Sorry, but I think you are mistaken. This is imaginary city placed in imaginary country. It looks like California, but nowhere is mentioned that it is in California. "Soccer" is a word used in several countries, not only in USA.
I agree that there are a lot of references that points to USA but this was probably done for marketing purposes (people love Hollywood movies). Even assets, houses, windows, bar, school busses .... all looks like America, but it is pain in the ass to find assets that looks like German village

I see no reason why L&P should avoid using real cities and states, but the fact is that he did. So, you are free to believe that this is USA, but you can't assume that the rules that apply in USA apply in this game. This is imaginary world reminiscent of USA, sometimes because L&P want that, and sometimes because he had no choice (except for some German cars at the beginning
