randos belgados

Active Member
Jan 11, 2019
instead of (probably waiting this game finished) 16 years later, why not also use its name?

my new family (better render)

ill gladly fap play this game. your renders are unique. unlike the original with you-know-how-many-games-used-the-same-characters-and-clothes. while you ( Wetdreamwalker ), only re-use not that original story from a game.

I'm going to be the odd one out and say I don't really care about the MNF rip stuff.
Adult games are terrible for it though. The amouns of incest games that follow the sae basic plot of brother coming home after X amount of years to a mother and 2 sisters, one of those sisters loves him the other hates him, sometimes with a dead dad.
tbh, i like ren'py based game just because i can skip the whole text for one purpose: sex scene (is good? how about the angle, lightning, expression, clothing... etc). welp, cant ignore the fact of repetitive stories and it bored me a lot.
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Kew Ball

Jun 8, 2021
Other than needing someone who speaks English to edit the script, It's a great game start. It was funny as hell when the aunt became a he, him, etc during the dialogue, had me thinking maybe she was 400 pounds wearing a mumu and sporting a Magnum PI mustache.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
Hi everybody! I'm the developer of the game. Thanks for the comments. I see a lot of people bothered that the game is similar to My new family. Indeed, my favorite game. My new family inspired me to make the game. I didn’t think it would upset some people so much. There are at least 10 similar games for each game on this page. But I would like to reassure everyone. In the next update, I’m making a whole new game with these characters. And I want to apologize to the creator of My New Family if I caused a problem. Lots of sorry Killer7, your game is sacred to me.
So are saying that we shouldn't bother downloading or playing this release, because everything we read and see will be different in the next release?

That's too bad. I was just about to give it a shot.


Jul 10, 2021
Hi everybody! I'm the developer of the game. Thanks for the comments. I see a lot of people bothered that the game is similar to My new family. Indeed, my favorite game. My new family inspired me to make the game. I didn’t think it would upset some people so much. There are at least 10 similar games for each game on this page. But I would like to reassure everyone. In the next update, I’m making a whole new game with these characters. And I want to apologize to the creator of My New Family if I caused a problem. Lots of sorry Killer7, your game is sacred to me.
Mate in the game development industry everyone learns from everyone if you just steal out the story and copy paste it that's different, but if you take reference and make a spin on the story that you want to make it should be fine. So please think about the story YOU want to make and do it, its alright if its similar to others and it shouldn't discourage you. You should listen to the opinion of the people but you shouldn't do everything they want, same with what I am writing here.

Good luck, hope that in the future your game will catch a place in my heart.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2018
Looks good. Diving in to check it out be back after play!

Good start. I don't like sprites but I know everyone doesn't have an amazing rig.

Looking forward to more!
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Q / Motherlover
Mar 13, 2019
I have deja vu..
Many situations and dialogues are identical like in the game: "My New Family". Not cool.

For example: the first meeting with a blonde daughter at the door of the house. Almost identical dialogues and character positions (hug). Moments later, the dialogue about the eldest daughter sleeping in the living room almost always, as well as the mother of the MC in MNF.

I don't know, but I feel Dev copied the game MNF or took an example from it.

Ok, nevermind. I am reading thread now and I can see that I am not the only one who noticed it. :LOL:


Apr 5, 2020
That almost sounds like they preemptively called the devs new game bullshit.
No, he used broken English to express that he finds the dev's idea of changing the script to something entirely different bullshit. Of course that assumption in itself was a misunderstanding, the dev wants to keep the story and only wants to get rid of similarities in the script that have been called (found) out.

Rory Smith

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2021
I have deja vu..
Many situations and dialogues are identical like in the game: "My New Family". Not cool.

For example: the first meeting with a blonde daughter at the door of the house. Almost identical dialogues and character positions (hug). Moments later, the dialogue about the eldest daughter sleeping in the living room almost always, as well as the mother of the MC in MNF.

I don't know, but I feel Dev copied the game MNF or took an example from it.

Ok, nevermind. I am reading thread now and I can see that I am not the only one who noticed it. :LOL:
Good. I yet to play that one!!


Nov 9, 2017
I will be honest. First, I like the visuals so far. The girls are cute and tasty.

Second, and I hate to say it, this is more than just "similar" to My New Family. Sure, there are differences (instead of a son and brother, MC is a father, and the "Lucy" character is not a neko) but the dialogue, interactions, story progression, and even many minute details are either identical, or so minisculy different that it doesn't matter. There is even dialogue and other things that seem to be copied from MNF that don't even make sense to the general pretense of this story...sometimes with something added clumsily as an afterthought to try to make it fit, and sometimes just left like a green elephant in a group of purple flamingos. It makes trying to play the game feel clunky and the story feels meaningless.

MNF is one of (if not THE) MY favorite games on F95Zone, and I get why you would be inspired by it. Inspiration is wonderful. But this just feels like blatant plagerism...and awkwardly done at that. You could do so much with the basic story you have without resulting to stealing from your favorite game. I would say keep most of the images (maybe redo the eldest daughter because she looks WAY older than mid to late 20s...and the MC could maybe be a bit less gray...especially if you want to stick with the step-father idea and that the girl's mother was 10 years older than him), completely scrap the dialogue, and start with the basic concept and write from that perspective only: father (or step father) went to prison when girls were very young, Is just getting out, and wants to reconnect and ask for forgiveness. You could even leave in the idea of a drunk aunt raising the girls if you want...but don't just make her the female "Martin". Write for her character...maybe even have it so the MC has to contact her before he can see his girls again...whatever.

Just my personal take, but you really should just dump what you have so far and start over with it. Yes, your base concept is similar to many other games on here, but most of us aren't looking for carbon copies...we still like original stories even if those stories are a bit similar to others we played. Long lost dad reconnecting with daughters is great...and MNF was also great...but trying to sledgehammer "long lost dad reconnecting with daughters" into the "MNF" mold is not working...all we players are really getting out of this game so far is visuals to hopefully fap along with at some point...but we are clicking through the clunky, copied, and awkward story so fast that we even pass the fap material pretty quickly...and we got porn for that kind of thing.

I do like the images you've used so far and would love to play a game with those girls...but not this specific game. I have finished the first "chapter" now and have deleted it (which I do a lot just to make space for other games and updates), and I don't think I will be downloading again without a major overhaul to the story and dialogue. I will keep watching it here on F95Zone yo see how things go for you, but as it stands right now I don't see this game lasting very long


Nov 9, 2017
Other than needing someone who speaks English to edit the script, It's a great game start. It was funny as hell when the aunt became a he, him, etc during the dialogue, had me thinking maybe she was 400 pounds wearing a mumu and sporting a Magnum PI mustache.
Some of the script issues may not be typos but may in fact be unedited copies of script from MNF...not sure. MNF (My New Family by Killer 7) seems to literally be the template used for this game...like almost every single line of dialogue is a direct copy from MNF. So it may not be a language translation issue, but a missed conversion issue.
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Well-Endowed Member
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2020
16 Years Later v0.1 - Walkthrough Mod v0.3
Added an Incest choice after you select their names (daughters or stepdaughters)​


This does more than remove the 'step' from 'stepdaughter', it also alters the dialog in parts so it makes more sense.
3.70 star(s) 87 Votes