You can be wrong, it's okay

Hater? lol you wish. You aren't worth my time.
My fault. I went by a review a person left on Steam. Person said "game has no choices" so, I thought "why doesn't the Dev mention that this game is a Kinetic Novel on the game's Store page?" I also read a post on here mentioning a choice is locked because it's a Patreon thing. If it's not a Kinetic Novel, my mistake.
If I was playing this, I wouldn't want to be locked out of a choice that is there just to drive people to the Dev's Patreon. I would like every option to be the way almost every other game has them, free and not behind a paywall. That's just me, I guess.
Butthurt? no, definitely not butthurt. It's okay if you and others think so though