Pretty much spot on how I was feeling and reacted when I read between the lines during Rose's and the MC phone call, to Petal somehow getting those sexy pics of Bliss to Bliss herself in her underwear in the middle of the day in a hotel room and mom is 'around'

While it is troubling the falling out Rose had with uncle Chuck and the trauma associated with what I'm guessing was their own incestual affair, I do find it curious she would be amenable to taking comfort in her daughter(s) or at least with Bliss while Petal similarity has attached herself to the MC.
While I definitely did not see this family unit reconciling, especially into any kind of incestual relations as a whole, I definitely can't wait to see how it plays out as hopefully if the plan is still us getting "A Moment of Bliss." One thing is for certain, just like the store clerk mentioned to the MC, after this, they are kidding themselves if they think things will just go back to normal once the week is over. Something tells me Petal's opinion on what society deems acceptable is something that has already developed over time considering/experimenting with incestual relations. Obviously discretion and only acting affectionately in private behind closed doors is a must, but my hope is Petal is able to slowly change the MC's mind about this 'fantasy relationship' only lasting for the week. Fingers cross Bliss and Rose encourage them to continue!