For a "professional writer", you commit a cardinal sin in your treatise:
"but you take already to [sic] long for it to the point no one cares anymore"
Assumption and assuming your opinion is the correct one. In fact many people care, like his style and pacing and are willing to support him for it.
Basing a statement on the limited sample from an F95 message board is fallacious.
And basing your statement on my limited sample from this message board isnt fallacious....?? *cough hypocrite cough*
1. I dont write in english language and i did no cardinal sin either. A cardinal sin between us writers would be to copy a certain writing style from a colleague or trying to cross genres in order to fit many markets at once.
Or like in this case watching someone making his story to big for its own good. If you have a writing team no problem. If you do the writing all by yourself. Huge problem.
2. The Assumption is on your end. I simply state what sells itself over 20 years of writing not what seems to work cause no one else did it so far in this forum.
Sure the dev can make money like this but for how long? Big Brother Dev made the same mistake i warned about and he ignored it now he lost almost half his patreons because not adapting and ignoring every piece of advice someone can give who knows more then he does. I dont know shit about game development but i have experience in writing.
I make money for over 20 years now based on what i stated.
Unless you write yourself for publishers like "paramon" or "novum" i would be quiet about stuff you know nothing about.
Your opinion in this is exactly that. An opinion.
If you publish your first book come back and let me know and see how hard it is to sell it to the point you can make a living out of it. Im sure you dont start arguing then cause a proofreader already stated the issues in your story and cut half the stuff you cared about out the book cause its meaningless and not needed for the plot. That way you lose 200 or more pages on your first book and can start rewriting.
Thats the reality of it. He can make 1 good game but if his next one takes as long as this one the ppl will leave. Same happend to BB cause they dont care to wait another year for 1 sex scene. And 1 year is a long time if you need to pay your bills and 50% of your income makes poof.
3. Yes alot of ppl are willing to support him until this game reaches the first sex scenes and they leave dissapointed or they get blue balled for to long or the game is done, then they drop him faster then a hot potato. Like every other dev in this forum with a few exceptions who stick to the stuff i already mentioned.
Stick to the main plot. Ignore to many side stories. Focus on main story and main characters and progress of said story.
DmD, My Sweet neighbours, Parental Love, Big brother etc. And we dont focus on the quality of the game but on the writing. And for those games the writing is on point. Not 10/10 but on point. Thats how you sell a story.
As example on Big Brother. Did the players get blue balled alot? Yes. Was it needed? No. Did he milk it? yes. Is that how you care for your audience? Absolutely not. But story wise this is how you do it. Little by little sex and more sex. Slowly but steady from naked to, touching to, petting to more hardcore stuff.
4. You fail to realize that your opinion (you dont write you have no clue what you talking about) in this matter only works in short term.
While what i advised works from now till the dev either quits and pursues other stuff or works till his retirement.
So you need to ask yourself only one question.
You want the dev to have 1 good game (cause its different) or a career? Everyone called me names when i said that BB will lose half his patreons cause he doesnt focus on BB anymore like DmD did aside from Patreon while making another game on the side. Now look at it. From 3,1k patreons to 1,6k. Thats alot of money lost cause someone rather starts a new story then finishing an old one.
If you want the dev to have a career and make more games after this he has to learn how to write a story the proper way. Slow pacing works if you put some "bacon" in between. And by bacon i mean sex. Obviously.
This only works cause he is the first one who makes it that way. What you thinks happen if he keeps growing patreons? Exactly.
More and more devs start adapting and makte the same amount of slow pacing games and driven rather by story then by sexy events and when that happens the better writer wins not the bigger updates and who got the most rendered pictures.
If he cuts his writing shorter and focus on what i said it doesnt matter if 40 new devs make similar games. He simply wins by story writing and keeping it focused and on point.
But lets agree to disagree and meet again in a year. Im sure till then you get what i was writing