Just finished the latest update and I have a couple of observations.
First, I really like this game. The story, while quite implausible, is still fun (we delve into these games to ESCAPE reality, don't we?

). The renders are just beautiful, and the character development is fairly well done. I've found myself easily able to develop strong feelings for the folks inhabiting this world - and have fallen in "love" with several of them.
I'll be eagerly looking forward to whatever the creators have in store for us, but I do have one small "complaint"...
I find that the game could use a thorough proofread. I get that the developer(s) are likely non-native English speakers, and I applaud their efforts regardless of the obvious weaknesses exhibited in their use of the English language. The story STILL gets told in a manner that is understandable, but the experience is diminished by the VERY numerous errors in the text, particularly in this last installment. I don't think this is a game-breaker for me, and I doubt that it matters very much to most of us here, but I think this observation could be helpful to the creators of this fine game. I'd even volunteer to do some of the proofreading myself if they were inclined to seek assistance in this.
All that said, though, I still think this game is a blast. I'll continue playing through it to be able to get involved with all of the lovely love interests in their turns. Kudos to TLGGames, in spite of my "complaints", for this great title.