
Jul 11, 2020
I don't really think leaving my work behind means that I can't be a "true" artist. Back then I was extremely unhappy and knew only one thing, I couldn't keep working on the project. I didn't like the foundation I had created. I am not a full time creator and started this as a hobby project with prospects of making my hobby into a job. I don't think I had any obligation to keep working on something that made me unhappy. Back then I had about 20 patrons and they were fine with me moving on. So I don't think I disrespected my work. I learned a tremendous amount from it and used that knowledge to create something 100% better and something that I actually like.

Now don't get me wrong. I ended this game badly, I know. I wasn't very familiar with the scene and didn't even consider the option of marking the game as abandoned. I wanted to be done with it, and I only thought about "completing" it. Even though the ending is very bad and rushed. The rape stuff was stupid. Looking onto the scene from a superficial level I thought it was popular, so I put it in. A stupid move, It was neither that kind of story, nor am I the kind of writer for that. I know how bad that was. Now I am not writing to apologize or to say the criticism is wrong. It is the opposite. I wanted to let everyone reading this know that I am conscious of the mistakes I made. I should have handled it differently and I didnt. But I find the sentiment that all of my work must be bad because of the ending of this game to be a bit unfair. I think it is the opposite. You learn from mistakes and I have learned that I need to approach my games differently.

Maybe at some point you could push out a final update? Remove the rape scene, maybe make it a "lets test this aphrodisiac potion i made" scene instead since she loves alchemy, then have the same morning apology, but instead of apologizing for the rape, he apologizes for not taking responsibility over his actions. Same ending essentially, but it would be much more satisfying and would make more sense, because them just being like "Yeah ok just don't rape us again." is a lot harder to justify then "Yeah ok just be more honest with your feelings from now on."

Or you could always do what a lot of devs do, and just remake the whole thing at a later date, its a pretty good story with potential.
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Jun 18, 2017
I don't really think leaving my work behind means that I can't be a "true" artist. Back then I was extremely unhappy and knew only one thing, I couldn't keep working on the project. I didn't like the foundation I had created. I am not a full time creator and started this as a hobby project with prospects of making my hobby into a job. I don't think I had any obligation to keep working on something that made me unhappy. Back then I had about 20 patrons and they were fine with me moving on. So I don't think I disrespected my work. I learned a tremendous amount from it and used that knowledge to create something 100% better and something that I actually like.

Now don't get me wrong. I ended this game badly, I know. I wasn't very familiar with the scene and didn't even consider the option of marking the game as abandoned. I wanted to be done with it, and I only thought about "completing" it. Even though the ending is very bad and rushed. The rape stuff was stupid. Looking onto the scene from a superficial level I thought it was popular, so I put it in. A stupid move, It was neither that kind of story, nor am I the kind of writer for that. I know how bad that was. Now I am not writing to apologize or to say the criticism is wrong. It is the opposite. I wanted to let everyone reading this know that I am conscious of the mistakes I made. I should have handled it differently and I didnt. But I find the sentiment that all of my work must be bad because of the ending of this game to be a bit unfair. I think it is the opposite. You learn from mistakes and I have learned that I need to approach my games differently.
I came back to respond to this comment. First I am glad to hear you have learned from this mistake. really that is all we can do with them. moving on was fine. In fact I wish you moved on without that final section and never finished the act. so many great games end "unfinished" because the dev got bored of them or disappeared and if that last couple of scenes was never in here it would have gone down as one of my favorites even unfinished. The rest of this is going to be explaining what was so upsetting to me that an eternal lurker not only left a comment, not only a negative comment that isn't even constructive despite my general policy of not wasting time commenting on works I dislike/hate. but actually devolved to swearing and honestly now a bit embarrassing behavior. If all you take away from this is that the rape choice was a bad choice that is fine but if you want more insight into why it upset so many of us so much read on.

The thing you have to understand about rape stuff is that while it is indeed incredibly popular (so popular in fact that the number 1 reported sexual fantasy is pretend rape for both "rapist" and "victim" roles and that it is one of the best selling Genre of writing before the internet even existed.) It is also incredibly polarizing and needs to be handled with caution. and preferably with respect. or at the very least with some hints of consent or softening of the situation. you can have a dark serious look at rape and why people do it and what it does to victims and how horrible a thing it is. or you can not do that and use it as a vehicle for your plot and ignore/trivialize it. but you absolutely cannot do both and especially not from the POV of the rapist. even more so if you are supposed to identify with the character.

old bodice rippers were not very respectful of rape victims or of the horror of the act but the "rapes" were essentially a cop out. she wants to have sex with him he wants to have sex with her but she "can't" because social norms or marriage or whatever. you see from her perspective and mentally she is going yes yes while verbally she is going oh no my husband/virginity and then you get right into her enjoying it but you can't blame her for being "raped" and so you can have your morally acceptable heroine have sex with the guy she really wants because he is just too assertive to be denied when he knows you both want this (or less popularly is actually an evil rapist bastard but will soften with exposure to the pure maidens love and the sex is a vehicle to change his life forever rather than hers. the rape is an excuse for hot sexy times that the readers are here to read and barely factors in most of the time once events start.

I am not opposed to rape in games myself. and I even enjoy some that are not very respectful about the subject. I love Incubus City and Ravager. games that revolve around the concept to one degree or another. the key though is that I don't really identify with the rapist even thought they are the POV character. your not supposed to in those works. the rapist (who you do play as) is almost cartoonishly evil. one is a monster that just wakes up one day and decides to go a raping just to see how many he can get in about 2 weeks. the other is a monster who seeks power at all costs literally from birth and their choices empower them in different ways with the choice to Assault or not revolving more around what benefits it provides than morality.

but you got me into the mind of your character. I felt like he was a realistic person not exactly me but someone i could see myself maybe having been in another life or at least someone I would befriend. I identified with this person and I came to make decisions as I would have. overall the illusion of choice was rather flimsy but just strong enough to pull me along for the ride. and I cannot stress enough that I rather enjoyed the ride I was on it was silly sure and a bit weird but fun overall.

then suddenly I was out of control. I stumbled into a Hard rape scene I didn't want or chose. no subtle hints that this is what they really want they just can't say so. no dubiousness about them consenting or not consenting. there wasn't even any of the week ass excuses for it that actual rapists generally try to invent to soften the blow or rationalize their actions. just rape for the sake of getting the "body" count from one number to another. I assumed that I screwed up somewhere. skipped a step or triggered a bug and ended up in content designed for a different route. maybe there was more choice involved than I thought. I tried everything I could think of dug through old saves and choices, grinded regents and made boatloads of aphrodisiac potions, then all the others incase I had to mix potions somehow. I spent several hours in desperate horror trying to find a way out of this to salvage the game story and charecter that I had grown to enjoy so much.

eventually I gave up. I thought. Maybe the succubus has betrayed us and is forcing this. maybe this will be a plot point poorly shoehorned in that will get cleaned up later.

ahhh but wait. he is acting like he had no choice. he is revolted by what he did. he is apologizing begging for forgiveness. any second now we will realize that he was mind controlled or body jacked or experimented on or hallucinating maybe having a nightmare or just something that made it so he didn't chose to do this horrible thing.

nope. he just opps I slipped and temporarily transformed into a rapist. so sorry about that. promise not to do it again although i have no idea why I did it again never thought it was a good idea in the first place and have no idea how to avoid suddenly transforming into a rapist against my will in the future.

huh. you forgive me? k thanks lets just go off together on a long journey where I am expected to have sex with you and everyone else and also will have more power over you and everyone you know than I have thus far enjoyed the entire time you knew me.

the tonal whiplash from magical adventure with some naughty not quite so legal fun to horrifying rape to appropriate revulsion to sudden meh caused me actual pain with how hard it shattered my image of this experience. the hope roller-coaster just made me feel duped and betrayed.

if you hadn't done such a good job with the rest the backlash wouldn't have been anywhere near as sever. it fees not just wrong but unnecessary as well both in game and in a meta sense. If the character was the kind of person to do that I would have shrugged. If the character didn't change back to himself right after I would have deleted the game and never thought of it again aside from deciding that you were a terrible writer who doesn't understand how to make consistent characters and who maybe just lost an editor from your team (if you even had a team). If the aphrodisiac potions didn't exist or they hadn't already discussed having sex and she was so mentally impaired that there was really no in game way to proceed I would have chalked it up to you writing yourself into a corner and having no way out but brute force. but there were frankly easier to write methods for fast tracking the ending already built into the setting. hell. just say. your the last it is time we need to go do it for the succubus would have worked. fade to black bam done. unsatisfying as hell but clearly a rush to slap done on the project solution. but you chose to do this. and it makes no sense that you did. at least from the player side. even if you decide to go with a rape scene because you just gotta get that tag in there a softer spiked her drink with aphrodisiacs in the style of date rapists everywhere would have been far less jarring. it would be on the extreame dark end of this character but it would at least be in his range. especially if he feels mildly guilty about it and rationalizes to himself to "make it ok." it would become ignorable. the worse you make his what have i done guilt though and the faster it comes on the weirder and more frustrating it gets though.
he can't go why am i raping I don't know. Im disgusting im just the worst. While also continuing the rape. if that is how he feels he should stop. or never have started. action and intent need to flow in line unless some other being is forcing his hand.

you don't have to fix it as some people are suggesting. If you are done your done. I wouldn't mind a "fixed" version and I would probably playthrough it as a pallet cleanser but it would never be the same as before. especially not this much later on.

I really do hope you learn from this though. Don't surprise people with rape scenes. especially if that is not what they are there for. make the people who are acting match the actions they take. provide some distance from the event for the player. at the very least make such an action have real consequences. or as you said. if it is not that kind of game and your not that kind of author. don't do it. just don't. that is a good general note for all kinds of content but is especially true with extremely sensitive subjects like rape.

The the Guy

Jun 28, 2018
I like the way the game looks tho some parts could probably be cut like when you have to click on the school after the choice to help the cat girl since theres no other options its just a waste. Also the writing for the MC either needs to be changed a lot or the backstory for the MC needs to change. You make it seem like he is familiar with the world of magic but he still needs to be told simple things like witches being familiar with sorcerers espesially after being told that witch craft was created with sorcery teachings. Lastly give the player a bit more choice in how the MC reacts to the world around him like when hes on the ship and it starts storming instead of him just being scared let the player choose are they scared, interested in just watching the storm, or maybe just tired and want to sleep. These choices help to hook the player early on and help keep them interested later.


Jun 7, 2019
Download Unofficial Android Port

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Apr 25, 2018
Well, I finally have the desire to finish the translation of this game, and I hope that I will be able to edit it before the end of the week.
I don't really think leaving my work behind means that I can't be a "true" artist. Back then I was extremely unhappy and knew only one thing, I couldn't keep working on the project.
I'm sorry to mention you like that, because I don't know any other way. I have a question for you, as a developer, is there a way to start scenes without going through them in the plot (by using commands in the console), or do you need to go through it yourself, and if the second is true, then, do not consider it rude, but do you still have any saves from this game?
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

You can get in touch with a person in a multiple of different ways. Quoting like you did doing the @ followed by the username you'll know if you did it right as names will start appearing while you type and then you can pick the name or PMing.


Engaged Member
Aug 22, 2019
Download android Final APK
Android games updated daily -
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Apr 25, 2018
Download android Final APK Mega
Android games updated daily -
have you corrected typos in the code? I do not know if they affect the performance, but checking the scripts Renpy complains that the game does not have several arts + in some places typos in the tags (about the original version)


New Member
Jun 17, 2020
Any walkthrough available for this one?
None that I can find, but it's fairly straight forward. If you're stuck, check each room and talk to each person for new actions/events. Make sure to keep your star count up so you've always got money, basically. I spent the first several in-game weeks just working to build a nice nestegg, as the stuff you have to buy later on (alcohols for potions and whatnot) are rather expensive.

That said, the game basically just *ends.* And not a particularly satisfying ending at that. At least the Dev admits this, which is good.

As long as they don't pull the same shit with MIST, I'll be fine. If they do, then you can count me out for anything else this Dev *ever* does.


New Member
Apr 30, 2020
I miss the old loli games
I wish there could be a archive files where we can find old incest/loli/shota games
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