Yeah well I will most definitely just stop paying any attention to this game. I will come back to it in 5-7 years when it reaches 0.5 version. Honestly the development process and time it takes for whoever is developing this game is absolute trash. Especially since she/he already has most assets made. WTF is taking so long the game does not even have animations. Does he/she freaking recreate entire scenes even if the action happens in same place with same layout and assets? Garbage development pace...
you have to play Part 1 to the very end and let the game export your progress.
provide a meaningful name to keep different playthroughs apart.
you start Part 2 by importing one of your exported game states. save files made by anything other than Part 2 are marked incompatible cuz there is simply no content of Part 1 to get Part 1 save files working.
keep in mind, only exported game states of my android port of Part 1 are usable!
from now on my android ports of Ren'Py games have a 2nd, persistent save location like windows. if you uninstall an app, the save files and persistent data remain intact.
therefore the app needs the permission to access the public external storage (or a new one on Android 11 ), because it has to read and write outside its own external storage directories.
you have to grant the permission or the app is shut down.
have fun and please report problems (you can reach me
I'm sorry but I deeply hate Sam. It still looks like a weasel stalking to me. Is this update is for Sam, this will then be an update that I will not download
Just realised something. The Nathalie event has a GW/Filthy choice, with the ideal choice being the Filthy one. So we might be wrong about Nat being the woman for the GW Threesome.
Nothing with Patricia except for in the Sam event, and a brief scene with Ellie and Christine.
So if you're specifically after lesbian scenes with Patricia and/or Ellie, no this update isn't worth downloading. The Nathalie event is pretty hot though. Definitely an advancement for those on the lesbian path. Nathalie now is in the lead for getting Sophia wet.
Next event is on playable day 14, so the skip is more like 2 years.
I will be married and lose interest or time to play this VN before Sophia having sex with someone else other than her husband.. lucky kids are those who will be born in 2070 who can see Sophia let the mailman touch her fabric..