RPGM - Completed - A New Game [v2.31] [takamakuran]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    As highly rated as the game is, i can't help but feel disappointed

    This is supposed to be the game's strongest point, the thing that interests people even by reading the tin (Since by the game's description, 'gameplay' is merely a formality, which also isnt true but ill talk about that in a sec), I just... don't really see anything that spectacular? The stories and concepts just aren't taken to a deep enough level, not to mention that the pacing of the story is very weird. While you'll spend like 2 hours on 80% of the story then it'll take you 6 hours to get through the 20%. It's not even to say it's dense, it's just that the story picks itself up from thee mud and barely manages to stand on its own 2 legs.
    I can compliment the 'horror' of it in the bad parts, you just genuinely can't care all that much about characters you'll only interact with for 5 minutes.
    The conclusion to the entire story wasn't a good pay off,, it's a very "That's it?" kind of ending. Maybe simplicty isn't for me, but even taking that into consideration, i still can't call this story good or even above mediocre

    Putting gameplay elements in a place that doesn't need them is always a mistake, because you'll get a half asses gameplay system that takes away time from what you coud've just used to focus on the story instead. This game is one of those, i mentioned earlier that the game isn't exactly 'no combat grinding' as advertised. While that's true largely, you will end up having to take detours and grind just a little. Not to the extent of the average rpg, but it's defiintely not something you can just progress and beat. The fights themselves are generally balanced enough though, the tools you are given + some detour allows for decently easy victories, alot of the fights are incredibly tedious though. It's a constant repeat of Defends or Harden > Protect, with some chance to attack in between, while letting the fairies deal the damage. Not to mention how painfully slow the animations are, along with how utterly frequent encounters are. Sure, you can escape sometimes, but not always, and that just wastes your time for no reason.
    I don't find this engaging rpg combat, i hardly do so at all but in games like this it's glaringly obvious.
    This could've just been a visual novel or walking simulator instead, that would've been less of a demoralizing experience.

    I honestly don't mind the pencily/ms paint art, at its best its executed well enough where it doesn't look ugly but charming. Of course, the quality varies regarding some characters, it's not too disruptive however. The Dark one designs were quite creative too. The designs themselves are alright.

    Sexual Content:

    While the art is iffy at some points, the content is actually pretty good. The dev is good at capturing a certain 'intensity' to sexual encounters which allow for the scene to not look stale or boring like you'd see in mediocre games. This is the main selling point of all the scenes as while it's not entirely vanilla, it's not really deviant either, so 'intensity' is its only strength with no glaring weakness.

    Given the game's budget of 3 cents and a half eaten potato, i doubt the music is originally produced, a safe thing to bet on when it comes to rpgm games. Though i'll say i liked the main battle team, it had a nice catchy tune, other stuff is generally not worth mentioning

  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Mr. Cofman

    "Ah, Nyarlathotep once again made his visit,,,"
    "Or rather his minions~ ?"
    "Honestly... they are like one in all and all in one"
    "Like Yog-Sothoth~ ?"
    "Which is just a Nyarlathotep's avatar~"
    "Which is just Azathoth's avatar~"
    "All in One~"
    "One in All~"
    Play a game inside a game~
    That could ruin mental state~
    But lazy developer got too horny~
    And ruined limitless and horrifying potential~

    Indeed! Forcing you to start in a boring, lifeless and grey environment just to show a bright life full of sex and adventures after makes amazing immersion.

    Fuck everyone you want! Become unbeatable! Make elemental spirits your allies! Save the world from the dark ones! That is what this game is about!

    ...but there is one moment that developer fucked a bit, and it could be much much deeper and better.

    All in all, amazing game! If only true ending was not so easy to fuck up...
    Hehe... put your anger into this world and destroy everything...
    if you wish so.

    "Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!~ Kyahaha!~"
    "There is nothing as destructive as the feeling when the story ends..."
    "And my story... will end too... at some point...~"
    "But you will not be forgotten~"

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What the hell is this game? The story, the art... Everything is great!

    The story of the game is quite deep and interesting. Although it may seem ordinary at first, don't be fooled, it has a great story full of plow twists. Some endings are even a little sad! You can't stop wondering what will happen in the game. The characters, their personalities and the dialogues are amazing.

    The game has its own art and it is gorgeous. It suits the atmosphere very well. Just looking at the buildings and characters was a beautiful experience in itself. The scenes are quite hot. There are a lot of scenes. Even though the scenes are not animated, it feels like it, it's something that's really been put into it.

    In terms of gameplay, it has a simple combat. In some places it is quite difficult, in some places it is very easy. The game is not very grindy. It may be necessary to level up a little towards the end of the game.

    The only minus of the game for me was that we moved very slowly between the maps. But this can easily be overlooked.

    Great story, great art, hot scenes.. A must play! Please play this game!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite game on this entire site. It's one of my favorite games, period. There are plenty of reviews already describing why they do or do not like the subjective elements of the game like the art, story, writing, gameplay, etc. I'm not going to discuss these points at all, because at the end of the day these elements are just the framework for delivering porn. Whether you interpret it as art or not, the game succeeds in creating a world and characters to care about so that the scenes are elevated with emotion and circumstance.

    What I want to drive home that I don't think is conveyed well via the previews and other reviews is that the scenes are hot. It's absolute peak eroticism for me. This is something that so few games seem to get right. I think it's easy to get a bad impression of the art from the preview images because the style is intentionally rough and the value of that decision isn't properly communicated through isolated images. It's easy to confuse it for amateur art from a glance, but it's a very deliberate MS Paint post-impressionism style and it absolutely works once you're in the game.

    The lines are noisy on purpose so that they better convey feeling, and this is what's lost via previews. Each scene builds over time. Sweat and heat accumulate. The pace increases. Volume grows. Positions and angles change. Time passes. Characters lose themselves to pleasure. There's so much movement and action shown via the lines that I don't even notice it's not actually animated. And the scenes accomplish this without being overly long or tedious.

    This game belongs to an exclusive pantheon of titles where I literally beat myself into submission while playing it. Round after round because there are just so many scenes and I've become attuned to the MC's ascension to sex godhood. How many games have you played where the sex just looks unenjoyable? Poorly rigged animations or characters that lack emotion and expression. This is why this game is special. I loved the story and the characters, but it's inevitable that some people won't. What this game undeniably delivers is a raw, stylized, hyper-sexual experience that has ruined my ability to enjoy the average game.

    I decided to write this because I planned to play it again after seeing that Takamakuran recently posted online after a long hiatus. I last played version 2.22 and I see some reports that there are technical issues with more recent versions (probably the v2.31 currently available here). The game is currently at v2.501, which hopefully has fixed any issues, but doesn't seem like there's an english translation available yet.

    My deepest desire is that Takamakuran continues to bless the internet with more of their work and if this review can do even a small amount to help spread the word, then it was time well spent. The cover doesn't do this game, or any of this circle's games, justice. With better marketing choices to show off the strong points of the game I think Takamakuran could break out off the niche/underground market they currently occupy. Regardless, this game will always have a special place in my heart. And my dick.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    After finishing about 80% of the game, it started crashing constantly in boss fights. It's a very frustrating experience to be deep into a boss fight, only to have the game crash. Then you try again hoping it's work properly.. and it crashes again.

    Can't really recommend this game due to the technical issues.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, although there are some repetitive aspects the grind isn't the worse I have seen on here. The art isn't the best but it has its own charm. The game is expansive enough to play for about 4-8 hours depending on how you play.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game should be great. The story is incredibly immersive, the setting is slightly wacky in a way I would compare favorably to games like Earthbound, the H-scenes are hot and the artstyle the entire game uses is incredible even though it all looks like it was drawn in MS Paint. Why the negative reiew then you ask? Tldr, it's because the end game sucks ass with it being very possible to softlock your save and it starts constantly crashing later on.

    For the first 5 hours or so of gameplay, it's more of a visual novel disguised as an RPG. Battles are largely scripted with no real way to lose and you can't get a game over. I'm actually okay with this because again, the story is good and it makes sense that things are like that in universe. However after a certain (extremely creepy) point it turns into an actual RPG. In endings 1 and 3 I didn't have too many problems progressing, however in ending 2 the problems reared their ugly head.

    The boss fights were all brutal examples of fake difficulty and unless you'd managed to find every single piece of very well hidden equipment throughout the world and grinded to level 50+ the fights are nearly impossible to win. Even worse during the boss fights of this route the game crashes constantly. I have not beaten all of the bosses in the corrupted route because the game crashes during one of the bosses no matter what I did (I tried at least a dozen times and it always crashed) and so I was forced to simply give up.

    What finally dug the nail in the games coffin was ending 2s final boss. Without going into spoilers if you have not beaten every other supposedly optional boss in the game including the ones that make the game crash, you will not be able to beat the final boss and if you saved in the final area there is no way to go back. The game does warn you that this is the point of no return, however every other ending had a fake point of no return that still let you do things after killing the final boss so if you've played any other ending you'll likely ignore it.

    This game should be great and for 80% of the game it really is but that last 20% is so bad that I cannot ever recommend this game in good conscience. If you do decide to play this game I highly recommend you keep multiple saves and that you skip ending 2, you'll only miss out on a couple H-scenes.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game. Interleaving a decent story with a great art results in a great h-game. Other devs should pay attention when making their own games.

    Story 5/10

    You're an employee who's on involuntary leave who goes to the arcade to hide his shame from his wife and discovers a game to play.

    The game presents itself as one where you need to save the world. Because that's what games do right? It's revealed in the bad ending that the world is real and you've being summoned each time you join to play the game.

    So, the backstory is interesting enough. The game is quite linear and you know exactly where to go.

    However, the story is only revealed in the bad/corrupted ending. In classic takamakuran fashion, the story is not extremely developed and not really revealed. You're given a peak to understand what's happening. But since not else is revealed, that peak is all that actually exists.

    Characters 4/10

    The MC, you, are kind of generic. You walk around as "the chosen one" and you could be anyone else.

    There's plenty of females in the game, but the majority are one and done if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    There's around 3-5 main females who have recurring roles. Urashima, Oni King, Demon King, Mechano, Blue Oni, and Guide. You get some story with them, but the relationships are kind of shallow and not very developed. After consuming the content, you're left with wanting more. However, each girl's total dialogue is around 100 lines which is not much at all.

    Basically, you grow to like these characters, but then there's no more content.

    Gameplay 6/10

    The battle mechanics are classic RPG mechanics. You attack, defend, heal. The battles aren't dry and sparsely spaced enough to be interesting without being grindy.

    The game itself is pretty close to a hallway simulator. Personally I like it when games do that. Straight hallways with occasional classrooms to explore.

    Art 8/10

    Yes. The art style is rough and unique. The h-scenes are well done and not too lengthy. Personally, I'm a big fan of variation CGIs which this game has plenty of.

    Overall 7/10

    Nice but thin story. Great art to... watch.

    I do wish the characters were further developed, but that doesn't appear to be takamakuran's style. For 2-3 of the characters you go on these mini-dates with them, which is cute. But there's no more content after you're done with it. I'd have liked some endings with some characters instead they fade into the background of your story.

    But the fact that the game can make me feel this way means that the creator's doing something right.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    of the best eroges that I have come to play, the crossing, the suffering and the porn !. This is game confused me at first, but the more I played it the more I enjoyed it, the fact that the outside world becomes so depressing, contrasting with the world you venture into and even so those two worlds are connected is wonderful. a lot of content, a lot of porn and epic endings that move you to the point of making you cry
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, I have a few thoughts, I'm surprised so many posts here praise the story/plot when it's all been done before, and I think there are lots of h games with more interesting stories. It develops a tremendous atmosphere, but fails to do anything novel with that.

    Many of the characters aren't really very interesting, which is too bad as compared with MY]R. In that game the character motivations are a mystery and turns out that a lot of the motivation is collecting genetic samples from another world, which then has a mutiny on the expedition. While in this game, the good guys are good, the bad guys are bad and it's all vanilla. The demon king has some funny dialogue and its clever that she thinks you're an assassin, and its hinted that there could be war, but no action is taken that would push the characters out of their 1D. Some characters are interesting though, I like blue Oni, she has realistic conflict. Furface is well done. Urashima has interesting backstory, Oni king has interesting backstory. Mechano is underdeveloped, and not enough is done with his setup that he will transform into a human. Guide doesn't act real either, she doesn't 'guide' you enough, once you go through the trials and talk to death she should clearly tell you what she wants you to do to save the world, after all its her world you're saving, not a game to her. In End 2 Guide says that you weren't the first brought here by her to save the world. She wanted to pretend it's a game to make the transition easier for you.

    The 2nd ending is the best in terms of story/plot because you experience the max of the game world in that ending. However there should have been more content regarding the seabed girl to tie it all together, she needed some actual dialog. How should you know to bring her scales? In my play through I had already acquired them before I talked to her so she just took them. I think she should nudge you in the 'evil' direction by asking you for stuff after fucking her, which slowly starts to corrupt you. And there should be some dialogue before you fight to kill a dragon "If you kill me then you are truly lost Hero." Also the spirits shouldn't fight their patron dragon. The endings all feel a bit rushed, and the 2nd has the largest scope and feels the most rushed, why can't you go into the towns and see what people think of the corrupted hero?

    The game actually functions as if you playing a character playing a game. The real world stuff has no impact on the game and vice versa (aside from a few h scenes, that have no impact on the story). The story of the fantasy world part is pretty unoriginal, and boils down to normal tropes: hero wakes up in a new world, is guided through trials to become stronger, will ally with the 4 elements, and finally fight the demon hoard that is trying to invade the world. There's a lot of unrealized potential for some really interesting stories here, but they went with the simplest one.

    What if you were brought as a conduit and you accidentally open some barrier to the real world for those aliens to attack your world? What if the Onis were actually looking for some powerful 'evil' artifact to help them in the war vs the demons? What if this was a plan from the start for Death and Guide to develop a hero strong enough to kill the zodiac so they could ascend as the ultimate beings? What if the seabed girl is some lost alien and the aliens are just looking to recover their princess? What if you are in the real world walking back to the train station with all the other Joes and then out of the corner of your eye you see a black form moving over near that storage shack? (I was always expecting this)

    Even with some faults the game is undeniably badass, it peaked for me when I first entered the illusory world, but getting your flying house was also super badass, I think the underwater could be similarly cool if it was designed better and more clear to navigate with more content. Gameplay-wise the game was strongest before the battles started getting tough. I'm not sure how the enemy scaling works but I'm pretty sure there's some kind of scaling going on, because I did try to grind a lot (easiest way I found was in the illusory realm) and it doesn't make the game much easier. The game isn't particularly tough if you have a good strategy but the difficulty curve makes it feel bad once the game goes 'open-world', once you get all 4 spirits with upgrades you think that you will be very strong, but fights are still tedious. In END 2 the best way to win is just defending and getting huge counterattacks which is cheesy.

    Some other loose ends: if you kill furface on the island you get claws, which have no use. White Oni has no conclusion, and her affliction is never explained in more detail. I'm guessing its different from that of the Oni King. Wish you could mate all the cats, wouldn't even take much work updaing the one cat cg.

    In end 1&3 you examine the arcade pod and find that it isn't an ultrarealistic VR setup after all. So the idea it's all his imagination is weak. You die in the real world if you die in the illusory world (short scene), which doesn't make sense if you're just imagining. Also Guide states that she repeatedly brings you through the barrier in End 2, what better place than a arcade pod to be undisturbed. Finally the MC doesn't seem like the kind of guy who has that super creative imagination, he sees the real world as dull and hes really just a horny guy. Finally the yellow girl, and purple girl seem to have some cross over, making it seem its not just his imagination (though this is unexplained how the fantasy world can affect them), and the chill spirit makes your AC work better.

    It has tons of h content and you can really see the artistic vision and effort which definitely puts this game above a lot of others. It's too bad the girls only have one body type though, and each encounter is almost the same, where you essentially rape the girl and she ends up loving it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy fuck this game is great, I originally only wanted to pass my time for like an hour but this game ended up having me hooked for almost two weeks. I couldn't wait to continue on it after quitting each time. The story was intriguing as hell and it all plays out so naturally, on top of that it's so unpredictable in all the good ways. I thought the scenes were going to be bad judging by the screenshot alone, but they are actually very hot once you get to see it with the dynamic of the game, this artist certainly know what they were doing and it shows. I can't wait to support more of what this person cooks up in the future. Absolutely masterpiece considering the prices and all, this is easily up there on my top 3 eroge. I never thought I would be writing a review on this website, the fact that i'm doing this tells a lot, this game is a gem.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Probably the least searchable title on an above par RPG Maker Game. It's an isekai taking place in a video game that features the ability to fuck nearly every female npc in the game. The game really does not waste time with foreplay and has some pretty vanilla sex all the way through, the only non-consensual scenes are in the corruption ending.

    Story: You're a salary man who is given paid leave from work and believes he's going to be fired. He keeps this detail from his wife and feigns working by going to the city square arcade and dicking around in what he believes is a VR arcade cabinet.

    You play the RPG in the cabinet, explore the world within, and the adventure commences from there. The story is far above average for an indie RPG maker game and has some solid twists that it builds up to throughout the duration of the game. It doesn't make the most of its themes, but it presents what it has well enough.

    Sound: Stock. Hentai. Noises. And also some pretty good royalty free Japanese RPG music. Really nothing special besides a better assortment of royalty free songs.

    CGs: takamakuran has an incredibly unique style, he has noisy rough lines and washed out colors, also he really likes his women with massive racks, but honestly it looks like he just wants to avoid both the rape and underage tags for his work. His drawings still come out as visually appealing for how unique his style is, I can't really slate him for being vanilla or lack of body type variety despite all his women being gratuitously busty and curvy.

    Graphics: It's RPG Maker, but at the very least there's no stock character assets anywhere in the game. The map assets are essentially color-washed RPG maker environment assets, which is enough to at least convince me that I'm not playing a hastily made RPG Maker game with CGs shoddily overlaid over it.

    Gameplay: So here's where I explain why this isn't 5/5 IGN would play again game of the year: grinding. Until the late mid-game combat was simple and quick, every sequence was winnable and grinding was non-existent, the only nuisance is the periodic cut-off from the game where the main character needs to return home to have dinner with his wife. The overworld hub serves extremely little gameplay significance and only contributes to unlocking a few CGs.

    Once late game arrives the game becomes about wanton exploration and grinding, they give very little explanation of what you're looking for and you kind of need to thoroughly scour every cave and area in order to get through late game content. In addition to this exp becomes relevant and farming late game creatures becomes essential.

    Late game does pretty much everything most people hate about jrpgs: random encounters, backtracking, and grinding. The fights are well made once you're set up for them, but the process of getting set up is tedious and without any significant direction.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Not going too deep because there are lot of reviews.

    Decent gameplay. There is nothing bad nor remarkable about it. Also, the dificult is decent, the true dragons are strong AF tho.

    Story: Pretty good and interesting. It really plays with the virtual vs real in a really interesting way. Also there are some creepy moments.

    Sex scenes: great, mostly hardcore scenes with a lot of different characters. The art is weird, but it turned me on none the less. The scenes is what makes the scenes good, it doesn't need to compensate with nothing.

    I recommend reading the guide included, it's kinda hard to figure some things by your own. Especially for getting all the scenes and some of the endings.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I honestly loved this game because of the simplistic art style. It's solid coloring was charming and didn't use any overly exaggerated graphics. The concept of the story was interesting as well, the dividing walls of reality and fantasy.

    Not every game is perfect however, there were a few nitpicks I had. One of the easiest problems I faced were the enemies. It was a tad bit tedious to avoid the stronger enemies and pick off of the weaker ones.
    Another issue I had involved
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    The fights themselves were okay, but the reward h-scenes were transitioned oddly. The game would fold open a paper fan to change sprites behind the fan, and unfold the fan to reveal the next animation, which was pretty tedious to watch.

    Despite these small bumps, I did enjoy the other scenes the game had to offer. However, I will admit that I did have my eyes set to interact more with the "reality" characters, but alas, they only have small discussions. #icrievertiem

    Overall, the game itself is pretty good. I feel like the art style is what drives some people to assume it's not a good quality game, but sometimes the most simple graphics can be the most appealing.
    I would have rated this 4.5 / 5.0 although it seems I can only do full numbers, so I decided to round it down to point out that 5.0/5.0 does not mean the game is perfect, and if you are interested in playing, then give it a go, it's pretty good!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't say that this game is 100% bad, but... I just can't play with this character, who has a wife and doing dirty things with any but wife (even virtually). Isn't it a sin ? It's kind of cheating. Also just... feeling myself dirty.
    Graphics and everything else is mediocre
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is likely going to be my favorite RPGMaker game for a long, long time, and most definitely is one of my most enjoyed.

    The readme document has a guide to pretty much all the scenes, so take a look at that. Speaking of the scenes, they are done very, very well; the previews and the cover art don't look like much, but there's a certain character to the style that makes it mesmerizing. Quality check - I have almost a decade's worth of experience with looking at art, greatly enjoyed my AP art history classes when I was in highschool, et cetera. Regrettably you can only trust my word on this, but my pixiv account (name is Kaftein) is following about five thousand artists, and looking at over thousands of works a day for about 7-8 years will generally allow you to develop - at the least - an eye and appreciation for art.
    TL;DR The art is actually fantastic and somewhat similar to Black Souls, but vastly more appealing. Beat my meat to it 37 times in the span of 2.5 days, if that means anything. Very fappable.

    Surprisingly, highly enjoyable. Some songs (such as when killing the Divine Dragons) are pleasantly traditional with their faux-Latin operatics and whatnot. I never really found myself getting tired of the songs, and the sound effects used for sex were... not the best, but certainly not the worst - at least they weren't so bad that I couldn't fap because of laughter.

    There's little to no actual grind and the battles feel fairly balanced. As an avid fan of JRPGs and turn-based combat (I managed to beat the Mist Spider in Radiant Historia, to name an example) I don't have an issue with that kind of combat as I know some others do. That doesn't mean I don't recognize awful TBC, though; as much as I like Fate/Grand Order, the actual gameplay is mind numbing. With that said, I can safely and happily say that A New Game has a combat system of sufficient quality to be enjoyable - or, at least, not detract from the experience. A majority of the "standard" fights are fast-paced and end quickly, and there's no real grinding aspect. The "game world" has a nice environment and doesn't feel too empty, though admittedly traveling around the overworld map is a mildly unpleasant experience due to the painfully slow walk cycle. Thankfully, you gain access to a flying house about midway through that allows you to travel much faster.

    PLOT (Mild Spoilers but No Details)
    Right off the bat you can get a feel for the atmosphere and setting. Our protagonist is saddled with the blame for a mess, so they give him a paid vacation so he can't do anything to stop them while they figure out how to use him as a scapegoat. The "real world" is dismal and somewhat abstractly illustrated (read: drawn extremely messily and with no care for proportions) but somehow you can still easily tell what the illustrations are supposed to represent. This "hand-drawn" style contrasts very nicely with the stock rendered, ordered nature of the "game world," its towns, and its buildings. As mentioned above, though, the environment never feels too empty.
    The game follows the traditional formula of a hero going out to fight the Demon King, but about midway through it applies the more modern trope of there being an Even Greater Threat. The writing and characterization is honestly very satisfying and the translation quality is consistently good, so for that alone I'd rate it highly. There are a few loose threads, but they're nothing majorly plot important and easily forgiven.

    Art: 10/10
    Audio: 7/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Plot: 8/10
    Enjoyment: 15/10

    Overall: 8/10
    Relative Quality (RPGMaker): 9-10/10
    Is this review too stupid, serious for its own good, idiotically structured, and/or overall worthless? If you said yes to any or all of these, I am in total agreement, but I felt like I had to write something for a game that made me lose this much semen. I highly recommend you support the creator.
    Edited: 4/30/2020 for grammar.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was excellent, probably one of my favorite RPGMaker games (tho to be honest, I haven't played that many, maybe 20-30?). Either way, I want to talk about the highlights of this game:

    Art-style: Thought quite unique and weird, you will eventually get used to it and even start enjoying/appreciating it. If you decide do not to play this game just because of the artstyle, trust me, just give it a chance.

    RPG Elements: At the beginning, the game was quite easy, all you do is walk around (and also, YOU WALK A LOT), leveling up with each special encounter and try not to do die. To be honest I was quite disappointed then, it didn't felt like an RPG at all. But then all of the sudden, half-way through the game the battle start getting difficult, though never unbearable. I wish it got even more difficult but I guess that wasn't really the focus of the story.

    Story: Now, about the story.... It was good, don't get me wrong, I do think the creator made a solid story, but it just felt incomplete. I played through all the 3 different endings but more than answering my doubts, it raised more questions. There were a lot of things and plot points that were left hanging. It feels as if the creator either didn't knew how to make it work into the main story or feared that the game would get too long and decided to cut it from it. I do hope there is eventually a continuation.

    Still, it is a good game, I would say it is one of the "Must play" RPG Maker game on this website.

    EDIT 03/02/2020: I forgot to mention, another great aspect of this game is how creepy it gets at times. The real world gave me these creepy vibes and as you progress through the game, it gets worse and worse (in a good way), specially in the distorted world or whatever is called.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Summary: a decent hentai JRPG, nothing more.
    Gameplay: Your usual RPGMaker game. Too much pointless walking, but at least the fights are quite well balanced (for RPGMaker standards). Lot of interesting content is obscurely hidden, you will likely need a walkthrough near the end to avoid endless wandering through locations you've already visited to find out what is new.
    Art: Lots of sex scenes with many different characters, the art style is unique, easily the strongest point of the game.
    Story: It has a great setup, you playing as a guy in a bad situation (troubles at work) and not having the courage to solve them and instead finding escape in playing a video game...and then never uses it and instead becomes just another generic JRPG about saving the world from demons (more below if you want details).

    The main reason I wrote this review is because IMO the game is (currently on f95) very overrated. It's just OK, not special, not a "must play". In fact, I was quite disappointed at the end. I am tempted to give it 4 stars since the art is good and there is a lot of it, parts were funny and intersting. But the story turned out much more shallow than it promised in the beggining and there was just too much filler. I spent about 7-8 hours playing this and I wish I didn't, only about half of that time was enjoyable.

    More details on why I think the story is, contrary to what others say, quite bad (contains mild spoilers):

    The story starts by being forced to go on vacation and the MC expresses that it is because the boss probably plans to fire you. You come home, can't find the courage to tell that to your wife and decide to pretend to go to work in the upcoming weeks while instead hanging out in the local arcade. In the arcade you find a virtual reality game that is "built based on your thoughts" and you start to play it.
    In the game you play as a hero in fantasy world who is fighting monsters, fucking hot chicks every female you meet and saving the world. Every once in a while, the play session is interrupted and you have to go home through the gray "real world", have a dinner with your wife, sleep and repeat. It seems great at the beggining - the contrast between the amazing fantasy world and the bleak reality creates immersive atmosphere. Your guide in the arcade game also suggests that some portions of real world might appear in the game. But it never really happens in a meaningful way. At about 2/3 of the game, there is actually a portion where for a minute it seems like the two worlds are beggining to blend and the MC is starting to lose grip on what is real and what is a game, but it never takes off, it's just a sidequest to show you some more porn and then you're back to battling ordinary monsters and stuff.

    I was expecting some character development from the MC, like somehow using the game to deal with his troubles at work (final boss representing your work boss, based on how you defeat him the story unfolds...); or maybe somehow affect the relationship with his wife whom he spent last three weeks lying to; or maybe become derranged and start molesting real women in the real world if you do too much sex in the game world, or....something. But no, the real world is used only as a filler to set the atmosphere and after a while it just becomes too good at conveying the boredom thanks to the boring walk-from-point-A-to-point-B "gameplay". Once you beat the inner game, you've beaten "A New Game", there is no solid conclusion to the real world side of the story (well, at least in the ending 3, didn't play for other two endings). In the end, it's a game about a dude who plays a decent JRPG in an arcade, nothing else. If "A New Game" was directly that game the MC plays every day in the arcade, it would honestly be better, because the extra story line is not used at all and you would save a loooot of time of walking between the arcade and MC's house every game day.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite RPGM game of all time and probably one of my favorite H-games in general. The art is what originally kept me from trying it, but it really does grow on you and even suits the game in many aspects. I hate to draw comparisons with Undertale, but it really has that same sort of atmosphere and sense of wonder that Undertale imbued on me when I first played it.
    Would've liked for there to be more "real world" content, but what a game nonetheless.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    The concept is original and i like the art (i mean the girls, not the faceless npc) but there's too much wandering around, specially in the modern world city where way too many npc slow the game to a crawl.

    That's the worst sin for me and i didn't play for very long to see if it was all worth it in the end (about 30 minutes, i think)