My friend, It is very interesting and nice to hear all you said and see in some movies but this is a porn game.You seem to have completely forgotten it.
If their favorite character is lagging behind the other characters in the story, then that routes is completely boring for them.Dylan is a very popular character in this story. But If he wasn't a popular character in the story, maybe all you said was true.
lol Do you think Dylan's fans will support L&P until then? And Do you think his fans will still wait 10 or 15 years to see Sophia and Dylan 1st sex scenes?
If there are more hot scenes and breakthroughs in other characters' events than Dylan in 3 to 4 playable days. And After the first sex of the game, his fans get upset and they lose interest in Dylan's path. Then Dylan drops down from the game's ranking list. I am eagerly waiting to see it.
If Ellie is No.1 on the game's ranking list, sam will move to 2nd place.

Maybe Aiden could come in 3rd place.
The first romantic scenes and the first sex of the game should always take place with the man who loves Sophia and cares about her. In Dylan's path, it is not possible.
My friend, virgin boys always lose their virginity with older and attractive women. 5 years ago I lost my virginity with the mother of my office colleague friend.
As we saw in the story, the people Sophia liked the most were Sam and Dylan. She likes him because Dylan is his son.
Sam is the only person Sophia likes so much and she looks at him sexually. It might be possible on Sam's route.