requirements.

Technical notes:

Current thing of note that I have to change, preferably through hardware or figuring out further optimizations... For the 10-15 minutes of gameplay and some 120 renders there is currently, it took around 24 hours of rendering. Taking the lower bound of 10 minutes of gameplay, that's a whole day of just rendering for 10 minutes. And it excludes writing, voicing, posing, doing the materials, scenes and stuff (which can somewhat overlap, fortunately). To get to 120 minutes, it'll take 12 days of rendering alone.

And the scenes are maximally optimized, I've written several scripts which go through the equivalent of the scene graph and dump unnecessary texture resolutions to stay within the 10 GB of a 3080. The nature of raytracing is that everything has to be resident because rays can go anywhere. And texture filtering is often bruteforced through many LOD0 samples.

For the around 186 cherry picked lines of dialogue, there's a 1000 generations that didn't pass the quality bar.

Bonus: How Jessica was "born" (first vibe test render):

vibetest copy.jpg

For a behind the scenes look at both concept renders, scene tests and generally supporting this project of ballooning time and financial cost, head over to and help me steer the ship.

Don't forget your safeword, friends.

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New Member
Jun 8, 2023
Just understood the jigglypuff reference, haha. She does seem like the type, fits her character. Can't wait for more, especially gameplay wise. I don't understand the technical side you mentioned, but can imagine it takes a lot of effort, please just keep working on it.

Any hints about the next update?


Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Just understood the jigglypuff reference, haha. She does seem like the type, fits her character. Can't wait for more, especially gameplay wise. I don't understand the technical side you mentioned, but can imagine it takes a lot of effort, please just keep working on it.

Any hints about the next update?
Thank you, yeah, Jigglypuff was an inspired choice because I was watching some old clips on YT at the time. I've figured out a few ways to accelerate the process, potentially cutting down the rendering time by 30-40%. So the future is looking bright. Next update (0.1.2) will be coming likely on Satuday or Sunday (I'll probably miss and post it past midnight as usual).

Thank you all for your amazing support, if it weren't for you enjoying this game and supporting it, I couldn't keep up this momentum.

James' fantasies: Rebecca training Jessica
Special content for patrons, non-canon previews for this game mode available on .

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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Bindr 0.1.2 coming tomorrow, finally
Since my 0.1.1 estimate was off by a day, I am adding one day immediately.


The titular character you get to match with in 0.1.2 is Tiana. She's in her late 20s and, as a character, went to high school with MC and had a previous relationship with him. She also introduces a new kink in the dating app, "rope bunny".


A lot of quality of life updates

So far, the game has been forcing you to linearly progress through it by first selecting Jessica and only after Rebecca, as part of the proof of concept demo. This changed now that I added in a tablet interface alongside the phone which can be brought up at most if not all times to inspect relationship progress, see previous scenes and traverse the map.

When you finish your chat with a girl and setup a date, she'll be added to your map and your log where you can track progress. This is all preliminary in look and feel and I will try to make the final version a lot more refined.

This way you can setup a date with multiple girls first and go to dates on the map when you feel like it. You can also see how it changes before and after your date. I will be adding more stats visualization that the backend uses to determine how future stages continue (your submissive or dominant tendencies).

Dossiers and progress:


Functioning time of day:


Map / location interface (doing some minor cosmetic changes)


Patrons will get the first dab at it as usual.


Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Animations :PogChamp:does this mean anims in H scenes too?
Yes, some. They're an extreme time investment, though. Example of one from the Tiana playthrough took 40 minutes just to render at very modest settings to be viable at 1920x1080 (it basically incapacitates the machine for 1/24 of a day):


I'll need a lot more hardware and more support to amp up the quantity of these, at this point, the whole "enterprise" is a massive financial and time black hole as we're not even covering the electricity bill for these. We'll see if that changes tomorrow when I present 0.1.2 to a larger audience. :D Just managing expectations. Enjoy what's here and don't worry about tomorrow.
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
0.1.2 is out.

Has been for about 9 hours, real life got in the way a bit. 0.1.3 is on its way, given that both 0.1.1 and 0.1.2 took 8-9 days, expect the same around that. Now that I have everything done, I will be delivering two new characters.
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
0.1.3 feature preview
Appearances NOT FINAL, release schedule continues to be 10-ish days / bi-weekly


Good news is that we are now finally covering the electricity costs so this project can live beyond 0.1.3.
It's mostly a battle of the fates type deal where the computer is dumping 600 W into the environment and the AC is battling it with 4.2 kW while 35°C rages outside. I hate summer, so thank you all for your support. As usual, you can and help steer and make the project self-sustaining as it's now off suicide watch. Here are some of the results patrons have asked for.

Breaking the tedium of brunettes and custom facial morphs, per Patreon polls

blonde1 copy.jpg

In the poll, redheads and blondes have won convincingly. Not because people hate brunettes, just that there was a saturated amount of them between 0.1.0 and 0.1.2. Here's a preview of one of the blonde characters coming in 0.1.3, an office lady called Elizabeth (Liz, as named by one of the patrons).

Current direction as steered by polls, the mysterious coffee shop and the fantasy button in bed

I've been observing the polls and it's interesting to see femdom is in a fairly deep lead (no doubt thanks to Rebecca :p), but there has also been a steady stream of people into maledom (which I will continue to support). Also requests on pregnancy and futa/tgirl, which I will integrate alongside filters into the app as long as interest remains in 0.1.3 through 0.1.4 (polls dictate priority, but I am intent on making Bindr diverse for everyone's taste, just like real life). Fortuitously, I'm sure many of you have noticed the scaffolding for exploring different modes of gameplay in Bindr 0.1.2, namely the different location with its own time of day and other stuff.

The following is an addition to the base game of 0.1.3, not the core of it
The coffee shop


Time of day is significant, as different people will be at the coffee shop (and other locations in the future) that you can interact with. One story / episode will also depend on when you decide to *go* to the coffee shop from your home. It will trigger a pull over sequence with two lady cops who will be arresting you for tax evasion (ALLEGED TAX EVASION). And given everything so far, I think you can see where this is going to go down the line if you play your cards right.


In the screens above, you can see the "vibe tests" for the characters. One is of Japanese descent, detective Yuna, the other you'll have to wait and see. They won't like you at the start, but you'll turn them around (as much as you can turn two dommes).


The "fantasy" button in the bed

The fantasy button in the bed is there to allow the exploration of various fantasies which do not befit the "realistic setting" of Bindr. Think "Bind, James Bind" James Bond 007 parody fantasies, sentient androids, whatever we come up in the future that won't break the illusion as it's part of a dream. It may become a permanent fixture in the future, but the main mode of getting matches and going on dates / hook-ups will remain the core gameplay element.

Custom high heels in Bindr - Representing the symbol of femininity accurately
And other custom assets...

CLS2 copy.jpg

Whether you like subby girls, switches or dommes, high heels are a big part of the modern woman's sex appeal. To some, they represent feminine power, to others they amplify the figure, shape of legs and butt... And have become a symbol of femininity. Long story short, high heels, and especially stilettos, are hot.

calculated copy.jpg

Unfortunately, just like handcuffs (just google handcuffs daz3d), the preexisting assets are... Not good. It's amateur hour and I'm not going to sugercoat it. For the asking price, it's offensive. If it were free, sure, great. Hence why I initially modeled a very accurate model of handcuffs I personally own (ex was a rope bunny) for the Rebecca sequence (they'll come in handy often). To show you what I mean, an image is worth a thousand words.

dogshit copy.jpg

I can't deal with this. It's almost right, but wrong in all the important bits. The thing to emulate are a certain French brand with a penchant for red bottoms. Flat, narrow heel, red bottoms, elegant, effortless lines. The friend of every lawyer, business woman, actress, domme and every hot girl ever, to the point a specific model is even officially called "Hot Chick".

I still haven't specified any of the materials. This is why the heel point is lit up diffusely instead of as a gold-shaded metal. I am also making different variants, with spikes, pink, colorful, classic black, matte black etc.

So what I chose to emulate are a certain French brand with a penchant for red bottoms. Flat, narrow heel, red bottoms, elegant, effortless lines. The friend of every lawyer, business woman, actress, domme and every hot girl ever, to the point a specific model is even officially called "Hot Chick". The ingame fictional brand is "Fond Rogue" which is French for "Red Background".

Important to note that I have not only eyeballed this particular gem but also captured the essence of other designer shoes which will elevate your matches figuratively and literally. Plus, give them an extra dose of realism. I'll be showcasing more as we get closer to release.
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Sharing some shots of one of the new characters in 0.1.3 as I near the halfway mark towards release. Don't mind Rebecca's home used as backdrop, that's just to avoid spoiling her setting. Elizabeth (24) is going to be a corporate-oriented young lady which sexually identifies as a switch (too precious to waste on a single predilection). Yet to determine which one of the new characters will be patron exclusive for 0.1.3, but all of them will eventually trickle down to subsequent public versions (0.1.4 and beyond).

liz1 copy.jpg

liz2 copy.jpg


Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Hello i think i find some error how to i report to you?
Hi, you can reach me here or in the inbox. Your bug may already be resolved in the upcoming 0.1.3 release, though. :D

[0.1.3] What's in it & release date


As you might know, 0.1.0 launched earlier this month with only the partial Rebecca encounter (second part arriving with 0.1.3). 10 days later, 0.1.1 followed with only the Jessica encounter. Similarly, 0.1.2 only brought the Tiana encounter. The reason for so few encounters per release was largely due to the backend scaffolding for the game that needed implementing. That's mostly done now.


With 0.1.3, there'll be a lot more encounters.
  • Completion of the Rebecca first encounter and second encounter
  • Triggered event involving detectives Yuna and Sierra when you go to the coffee shop.
  • Encounter with the 0.1.3 titular character Elizabeth
  • get an exclusive character in 0.1.3, Elena (the redhead). Yes, she will trickle down in 0.1.4 to everyone (and thus receive more content). I release biweekly, so it's not "punishing" anyone, really.
  • A fantasy or two (the bed fantasy button) involving futanari (James' fantasy of Jessica & Rebecca). It'll also be a vessel for non-realistic things to happen without messing with the core concept of the game.
  • Maybe Jessica's second encounter if I manage, but my day job may not permit that, so 0.1.4 (and maybe for patrons if they really want her early).
  • If I'm done before July 4th, I might squeeze in something more.


  • Obviously, the fantasy button in the bed will now work and will have branching selections.
  • Gallery / replays are implemented and enabled. 0.1.3 gallery may be different from future versions, I might only allow replay of the choices you've made rather than showing you an easy mode of the path not taken. If you don't like this idea, speak up.
  • General improvements, I hope.
The when

I initially targeted June 30th, but my day job and scope of this release made me consider July 1st/2nd. Due to the way F95Zone allows promos of new updates only after two weeks and the total size of it all, I'll be releasing it on:

July 4th (0.1.2 went out on June 20th)
And you can add 14 days to that for 0.1.4

Those with potato PCs need not worry, I'm still using highly optimized webp/webm assets. File size of Bindr will always be an order of magnitude lower than most comparable games at this stage of development. I'm trying to hit a 200 MB zip file without compromising quality.
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I Like Good Food

New Member
Apr 2, 2022
Personally I like the ability to have access to the gallery, even if i did not choose a specific path. Ill do one run through, but after that i like seeing what the other options were, without redoing the entire story again. Just me though. Appreciate your work man. Looks super.
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Personally I like the ability to have access to the gallery, even if i did not choose a specific path. Ill do one run through, but after that i like seeing what the other options were, without redoing the entire story again. Just me though. Appreciate your work man. Looks super.
Yeah, I think I'll let people see the road not traveled. Also:

[0.1.3] New F95 tags, futanari, and bed fantasies option

Additional F95 tags applicable as of Bindr 0.1.3:

Creampie, Futa/Trans (they should really split these two), Groping, Handjob, Interracial, Multiple Penetration, Blackmail, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Lesbian, Cuckoldry (not sure if this one exists yet)


Quite a bit of patrons requested futanari content in the future, so I've worked on integrating such content in a way that doesn't hurt the general "real world-ish" theme of the world through the use of the bed and triggerable fantasies. Future of content will depend on your feedback.

These fantasies will not only be limited to futanari. But initial encounter will subvert two existing characters in James' mind, Jessica and Rebecca, into a classic "25% gay" situation. And for fun, I've decided that Rebecca will be the submissive one in the fantasy only.

It was quite a challenge getting the cock to render right on a female body since I use heavily modified materials.
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submissive -Ben83

Active Member
Feb 16, 2020
Hi, you can reach me here or in the inbox. Your bug may already be resolved in the upcoming 0.1.3 release, though. :D

[0.1.3] What's in it & release date

View attachment 2731580

As you might know, 0.1.0 launched earlier this month with only the partial Rebecca encounter (second part arriving with 0.1.3). 10 days later, 0.1.1 followed with only the Jessica encounter. Similarly, 0.1.2 only brought the Tiana encounter. The reason for so few encounters per release was largely due to the backend scaffolding for the game that needed implementing. That's mostly done now.


With 0.1.3, there'll be a lot more encounters.
  • Completion of the Rebecca first encounter and second encounter
  • Triggered event involving detectives Yuna and Sierra when you go to the coffee shop.
  • Encounter with the 0.1.3 titular character Elizabeth
  • get an exclusive character in 0.1.3, Elena (the redhead). Yes, she will trickle down in 0.1.4 to everyone (and thus receive more content). I release biweekly, so it's not "punishing" anyone, really.
  • A fantasy or two (the bed fantasy button) involving futanari (James' fantasy of Jessica & Rebecca). It'll also be a vessel for non-realistic things to happen without messing with the core concept of the game.
  • Maybe Jessica's second encounter if I manage, but my day job may not permit that, so 0.1.4 (and maybe for patrons if they really want her early).
  • If I'm done before July 4th, I might squeeze in something more.

View attachment 2731582

  • Obviously, the fantasy button in the bed will now work and will have branching selections.
  • Gallery / replays are implemented and enabled. 0.1.3 gallery may be different from future versions, I might only allow replay of the choices you've made rather than showing you an easy mode of the path not taken. If you don't like this idea, speak up.
  • General improvements, I hope.
The when

I initially targeted June 30th, but my day job and scope of this release made me consider July 1st/2nd. Due to the way F95Zone allows promos of new updates only after two weeks and the total size of it all, I'll be releasing it on:

July 4th (0.1.2 went out on June 20th)
And you can add 14 days to that for 0.1.4

Those with potato PCs need not worry, I'm still using highly optimized webp/webm assets. File size of Bindr will always be an order of magnitude lower than most comparable games at this stage of development. I'm trying to hit a 200 MB zip file without compromising quality.
those leather jeans are soo sexy and tight on her god i love them so much she is fucking gorgeous, I love leather leggins too and to girils arses in them mmmmm lol this game is awesome

submissive -Ben83

Active Member
Feb 16, 2020
Yes, some. They're an extreme time investment, though. Example of one from the Tiana playthrough took 40 minutes just to render at very modest settings to be viable at 1920x1080 (it basically incapacitates the machine for 1/24 of a day):

View attachment 2706426

I'll need a lot more hardware and more support to amp up the quantity of these, at this point, the whole "enterprise" is a massive financial and time black hole as we're not even covering the electricity bill for these. We'll see if that changes tomorrow when I present 0.1.2 to a larger audience. :D Just managing expectations. Enjoy what's here and don't worry about tomorrow.
I hope we will get to see the mc tied up like this in ropes i love shibari femdom bondage


Mar 22, 2019
Nice to see niche stuff like shoe dangling and heelpopping. Hope to see more heels related stuff in the future.
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Apr 17, 2021
Hello, are you planning to add chastity in the future ? Also love this game ! Realistic girls and fetishes, amazing renders and the voicing makes the experiense perfect Thanks for your work