
New Member
Aug 26, 2018
For those starting out, I've compiled a list of responses to select when brawling one of the soldiers in thomas' tavern(The minigame that plays when one of the soldier slaps kate's ass). Not sure if list is exhaustive.

You're weak! I can dodge your attack any time - Attack
We're all laughing, boy. Is that all you've got? - Attack
I'm here, try to beat me if you dare! - Attack
My wife hits harder than you! - Attack
COME HERE - Attack

I've had enough of you! - Block
Your pretty girl... She will love what I do to you! - Block
I will show you how a real man fights - Block
Now watch, guys! This boy is about to learn a lesson! - Block

I will crush you! - Wild Wttack
RAAAARRR - Wild Attack
When I'm done with you, your own mother won't recognize you! - Wild Attack


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I honestly love NTR with Opehilia, A
NTR scenes with Dave, when she can't pay. It takes a few times until she is completely seduced by him.

I play a non-NTR run and a NTR run just to see most seens.

I have to say, until now I did not have any problem with when one of the women was cheating on me. When Penny folded like a cheap chair after a few attempts by Dave, it hurt, as she was an earnest hardworking character.
i love NTR and I love seeing NTR with Opehila, Arriana and Mira. but the only one kinda hurts me is Mira and Arriana. I did the Mira Church which opens up possible sharing, but she still cheats. Arriana hurts only cause I don't want her path to end I still want to bang her. I haven't done the Corvin ntr in my new playthrough.
Nov 12, 2019
Is there a bug fix for Tia on the Dasan route? When Dasan goes to claim her due to being left alone to long the scene turns into a mess of different cgs playing all at once.
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Active Member
Aug 23, 2017
I want to know which parts of "plugins.js" are not allowed to be translated
Because I don't know English well.
This is going to be very difficult to help you with if you don't speak english well. I will try to speak plainly.

Translating code breaks games. Most text in plugins.js is code. To avoid problems, you must only translate things that look like this.

Text":"You Can Translate Words In Here"

In this example, the code is specifying that everything underlined is text. The code changes from developer to developer because plugins.js is a list of instructions for plugins that the game uses. Not every game uses the same plugins.

My advice: Don't touch the plugins.js file unless you know what you are doing or want to do a lot of trial and error. It usually isn't worth the headache when translating.


Jul 12, 2019
Wow I've not played since march I think? and hell of a lot of content to comeback to lol, I skimmed the changelogs, so may have read past it but is it possible now that you can have a three way relationship with, Emily, Frisha and Mira? it seems a natural evolution if your going full corruption route.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2020
I left of when we first got to the monastery I completed everything before that, where do I start with in the walkthrough?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
I have some feedback regarding the Character Quests of the Queen Helena and Orc King Daughter, Umah.

1st, Umah :- Her character quest had so so much potential, but when I saw what was done I was so , so disappointed.
The decison to make her fold to Mc ,by wiping her memory was so not good. It felt so cheap and so below the normal quality of the game.
It just felt like a cheat and ruined all the tension that Umah's character & quest had bought with her and all the possible ways to genuinely win her over , instead of just wiping her memory clean & changing her body to generic human form with green skin.

Her whole personality goes to shit , like a blank stale , tasteless.

2nd The Queen :- Helena folds too easily too. She's royalty and was too friendly with the MC from the start it felt like.
She should have been a bit like Frisha at start , condescending and uptight.
Well it's still not that bad as the Umah quest, but still had do much potential.

But for real though, as soon as Umah transformed , it ruined the mood so, so bad.
Fair criticism.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
I generally don't say this , especially for Chyos.
But the later game writing seems to have declined somewhat.
It's also not easy to feel for the creator, especially with so much content already and so deep into development, but I feel like a pullback to gain a birdeye view of the project is needed.
It's really not that bad , but the standard Chyos has maintained its noticable.

I also feel like the game really needs to enter in it's 2nd ACT , it need new characters and continuation of the main Story line to get back on the track.
That'll happen when MC finally goes to the city I think.


Mar 31, 2020
I generally don't say this , especially for Chyos.
But the later game writing seems to have declined somewhat.
It's also not easy to feel for the creator, especially with so much content already and so deep into development, but I feel like a pullback to gain a birdeye view of the project is needed.
It's really not that bad , but the standard Chyos has maintained its noticable.

I also feel like the game really needs to enter in it's 2nd ACT , it need new characters and continuation of the main Story line to get back on the track.
true i believed the game was already finished history wise, and he was just making patches just to milk it a little bit, but looks like he just goes with the wind, i wish he could finish the story in the village and expand to the city like in a second game (3rd act?), in my opinion its like already too big to give a whole new city with new characters and all while you have the village not finished yet, there isnt much to finish, but there are still things with loose ends
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2018
true i believed the game was already finished history wise, and he was just making patches just to milk it a little bit, but looks like he just goes with the wind, i wish he could finish the story in the village and expand to the city like in a second game (3rd act?), in my opinion its like already too big to give a whole new city with new characters and all while you have the village not finished yet, there isnt much to finish, but there are still things with loose ends
Given what you said I think you are quite far from having played everything that is already in the game.

The city of Kirlic already has some tie with quite a few characters : the MC, Kate, Claire, Ophilia, Liandra, Melissa and Sabrina.
Even if they don't all go back there, their stories will have some progress linked to Kirlic.

Even if you narrow down "the village" to Arienfield and the mines, you still have the plots about the cult, the dwarve/dark elves, the Gods/demons (Isha, Athia and Syfa for now, but maybe some other gods and demons will show up) and the war.
And there is also the control of Arenfield that will most likely be taken over by the MC at some point, and that ties in with the mercenary camp and Lyvia, Yasmine and Julia.

But you can't really narrow "the village" to just that, because everything is tied together in some way.
On top the links with Kirlic that I mentioned before.
Tia and Katherine link Arenfield with the Orcs.
The queen and the princess link the Orcs with the war.
Mia and the Gods/demons link to the monastery.
Anya is linked to the war.
The Gods and the war are linked to almost everything.
And the Cult most likely has a lot of ties as well, so far its mostly about the obscure shenanigans of the male characters in the game.

And there is most likely some stuff that I forgot because there is a lot going on.

But EVERYTHING is tied together in some way, even if we don't know it yet.
The recent updates have proven that with the addition of the queen, the princess and some new info from Penny's new update that I wont spoil.

All that being said, I do agree that seeing the main story arcs progress a bit more would be nice but it's gonna take some time.
Given how the stories are slowly tying up together, I think Chyos has the big lines of the full story already written.
This is a good sign that the game won't get a half-assed/rushed ending just to say the game is finished.

This gamed is the best on F95 in my opinion.
Some other games have better visuals and some also have good stories.
But ASWS has a great story, the best gameplay (on F95) and a shit ton of content. And the visual quality has improved a lot over time.
I already have over 150 hours on the game and I wouldn't mind spending another 150 to get to the end of the full game if the quality of the game stays on par with what's already there.
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