I really want to like this game and |I really like Harlow buttttttttttttttttt I dont know if it lack of creativity with devs these days or what but why the hell in a harem game does a Li have to be in a strip club..... We are talking a intelligent girl that could work anywhere. Instead she is put in a job most women including her do not want people know she is doing..... In a harem game a Li found in this kind of shit hole it would be a priority of the MC to get her out of that shitty job and into something she would be proud to tell mom and dad about. Hell in the next release of my own game a future LI was forced into a brothel.... The mc sends guards and rips the place apart removing her and those that made her go there are no longer breathing. Thats what a mc in a harem game does. He gets them out of that shit. I hate the fact that the one person in the game I like the most is put in a place like that and its holding me back from playing....
Harlow has a bunch of jobs to fund her science studies - this is only one of them
(and she's not a stripper!).
All (possible) LI's in this "game" are currently business contacts, all of them do what they do for their "business":
Harlow for science/her studies, Vanessa for the model contract, Riley for her final degree/business entry, Erika for money/a better life... and so on... and MC does for his thesis/final degree and Billy Love's business.
Currently this one is no pron story, it's more a business driven story.

And while I really appreciate it to be not full of pron tropes and instead a well-written plot with interesting characters, its biggest issue or kind of a balancing act will be, how the dev is going to turn it into something more emotional in the future. Cause there are too less movements into building up romantic or sexual relationships so far... and any real love/sexual interests - whether from the girls or the MC himself - aren't yet to be expected.
Honestly, I feel some impatience arising in me after Chapter 5 regarding that "department", wishing this "game" a kick-off into some more emotively charged directions... unless it wants to be more a slice-of-life-business simulator with some sentimental moments and a few casual sexual encounters?!
Nevertheless, I'll stay tuned for the story/character progression and maybe some not-so-business-orientated future updates!

And that said, I wish the dev all the best!!!