I'm going to point out an oddity involving the in-game clock. I'd call it a bug, but it may be due to my running on Linux. So...
Time is 0845. Press T to advance time one hour. New time 0900. This is how I expect time advancement to work because most scenes play at the top of the hour when sitting on a map.
Time is 1750. I'm at Emily's house and click the chair at the table to wait for dinner. This causes time to advance. New time 1850. This triggers everyone moving to the dinner table to eat, but I can't sit down until the table is placed. By the time Emily reaches the table time has reached 1900, and everyone heads back to their rooms. Emily never places the table, I do not get to eat, and Emily is now heading back to the kitchen to clean up.
The second behavior seems to occur anytime an interaction advances the clock. Head to bed at home and sleep in Marcus's bed? Lie down at 0030, sleep until morning, and the time is now 0730. In the staff quarters at the inn(Kate and Claire's room), 2230, click on mat and sleep until midnight(0000), wake at 0030.
I'm on
Personally, I dislike time of day descriptors(morning, evening, late evening) and prefer clock times(7AM, 6PM, 10PM) for clarity. I have no problem with 24 hour format, but I know that isn't the majority. Also, using an analog clock is a bold choice given that most kids these days have no idea how to read it.