I'll rewrite and add some scenes in the prologue chapter along with the first chapter to make her less forceful in her approach. However, this will necessitate a full replay of the prologue chapter, which I don't think that most people would like to do.
I didn't expect people to hate her as much as they did. Maybe it's a writer's bias, or perhaps it's because I already knew her story while writing the prologue chapter.
There is an imbalance of power dynamics between the MC and Jenny, which is because she's rich and owns half of the school and the player being a normal person who comes from a farm. But the imbalance won't stay that way forever, in the next few chapters it'll shift and become a healthy relationship between Jenny and MC.
Just catching up here.
It's entirely your decision whether you
wish to rewrite this or not, no one here is entitled to anything from you especially since this is just the prologue release.
Like you said yourself, none of your characters are perfect and were never meant to be. This is all part of
your creative vision for the game
you are making, and as much as people are giving you these remarks because they care about your game, they are not the authors of the story or the characters in it - you are. You certainly do not have to accommodate every whim and preference of your audience by changing around what
you have planned for the game.
Complaining that Jenny
should not have behaved this or that way right from the onset is honestly very selfish thinking. Based on what? Your expectations of proper human behavior perhaps? Why would she
need to behave more appropriately? We
don't know any of those characters for crying out loud! That was the whole point of this prologue!
Flaws are a far better metric for assessing one's personality and being than
virtues because by existing they present a potential for growth and perhaps overcoming them! Polarity keeps the world interesting!
TrueLoveGames my own selfish wish is for you to stick to your guns and original vision as you planned and not bow down before outside pressure to make a character more palatable to everyone's precious sensibilities. I understand and sympathize with your disappointment at this reception but please keep in mind that no great deed has ever passed without inciting some sort of controversy

Know that you have the backing of many people here who likewise appreciate your work and respect your vision for your game, and would love to see it realized unaffected by outside mob pressure. And if you do decide to rewrite, I hope it is on your own terms and no one else's