Whoa. Procedurally generated porn would be one hell of a rabbit hole.

The ambition is great, hope you're able to pull it off. Although I'm fine with small-scale intimate VNs. When you blow it up and try to randomise encounters (like with Lifeplay, Lab Rats 2, etc), it's hard to make each one feel personal. But that's a problem for a later date, I guess.
I'd echo what some of the other commenters said, and suggest keeping a strong spine for the story that is all your own choice, and letting users vote on some of the sidequests. Too many cooks, and all that.
As for the preferred characters, I like some buildup in the relationship, so people like Choi and Kateway have me intrigued. Glad to hear that T'nal is in the lead, nice when there's some tension and conflict between the two and they don't jump straight to fucking. Plus, T'pol's character was kinda shafted in Enterprise overall (especially that hypothetical scenario where she becomes captain and fucks everything up), so it'll be nice seeing her reimagined here.