I mean no disrispect Dev I personally really like the game and would patron if I had the spare money.
And this is merely a thought I expressing here but.
I know you say there is a version minus the advertising else where that is without advertising at the end of every episode.
But thats else where and most get the game from here.
I apreaciate that you want to attract patrons so I don't complain about the advertisement being there.
Your not really the first Dev to do it and wont be the last i'm betting

However where you do differ is the other dev's tend to remove previous advertising for every previous update.
And only add advertising at the end of the current update.
I'm sure they still get complaints even for doing that let's face it would be strange if they didn't as there are many whiner's IRL.
But if you needed to play from the beging again for any reason it will atleast have the advantage of being more enjoyable.
And far less anoying to do so without all the previous advertising from every update the game as ever had.
Just a Thought.