not to forget the gripping story, the sex/hentai scenes are hot

no question but the mystery and connection of all the quests lets one hunger for more.
- a King who was on the surface a benevolent Mann with two greedy selfish sons, one who starts a civil war because he is the younger of the brothers and thinks he would be a better ruler, the other who pretends to make a alliance with the Orc tribes just to break his word after the war and kill all the rest of them that dont die in the fights, to top it of both are Tyrants that demand terribly high taxes of all their subjects that we wish the Father of the two would still be alive only to find out in the Chalice quest that he is just as if not worse than the two of them
- the Past of the Mc, I tend to think that he is the illegitimate third son of the King and this is the reason that after the King dies his Mother and all of her House gets killed
- the Cult of Arenfield a group that in the beginning wished to give the people more freedom ala Magna Carta but got corrupted and are now nothing more then vandal zealots with demonic magic
- the Asshole Giron and his idiot son Dave and their bootlicker Henry by Odin i can not be the only one who wishes to go full Viking on all three of them

, give them the Blood aar

, take Yasmine and Julia over the shoulder and go with them to your Base that you renovated fom a Mercenary camp to a Castle/Fortress/Palast and have sex with them all night long

Giron is the picture of greed, glutony and Patricide if my suspicion that he has his father poisoned correct is not that it would be far from the truth if he can ruin Yasmines family without remorse for riches he can kill his Father for more power,
Dave and Henry are the villain version of laurel & hardy with the difference laurel & hardy are funny and lovable idiots that could not even harm a fly ( except if hardy by accident sit on it and laurel by accident stumbles over it

), but this two are just dirt and think they are heroes that everyone admires and can do whatever they want and all this leads to the question who are Girons friends that could make all his plans possible and successful the corrupted cult or a third party
and these are just a couple of story elements of much more contend that is now in the game or will expanded in future updates all from one single Dev and this in one month and a couple days per big update overall on top he gives us status updates in his blog all this work for a Game with story, adventure, erotic, harem, love, hate and mystery
this much fanservice deserves respect