That's coming in .08 patch that will focus on Jackie I believe. For now just keep working on getting Lauren elected.thanks! but now i don't know how to e-mail the guy it's not on my phone or the computer.
That's coming in .08 patch that will focus on Jackie I believe. For now just keep working on getting Lauren elected.thanks! but now i don't know how to e-mail the guy it's not on my phone or the computer.
A good question. Currently if you cum inside a girl you're 'risking it' but no one can actually get pregenet outside of the x-mas event which is a dream. How it will play out down the line is uncertain but if you want to avoid it just pull out.How does pregnancy play out in this game?
Optional ntr is even wrose developer will take more time for making scenes for both sidesNTR is optional. Just don't fuck up how you're spending money and the girls are all yours.
Two. Lauren and Mandy are both virgins.
It's not in the alpha (a bug) but will be in the main release according to the dev.Is the cheats option on the top right of your phone supposed to be in this version?
Good to know, the pregnancy tag drew me here, now I'm ignoring the game instead because of false marketing.A good question. Currently if you cum inside a girl you're 'risking it' but no one can actually get pregenet outside of the x-mas event which is a dream. How it will play out down the line is uncertain but if you want to avoid it just pull out.
True. I kind of like how it's set up in this game though. NTR is more of a consequence of poor choices. While the bigger NTR scenes are only going to be seen by people into NTR people on the loyalty path can still run into them if they screw up or make bad decisions. I'm on the loylty route but I'll still do something dumb now and then just to see the alternate scenes before rolling back and doing it right.Optional ntr is even wrose developer will take more time for making scenes for both sides
But virgins are best
I'ts not false marketing. The dev has no contoll over the F95 tags. The x-mas scene has sex scenes with the three main girls who are very prego which means the mods HAVE to add the tag. Pregnancy will be a thing in the main plot down the road if the player keeps creampieing the girls but the game has to play out to get there first.Good to know, the pregnancy tag drew me here, now I'm ignoring the game instead because of false marketing.
The alpha bug hunt got leaked. Check back after the main release.compressed version yet ?
I bet it's the School Uniform event. Try going to breakfast at home in the early morning. If that doesn't work can you share your save?I completed all previous events (except the ntr ones) to 75, but every friday the game warns me that didn't made all necesary steps, and that election will be lost. Played many weeks without nothin new to do, I'm missing something or it's a bug?
That's exactly what happened, I was skipping breakfasts, thank you!I bet it's the School Uniform event. Try going to breakfast at home in the early morning. If that doesn't work can you share your save?
There are a number of ways to do it. If you're progressing her photoshoot make sure you end the event before she gets upset with you. Her stats will go up as part of that and when you come back the next day for more pictures you will be able to get her to take off or do more. Teasing her in the morning at breakfast or go jogging with her in the early morning will also can i rise Sidneys livido?
There really isn't any beastiality in the game. It's a photoshop event within that game. Don't worry about it. There really isn't that much grind at all. At the start of the game the only thing you have to do is once a day work a side job but once your cosplay business takes off you make so much money off of that it's not needed anymore. There are enough events that on a fresh playthough you shouldn't feel like you're grinding for anything.Heard ntr is optional.
What about beastiality?
Also sandbox is there.I don't like the aspect of sandbox. It fills more like filler to me, most of the time consisting awful amount of grinding.
I've let the dev know about this bug but you missed an event at home. Go watch TV in the evening.How do i talk to Megan to complete event 61? I don't have an option to talk to her in classroom or school and i got the recording from showers and talked to Diaz about it?
Nevermind it's working now, weird...