Phazyn This is an idea I had for Shinra tower missions:
The fact that you choose to use Johnny as a pattern for the "generic NPC" was good. After all, Johnny, while a canon character, it only has a name and a few dialogs to distinguish him from the other unnamed characters. The fact that you rubbed our noses in it with the sequence of Elmyra lovers ("She does have a type, yes!") and her husband was brilliant. But the fact that you went and made it a bloody plot point with poor Mr. N. Spector, generic Shinra suit, was genius.
Well, why not go full steam ahead with it, and make it the basic pattern for the Shinra missions for getting the reactor plans? For example:
To get hired by Shinra, your identity must be registered in their systems as vetted by the turks. Jonny certainly it is not, but poor Mr. Spector still is. So you get him rehired as a lowly cleaner, and do a few working turns in the tower until a chance to hack in their systems a new identity, or steal one from one of his "clones" and use it to jump jobs, or do a mission and get ascended to a higher position. Use it to Jump departments and add gags of him working with Heidger, Hojo, and the other wackos in the company.
Just add a gag after every identity jump to burn the previous one. An example: You jump from cleaner to maintenance worker. As a maintenance worker you stage a fire and use it to sneak Jessie in, so she can hack their computers from inside and add a new identity as a transfered soldier for internal security. Then you douse the fire and a Shinra middle manager comendates you for it, so you get a small ceremony and a party as employee of the month, organized by Mr. Spector's wife, a worker in the Entertaiment department? Propaganda? can't remember.
She does get atracted by you, because you remind her of her ex-husband, and ends fucking you in another elevator. She leaves, and then Reeve/Heideger/whatever enters the elevator and sees you in the nude, and has you fired for indecency. Generic soldiers throw you out of the building.
Then Johnny does a few missions to get clothes, make up or tools to become the next identity, some by himself, some with other character, some is simply getting enough gil to buy things. For example, the next identity is a shinra generic soldier, so you need to get the weapon dealer to get you the shinra soldier helmet and gun, which requires Biggs help, and the uniform made by the seamstress, that require photos of Tifa in the nude that you must get somehow, and a pair of expensive Shinra(TM) boots that you must buy. Then you start working in Shinra security dept.
Rinse and repeat. Keep jumping from place to place. Become a cleaner, a maintenance guy, an accountant, a soldier in tower security, a publicist in the energy department, a clothing model for shinra consumer products department, a helper in the science department (met red XIII), a therapeutic masagist for injured Soldiers, an astronaut candidate, a secretary for the turks, a construction supervisor for city planning, a designer for weapon development (imagine Jonny designing some of the killer robots that Cloud must fight in the reactor incursion

), as one of many Rufus assistants, etc. until you manage to insert an identity on the records department and steal the reactor plans.
Just add a few departments, some that are logical for an energy and consumer products conglomerate, beyond the ones with named directors (Weapons Development/Scarlet, Science Department/Hojo, Urban Development/Tuesti, Space Program/Palmer, Public Safety/Heidegger for infantry+Turks+Soldier+Roboguard).
For example: propaganda/entertaiment/publicity dept./Ms.Spector, energy department, consumer goods, industrial products and vehicles (cars, bikes, farming machines, etc), directed by generic johnny-clone managers.
Also, as you raise your position or security clearance inside Shinra, you can unlock sex animations with the holo-receptionist.